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Why Jaguar?


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Macgurl wrote:


The point is, if you don't like the system, don't go onto a forum for it just to say it sucks. No one really wants to hear it, and it just makes you look lame.


Ahhh, duh, the name of the topic was "Why the Jaguar"...... So, correct me if I'm right, there should be positive and negative sides heard on this topic?????????? Or is this a communist subject.... Too funny... I've been put on ignore list for speaking my mind...


Gunstar wrote:


People come here and claim things that aren't true, so those of us who have all the systems and all the good games and really KNOW what's what, tell them so! Plain and simple.


Since you're a genious and now what's what, I think I'll put u on my ignore list also... Too funny dude! I'm now locked out of this topic, Did I do something or say something wrong boys?

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Do you think it was necessary to make another thread just to start crap with other members? The "Why Jaguar" thread was locked because it was just bickering. All the Jaguar fans here are sick and tired of hearing the same false statements about the Jaguar. At least once a month we get some new guy in here saying the Jaguar isn't a 64-bit system. I'm not saying that you did this but it just gets old.

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Is the Jaguar a 64 bit system? Remember, PC's are just now getting their First 64 bit processors. Why? Cost, 64 bit chips were for years far beyond what computer buyers could afford, not to mention nothing uses it, well, nothing a typical user would need.


Of course, I'd have to say, is it important if a system is ??? Bits?

Look, Sony Claims the PlayStation 2 to be a 128 bit system, as Nintendo does with the GameCube.

What does Microsoft claim the X-Box is? All I've ever heard mentioned was 32 bit for it. The point here is, WTF does it matter?


I don't know what's in the Jaguar, I'd like to know though, just cause I find that stuff interesting. But it's not important. I never bought the Jaguar because it claims to be 64 bit, I bought it because I liked the games. Well, actually I bought it because I wanted a good console version of Doom, but I didn't stop buying games there.

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I think when the "new guy" comes in and questions the power of the jag he wants to know. I mean he comes in reading this from magazines, books, the net and he maybe wants to hear the answer from guys like yous who are on this atari website and probably know your atari stuff. But instead you guys criticize someone who wants to hear opinions on both sides :? Someone who doesnt like the Jag probably wont enter this forum and start crap, this is a place where people who have Jags and people who are really considering getting one come for info right? for those who have it might question the power or whatever and here is where they might come for questions so everbody should try to lay off the insults and attempts to be funny sarcastic comments and just give answers. Punisher its people that ask if the jag is really 64 bit system, they DONT say jag IS NOT a 64 bit for certain, and then they go on about how it can compare to certain systems.

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Punisher, let me ask you this ? I know you are a Moderator in here...


Why should u care if the Jag is a true 64-bit or not? Does it matter? Is it worth arguing over? That's my point. I just get tired of coming in here to see whats going on and see all this whining about the Jag... And I end up being labeled the "Troublemaker" by some a-hole because I spoke my mind and everyone seems to only wanna hear "THE GOOD OF THE JAG". I have a Jag and like it, but not my favorite system... Again my points are very credible... Would you rather play Troy Aikman Football or Madden 2003 and/or NFL 2K3? I'm the troublemaker cause I stated this fact... I mean, Im just stating my preference... Am I bashing the Jag cause I said this... NO. Am I dragging this out too far? Probably... If my points in here are reacted to by one-sided views and people with blinders on, then these same people go about their lives in the same manner, shallow... Very sad to see when you can't accept good and bad sides to every story... Sorry for trying to understand this one-sided view from in this forum...

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OK to be on topic (about the bitness). I think it depends on your definition of how many bits the system is. The jaguar having CPU's from almost all catagories doesn't help matters. But here are some facts:


Data bus : 64 bits wide

Blitter : 64 Bit

Object Processor : 64 bit

GPU : 32 bit

DSP : 32 bit (16 bit bus)

68K : 16 bit.


SOme magazines said the jag was just 16 bit because of the 68K CPU. but in reality this CPU is in there as a nice cheap and easy bootstrap processor, you can use it, but it's not recommended.


But you can see it does have 64 bit processors and bus. SO I would say yes it was 64 bit. You could use the false approach some companies used (Neo Geo being 24 bit for example), and say the Jag was 208 bit, but thats just silly.


Why the jag? Well again thats down to each individual. I got it because at the time I was (I still am ;) ) and Atari fan, I had the 8 bit atari the ST, and then I heard about the Jag and just wanted one too.


I was disapointed at first with it, mainly due to having not much cash so saw very few games. WHen I got AVP I was blown away though, really made the system shine in my eyes, there was nothing like it at the time (I think Doom was around but the GFX in AVP looked a LOT nicer).


Also the system looks nice too. Now it's the next century and I have rekindled my love of the system thanks to ebay and am working on aquiring everything for the Jag I can, and also I can now program it, which automatically boosts a machin ein my eyes, I hate being trapped out of it's innards :). Also finding this website re-awoke my love for all things atari, especially when I saw how active the community is. It's just a great place to be


and thus ends my warm fuzzy trip :)

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Yeah that sounds a bit like me..I found this site about 6 months ago and I sold my Jag back in 1995 to get a Playstation. I did always regret selling it though so I decided to get a nice package off of Ebay and plus I had never owned a Jag CD so..Anyways..Gary, I think you posted this before I think but so far what games have you played for the Jag? There are many "sleeper" games for the Jag that never got much media because they came out around the time of the Jag's dea...well, it's not dead by any means so..well you know what I mean lol. I just want you to play more games I'm sure you never thought the Jag had so many good games if you play them. I listed some in another post I think you probably read. A few of them are a bit pricey but not outrageous...

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Punisher, let me ask you this ? I know you are a Moderator in here...


Why should u care if the Jag is a true 64-bit or not? Does it matter? Is it worth arguing over? That's my point. I just get tired of coming in here to see whats going on and see all this whining about the Jag... And I end up being labeled the "Troublemaker" by some a-hole because I spoke my mind and everyone seems to only wanna hear "THE GOOD OF THE JAG". I have a Jag and like it, but not my favorite system... Again my points are very credible... Would you rather play Troy Aikman Football or Madden 2003 and/or NFL 2K3? I'm the troublemaker cause I stated this fact... I mean, Im just stating my preference... Am I bashing the Jag cause I said this... NO. Am I dragging this out too far? Probably... If my points in here are reacted to by one-sided views and people with blinders on, then these same people go about their lives in the same manner, shallow... Very sad to see when you can't accept good and bad sides to every story... Sorry for trying to understand this one-sided view from in this forum...


Good lord, you were called a troublemaker. Big deal. I get called a troublemaker all the time and usually even worse! Who cares! You're welcome to say what you like whether it be good or bad, and if people don't like it, they can put you on ignore..who fricken cares? I'm probably on 100 people's ignore list and I could care less. Post your negative opinions, just be sure not to troll.


Oh and don't 'duh' me little boy...it won't go over well. Restarting locked topics is only asking for trouble. :roll:

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Good lord, you were called a troublemaker.  Big deal.  I get called a troublemaker all the time and usually even worse!  Who cares!  You're welcome to say what you like whether it be good or bad, and if people don't like it, they can put you on ignore..who fricken cares?  I'm probably on 100 people's ignore list and I could care less.  Post your negative opinions, just be sure not to troll.


Oh and don't 'duh' me little boy...it won't go over well.   Restarting locked topics is only asking for trouble. :roll:


Macgurl's got some sass! SAh-NAP

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Data bus : 64 bits wide

Blitter : 64 Bit  

Object Processor : 64 bit

GPU : 32 bit

DSP : 32 bit (16 bit bus)

68K : 16 bit.



68k :1 bit? Is that the Motarolla 68000 chip that many of the games were programmed on because so many companies thought the Jaguar's other hardware was "To hard" to program for?

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68k :16 bit?  Is that the Motarolla 68000 chip that many of the games were programmed on because so many companies thought the Jaguar's other hardware was "To hard" to program for?


That's what's been spouted around for a long time, but it's simply untrue.


You can't program a game on the Jag just using the 68K...you have to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the GPU/OP to be able to display gfx, and the DSP to have sound. While some Genesis conversions (Flashback) may have been able to port logic code over, EVERYTHING that you see or hear on-screen is being produced byt he Jag's custom chips.



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You can't program a game on the Jag just using the 68K...you have to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the GPU/OP to be able to display gfx, and the DSP to have sound. While some Genesis conversions (Flashback) may have been able to port logic code over, EVERYTHING that you see or hear on-screen is being produced byt he Jag's custom chips.


While I agree that you can't program a Jag game using solely the 68K, I would not be surprised at all if several games were ported to the Jag and relied heavily on the 68K, interfacing to the other chips only as needed to blit graphics to the screen and get sound to the speakers. If *I* was porting a game from one 68K-based system to another and was trying to do it for as little as possible, that would be the approach I'd take. If money (and time) were no object, then obviously I would then learn as much as I could about the Jag's custom hardware and utilitize it as best I could..



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68k :16 bit?  Is that the Motarolla 68000 chip that many of the games were programmed on because so many companies thought the Jaguar's other hardware was "To hard" to program for?


That's what's been spouted around for a long time, but it's simply untrue.


You can't program a game on the Jag just using the 68K...you have to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the GPU/OP to be able to display gfx, and the DSP to have sound. While some Genesis conversions (Flashback) may have been able to port logic code over, EVERYTHING that you see or hear on-screen is being produced byt he Jag's custom chips.




I think the only thing you can't do with the 68K only is write to the screen, you can do sound as any CPU can write to the DSP's.


I suppose you culd write a game that didn't use the object processor it just wouldn't be very interesting or much fun to play :)

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