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Software project - Possible?


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Hey people, wanted to ask what those people who are really good at this think?


I like the idea of the old school Atari BBS.. I wish more people used them... on the otherhand we have great forums like this one.. so why move from it.





A front end be programmed for the database tables here that would allow an Abit to telnet into it? read the forums like they are and respond to them?


I am sure all the fonts editing features.. etc..etc.. would have to be stripped out.. but could someone get on to AtariAge and create edit and post ? Read (again the front end would have to modify quote boxes etc..


But COULD it be done?? would be a really cool way to use our ataris to talk about ataris



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I think it would be amazing to log into AA bbs see all the forum topics. There are not that many practical uses for the 8bit internet wise at the moment.


I would love to see forums newsgroups email. I am new so not sure this is not a stupid question but can you not access the net through RespeQt and AspeQt and APE? or no?


I have not found many topics about internet use.


The new GUI would be awesome. I would like to support that as much as I could.



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I was thinking along those lines when I did this mockup a few years ago


That was me, although I had a different account back then...basically I let a few years slip and can't even remember my account, and have to create a new one lol.


I was going to use curl and php to create a very simple web service, even simpler than soap or xml-rpc, real barebones.


And then have this front end - and it'd be like a BBS only for atariage.


I don't ever have the time to code these things, but I like the idea....


p.s. where I got with the thing, is I had written in assembler a run-length encoder to rapidly put "atari age" on the screen (like the mockup mostly), because the top portion of the screen, needed to display quickly. But I purposely wanted the BBS client to be written in basic - for the purpose of self modifying code.


In other words - I wanted downloadable 'basic' code - to be our 'javascript'..oh I know that isn't the least bit secure, but it'd be ultra cool - I thought, lol.


I wasn't too concerned about the web scraping part of the project because I've done that before, so didn't really look into it much, but I did have some kind of tiny server written,maybe in ruby, I don't even remember, that I was using so that the atari could send it REST type calls.


Then - of course, life took over and I disappeared for a few years... listen to me complain....maybe what I need to do is work with someone else...I could contribute a little bit if someone else was doing it... like you, I think it'd be pretty neat to have.

Edited by Dmitry
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Jvas, did you log that post from that solution? What I was dreaming of was a solution where a server tier only sent down to the Atari exactly what it needed. A general browser will have html tagging that takes extra time. Also a custom bobs client can take advantage of the Ataris graphical abilities. Even in 2012 contiki was being discussed... Obviously that is what some enjoy. For me, I wanted a tailored experienced optimized....with attachment downloading and posting. I think it would be great if someone took this up, I'd help if it was a community project

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Jvas, did you log that post from that solution? What I was dreaming of was a solution where a server tier only sent down to the Atari exactly what it needed. A general browser will have html tagging that takes extra time. Also a custom bobs client can take advantage of the Ataris graphical abilities. Even in 2012 contiki was being discussed... Obviously that is what some enjoy. For me, I wanted a tailored experienced optimized....with attachment downloading and posting. I think it would be great if someone took this up, I'd help if it was a community project

What I wanted to say: with a purified frontend, you will get almost the same speed with this cartridge based interface, as if you connected to a real bbs (over serial). All the hardware exisits, all the software exists. The only task is to develop a stripped down html frontend.

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Tapatalk already gives a different interface to AtariAge on mobile devices, and it looks like IP Board does offer some API methods, but I don't know how usable they would be from the 8-bit. With the Dragon Cart the Atari may be able to interface directly, but there is the problem of security.


Maybe there could be some sort of sync model for BBSes, that would be able to download the new messages from AtariAge and upload any messages from the BBS.


I miss Usenet....

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Games Computers Play interface linked into the db tables of Atari Age would be cool.. Navigate the forums with the joystick in a graphical type world (where as someone else suggested) where the graphics and what not would all be on the cartridge so you're just pulling down message pointers and actual messages.


Agreed - security would be an issue...


Love the idea!!

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Tapatalk already gives a different interface to AtariAge on mobile devices, and it looks like IP Board does offer some API methods, but I don't know how usable they would be from the 8-bit. With the Dragon Cart the Atari may be able to interface directly, but there is the problem of security.


Maybe there could be some sort of sync model for BBSes, that would be able to download the new messages from AtariAge and upload any messages from the BBS.


I miss Usenet....


Just thought I would let you know that I did have a quick chat with Albert and this is what he said...




Well, the software isn't open source, however, I do have the complete source code (it's IP.Board, which is written in PHP). I can modify it directly, as well as create modules for it. Creating a means to access the forums from an 8-bit computer would certainly be possible, although I have no idea how much work that might entail. Would be pretty cool to see people posting from an 8-bit, though, so I would wholeheartedly support such a project. :)


Take care,





So .. now we need some interest? Anyone else want to access Atari Age from their 8-bit???



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I'm all for pirating software... But I'm wondering where he got the source code to Invision Board?

It's PHP. If you have it on your server for hosting, you have the source code. PHP is an interpreted language, not a compiled. WAY back when MS was doing ASP, it was the same. Your code and markup is in the same file. It was only after going to ASP.NET that it changed.

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You may look at that.


And listen to a very interesting ANTIC Podcast Interview with Tom Hudson

He has adapted his game "Planetary Defense 2012" to use a "B:" CIO device ("URL submitter" emulated in Coolleen).

I have this on my "TO DO" list for SIO2BT (should not be that difffcult), so you could submit your hi-score not only from the emulator, but also from the real ATARI ;)

Edited by TheMontezuma
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