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WTB: Nintendo DS Game Case w/ Custom Printed Artwork

Skippy B. Coyote

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Hey there everyone :)

I'm making this post because I'd really like to have a nice DS game case for my R4 flash cart to display on my shelf and store it when not in use, but unfortunately I lack both a high quality color printer to print the case artwork ( http://www.thecoverproject.net/view.php?game_id=2902) and the ability to cut a straight line. I'm not kidding, I couldn't cut paper straight and clean if my life depended on it. :lol:


So, I'm wondering if there is anyone around here with some spare DS cases, a photo quality color printer, and the ability to cut out the case artwork straight and cleanly who would be willing to take on the project for a fee? I'd gladly pay whatever the person doing the project felt was a reasonable cost for the time, effort, and materials to have a nice R4 cart case on my game shelf. :)


Just drop a post in this thread or shoot me a private message if you're interested in helping me out.

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