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Need to better understand Falcon video port & displays for it

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I am a happy owner of a Falcon now. I happen to have owned a TT030 before so had kept my Atari PTC1426 display, and is what I have the Falcon connected to.


From what I see, the video port on the Falcon connects to your run of the mill VGA type display. But, I understand some applications may not work correct in certain video output and you have to use a different cable or something to make it work right.


I know my Atari PTC1426 has a switch on back that allows two settings, but I am unsure what it really does. It can be on VGA or TTC.


Not sure if one setting will allow such apps that have issues on VGA work or what.


I also have seen these special Falcon cables on eBay that say's something about working at all Falcon video settings.


The Falcon came with various apps and it seems some work, others display off garbled video, etc... and I am trying to wrap my head around what the various differences of Falcon video are, and maybe better use with the Atari PTC1426. Or, get a cable I see on eBay and connect to different display.


Any guidance would be cool.





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The other monitor is an RGB type one (or RF if the American Falcon actually has that port). It allows some different graphics modes, including some interlaced true colour ones that don't work on the Falcon's VGA out of the box. The Falcon can use three different monitors, VGA, RGB (like a standard ST colour monitor or old school TV) and the SM124 iirc. All change the options you can alter in the video modes, and have various other side effects. If you have a monitor that can sync to the signal then you should be able to use some clever cabling to switch. I'm not familiar with your monitor but I suspect the TTC is a digital mode isn't it? That probably won't work on the Falcon.

A few demos and games won't work in VGA, but overall it is probably the best to use, particularly if you can get your hands on something like Blowup or Screenblaster which allow you to up the resolution a fair bit.

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So my Falcon does have the RF port too.


So is it that one if connected to a TV one can do the "true color" modes? Low rez but lots more colors?


I have seen some cables advertised on eBay that talk about all supports modes if used on a Falcon but unsure really how that works.




The other monitor is an RGB type one (or RF if the American Falcon actually has that port). It allows some different graphics modes, including some interlaced true colour ones that don't work on the Falcon's VGA out of the box. The Falcon can use three different monitors, VGA, RGB (like a standard ST colour monitor or old school TV) and the SM124 iirc. All change the options you can alter in the video modes, and have various other side effects. If you have a monitor that can sync to the signal then you should be able to use some clever cabling to switch. I'm not familiar with your monitor but I suspect the TTC is a digital mode isn't it? That probably won't work on the Falcon.

A few demos and games won't work in VGA, but overall it is probably the best to use, particularly if you can get your hands on something like Blowup or Screenblaster which allow you to up the resolution a fair bit.

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Well you can get output from that port but it is fuzzy as hell (worse than the STs for some reason imo). The best place to get RGB from is the Falcon's monitor port, an adaptor there to an ST monitor is fairly common. The VGA can do some true colour modes, but they are pretty low res. The RGB mode goes higher, but with interlace.

Edited by Zogging Hell
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