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In search of: Chatterbee/S.A.M. & Rescue On Fractalus


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Hi: I had an Atari 400 when I was a kid, & its been a big kick to use emulators to play Salmon Run, Spelunker, Ballblazer, & others again. BUT, I can't seem to find a couple of my favorites: Chatterbee & Rescue On Fractalus. Chatterbee used S.A.M., the speech software. Is it not possible to emulate S.A.M.? And since I had no trouble finding Ballblazer, why can't I find Rescue On Fractalus?? :?: :?:




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I believe he wants images of the programs so he can run them on his emulator.  His verbage gives me the impression he no longer own's/uses his system


Yep, you got it -- I no longer use my Atari 400 because its long gone... (My mom got rid of it when I went away to college.) I'd love to emulate S.A.M. & Chatterbee if possible, tho!




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I transferred my SAM disk to .ATR and it DOES work under Atari800Win Plus 3.1.


I have also got the user manual which is 38 pages (tells you how to spell things so they sound vaguely recognisable!)


What fun :D

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