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opioid crisis --started a new one.


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Always loved Dr. Mario.

This is nothing like that ;)


The IF's and all those gotos... I know, but I plan on compiling this. Speed is okay in xb for this part.... But when I have to scan the play field, I am thinking that will be SLOW,


20 FOR C=2 TO 8 :: CALL COLOR(C,16,2):: NEXT C
30 RESTORE 80 :: FOR C=1 TO 27 :: READ X,T$ :: CALL CHAR(X,T$):: NEXT C
50 DATA 9,5,1,10,12,1,11,8,1,12,7,1
60 RESTORE 540
70 FOR C=0 TO 23 :: READ T$ :: DISPLAY AT(1+C,1):T$;:: NEXT C
80 DATA 96,"0018242424242424",97,"00000F1020232424",98,"0000FF0000FF0000",99,"0000F00804C42424"
90 DATA 100,"24242320100F0000",101,"2424C40408F00000",102,"2424242424242424",103,"FF00000000000000"
110 DATA 108,"2424242424241800",109,"2424C40404C42424",110,"2424232020232424",111,"BD7EDB7EE77EC3BD"
140 DATA 123,"3C7EFFFFFFFFFFFF",125,"0000183C3C180000",127,"BD7EDB7EE77EC3BD"
160 LC=INT(RND*3)+1
170 RC=INT(RND*3)+1
180 IF LC=1 THEN 210
190 IF LC=2 THEN 220
200 C1=7 :: GOTO 230
210 C1=12 :: GOTO 230
220 C1=8 :: GOTO 230
230 IF RC=1 THEN 260
240 IF RC=2 THEN 270
250 C2=7 :: GOTO 280
260 C2=12 :: GOTO 280
270 C2=8 :: GOTO 280
280 LPR=4 :: RPR=4 :: LPC=15 :: RPC=16
290 CALL SPRITE(#1,104,C1,(LPR* 8)-7,(LPC* 8)-7)
300 CALL SPRITE(#2,105,C2,(RPR* 8)-7,(RPC* 8)-7)
310 CALL LOCATE(#1,(LPR* 8)-7,(LPC* 8)-7):: CALL LOCATE(#2,(RPR* 8)-7,(RPC* 8)-7)
330 REM HCHAR(LPR,LPC,96+(8*LC))
340 REM HCHAR(RPR,RPC,97+(8*RC))
370 IF GL=32 AND GR=32 THEN 390
380 GOTO 490
390 CALL KEY(1,K,S)
400 IF S=0 THEN 470
410 IF K=2 THEN 450
420 IF K=3 THEN 460
430 IF K=0 THEN 480
440 REM GOTO 3100
450 CALL GCHAR(LPR,LPC-1,GL):: IF GL>32 THEN 390 :: RPC=RPC-1 :: LPC=LPC-1 :: GOTO 310
460 CALL GCHAR(RPR,RPC+1,GR):: IF GR>32 THEN 390 :: RPC=RPC+1 :: LPC=LPC+1 :: GOTO 310
470 LPR=LPR+1 :: RPR=RPR+1
480 GOTO 310
520 REM
530 GOTO 160
540 DATA " "," ` ` "," dc ae "," f f "
550 DATA " abbbe dbbbc "," f f "," f f "," f f "
560 DATA " f f "," f f "," f f "," f f "
570 DATA " f f "," f f "," f f "," f f "
580 DATA " f f "," f f "," f f "," f f "
590 DATA " f f "," f f "," f f "," dbbbbbbbbbbe "

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I plan on compiling this.


370 IF GL=32 AND GR=32 THEN 390

380 GOTO 490

390 CALL KEY(1,K,S)


Line 370 will not compile properly because of the AND. This should work:

370 IF (GL=32)*(GR=32) THEN 390 or better yet:

370 IF (GL<>32)+(GR<>32) THEN 490 and then you don't need 380

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Thanks guys..


senior_falcon, you saved me some future trouble shooting.

Just out of curiosity...

370 IF (GL=32)*(GR=32) THEN 390 or better yet:

370 IF (GL<>32)+(GR<>32) THEN 490 and then you don't need 380


Why is the second example better? It is a few more bytes and is an = one comparison vs <> being two? ( I guess it is a != Not Equal)

I also have such a tough time wrapping my head around the =0 evaluation without seeing it!

370 IF (GL<>32)+(GR<>32)=0 THEN 490 FILLS that void in my OLD mind... or even clearer for me would be,

370 IF (GL<>32)=0 and (GR<>32)=0 THEN 490 But I can fool myself into seeing the PLUS and AND as interchangeable.


Now my problem is... I have to play some Dr. Mario. I cannot remember exactly how it all works, even though I used to dream about playing this DAM game.

Some very frustrating sleep, when you can't get this out of your head! Tetris was like this for me too.


Never had this issue with any playstation/xbox games! LOL




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370 IF (GL=32)*(GR=32) THEN 390 or better yet:

370 IF (GL<>32)+(GR<>32) THEN 490 and then you don't need 380


Why is the second example better? It is a few more bytes and is an = one comparison vs <> being two? ( I guess it is a != Not Equal)


You raise an interesting point. It does indeed take two more bytes but eliminating line 380 saves 8 bytes. But you may be right about it being slower - I haven't run any speed tests to be sure.


I got in the habit of using the =0 evaluation programming in TI BASIC. I don't even think about what is actually happening. I just think of the logic being inverted so that + is not AND but is OR and * is AND.

100 IF (X>7)*(Y< THEN 500 ! if x>7 and y<8 then 500
100 IF (X>7)+(Y< THEN 500 ! if x>7 or y<8 then 500
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  • 3 weeks later...


I have put a few hours into this game. I always liked this game, But I certainly have to play it a bit more to get some piece of the game play down.


It is pretty complete, It still has a status line and variables display at the top for my testing/trouble shooting.


No music... Need to add a sound when rotting the pill also ( to slow it down )


The keys S left D right X faster fall. Q to rotate the pill.


Level.... After clearing a round, the level increases by 1. This also speed up the falling pill ever so slightly.

However, it does lower how far left or right you can move before falling a row.


Drop delay, simply is a part of the sound length of the note played delaying the fall. It is a divisor, so the higher the number the faster it will fall.


I do need to tighten up the screen processing algorithm a bit. But I am pretty pleased with the screen processing.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Cleaned this up a bunch.


speed up play flied scanning.

added scoring

added Bonus scoring ( with additional bonus scoring to come )

added menu for game play options. ( need to slow this down with soundFX or music )


Needs... a bunch of play testing!



otherwise, it is pretty complete. Hope to finish the bonus scoring this week.

Need major help with sounds/music. Not my cup of tea. I just toss some sound in to slow things down!


oh yeah, added high score, but forgot to display it...

and score/hi-score on game over screen. That is quick to add. I keep forgetting!



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Yes, I need to slow the selection screen down.

I think the rotation of the pill also?


The awful sound is just used to slow the pill falling speed.


I'd like it to be a tune of some sort going forward, but I have no music skills! LOL I will try to get my wife to help me along. She plays the piano.


It is ruff because each note will need to be the same length (duration). And as good as the music in pitfall 2 was, it get hard to listen too after a while.


However, the duration will shorten as each level goes by, Pitfalls theme worked well at slower and faster rates.

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I think the rotation of the pill also?


The awful sound is just used to slow the pill falling speed.


I'd like it to be a tune of some sort going forward, but I have no music skills! LOL I will try to get my wife to help me along. She plays the piano.


It is ruff because each note will need to be the same length (duration). And as good as the music in pitfall 2 was, it get hard to listen too after a while.


However, the duration will shorten as each level goes by, Pitfalls theme worked well at slower and faster rates.

Good luck. I also used CALL SOUND(+... to regulate the speed of my game, Shooting Stars, the source code is there (post #51), but my sound control is perhaps a bit complicated. Since then I think senior_falcon has extended the compiler to be able to autoplay soundlists (list of tones with individual lengths). Also remember that the sound volume can be set to silent, and the timing thing still goes on. Think I used that.




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Yes, the sound volume of 30 is a good delay tool.

I have the sound on for trouble shooting. I just turn the volume down when I don't need it!


The duration should get shorter by level and/or by speed selected etc.


I have slowed down the menu selections. much easier to use now!


The sound list player... Does delay sounds STOP the sound list player?


That is, can I have a theme song as well as "sounds" for key press or events that will not disrupt the theme completely?


Thanks in advance!

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The sound list player... Does delay sounds STOP the sound list player?


That is, can I have a theme song as well as "sounds" for key press or events that will not disrupt the theme completely?

Yes, I think so. I guess you can ask etc. at the XB Game Developers Package thread. ;)


Also, the sound list player can play two sound lists at a time so you can have background music playing with sound effects that don't interrupt the music.

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I wish I could make sound FX and/or music.


I have tried sheet music conversion, but they just don't sound right to me.


Sonar Pings, zings, booms etc,

You gotta use the SoundListRipper for ripping both soundeffects and music, and also making music (entering notes and delays) or effects.

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  • 1 year later...

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