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HSC13 Round 11: Pengo & "Time for the Thermals" Bonus

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Pengo & Time for the Thermals Bonus

To give me some time to get on with my abbuc softrware contest entry we'll have another extended 3 week round [ends Sunday 17th July 10am UK time] featuring several games that are cool, and probably a few that should be put in the deep freeze :-o Pengo will now be the main game with standard HSC points, the others will be bonuses scored individually, Tables on POST #2. Let's see how it goes :)




Download the games from Fandal and find information on atarimania

Here is a disk image with all the games on apart from Polar Pierre. Winter Wally does not run on this menu as uses himem.

HSC13 R11 Time for the Thermals.atr


Block Pushers:

Pengo - Flawed. Top players play on Advanced, and are not allowed to peck in the corners or hide there! STOP PLAYING IF YOU REACH LEVEL 21 AND POST YOUR SCORE. Others players play on the intermediate, if you then reach level 21 stop post scores and play again on advanced if you wish.

Pengon - Pretty good! P is Pause, R is Resume. 1000pts for lining up the blocks or 500pts if they are on the screen edge. Looks like an extra Willy after each screen, you can never have too many willies, though probably you can and will get a huge score. [You do so stop playing after 20K]

Ice (Cymbal Software) - Not bad. Stand still and use fire to push - didn't get any bonus from lining up the cubes (on the edge). Kill the baddies to complete each level, does get faster and is a BASIC game in part. Level 8 is the hardest it gets (brown blocks).

Ice-Cap - Terrible. OSA - you'll need to first run the translator (on the disk image) or change emulator's firmware setting to Atari 800/OSA. Push stick then press fire to shove the blocks.

Ice (Raindoft Soft) - Bonus game as 2 players only - crush flowers and opponent.



Winter Wally* Also terrible - prepare to fall off the platforms. One from the HSC punishment list. Looks like there are 9 levels you can press select to practise them. Start on level 1 for your HSC score. Can't find one that works on the mydos menu. Download from Homesoft or atarionline.pl

Polar Pierre - Could be better. Thought I had issues with getting this to work properly on one player, but let's see how it goes. Seems to use only Disk 1 (if you need to access Disk 2 emulator users in the file/disk menu you can mount disk 2 after loading the first one). Play for level reached as the score doesn't reset to 0 after each go! Collect the flags, you can fall off some places and survive if you keep moving perhaps. Players may press Select to skip up to 3 levels (the random lightning spoils some of them).



Polar Explorer Good! Another one from Stephen Macilwee and thankfully this is pretty decent and it does level up :thumbsup:



Play 2 player Polar Pierre or Ice by Raindoft Soft.


Everyone welcome to join in, play any games you wish, and post scores, screenshots optional. Suggestions welcome for bonuses / challenges. Post if you need help getting anything running.

Have fun

Edited by therealbountybob
Pengo now main game!
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Pengo (main game) Stop play if you reach level 21 and post your score. Top players play on Advanced, others play on Intermediate unless you really want to play on beginner like bluecat :)

1st McKong (p) 314,750 12pts
2nd Dope (n) 254,100 11pts
3rd therealbountybob (p) 252,970 10pts
4th JK40001 (p) 52,070 9pts
5th roadrunner (n) 43,940 8pts

6th orpheuswaking (n) 23,560 7pts

Time for the Thermals Bonus (details on each game above)

Polar Pierre 1pt per place based on screens completed (not including skipped screens so tell me!)

1st Dope (n) 13 4pts
2nd therealbountybob (p) 5 3pts
3rd McKong (p) 4 2pts
4th orpheuswaking (n) 3 1pt

Winter Wally 1pt per screen completed

1st Dope (n) 3pts
2nd therealbountybob (p) 2pts
3rd orpheuswaking (n) 1pt

3rd McKong (p) 1pt

Pengon 1pt per place (they love plaice!)

1st therealbountybob (p) 20,000 3pts
1st Dope (n) 20,000 3pts
3rd orpheuswaking (n) 7,180 2pts
4th roadrunner (n) 2,855 1pt


Ice (Cymbal Software) 1pt per place

1st Dope (n) 23,460 4pts
2nd therealbountybob (p) 22,060 3pts
3rd McKong (p) 18,180 2pts
4th orpheuswaking (n) 16,160 1pt

Ice Cap 1pt per place

1st therealbountybob (p) 420 1pt
1st Dope (n) 420 1pt


Polar Explorer 1pt per place

1st therealbountybob (p) 5,200 5pts
2nd Dope (n) 4,200 4pts
3rd orpheuswaking (n) 2,400 3pts
4th roadrunner (n) 800 2pts

4th McKong (p) 800 2pts
6th Sikor (p) 600 1pt


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Polar Pierre - 8800 Got to Level 4


The game is definitely a bit buggy, well on Altirra any how. I've noticed on my version the game doesn't reset the score from the previous game for some reason. Also sometimes instead of progressing to the 4th screen it goes back to the 1st!


If I get time I'll play tonight on my 800 XL to see if it works better.

Edited by McKong
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Pengo is really too easy after a while, there are only a limited number of boards. It's fun though. Try and line up the 3 white blocks away from the edges to get the big bonuses.


I've created a menu disk with the games on but I need a file version of an OS/A translator (on mydos) as soon as I have one I'll post it.


I know we have a few games again but they may not all be playable, lets check them out and see :)

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Well, what a rotten selection we have here (sorry folks!)


Ice Cymbal Software - 14,860 Stand still and use fire to push - didn't get any bonus from lining up the cubes (on the edge). Kill the baddies to complete each level, does get faster each level and it's a BASIC game so not that bad. Press break and type list to see the code!


Ice Raindorf Soft - 2 players so bonus game only - crush flowers and opponent.


Ice Cap (OSA) 195 pretty dire, push stick then fire to shove the blocks


Pengon 7,530 not bad


Pengo - still too easy on Advanced once you get into it so TOP PLAYERS WE WILL HAVE THE HIGHEST SCORE FOR THE FIRST 20 LEVELS - IF/WHEN YOU REACH LEVEL 21 STOP PLAYING AND TAKE THE SCORE. 117,150 (12)


Polar Pierre - really a 2 player game, my original copy seemed to keep the score on each go so we'll play for level reached. (3)


Winter Wally - from the HSC punishment list - reached screen 3, looks like there are 9. Top players no practising from the menu. Can't find one that works on the mydos menu. Download from Homesoft or atarionline.pl


Polar Explorer thankfully is pretty good fun. It does level up with a nice tune 2,700


So this round Pengo, Polar Explorer and Pengon are probably the best games. I've updated post #1 with this info.



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My God, I suck at Pengo...

you'll get brain freeze :-o

Pengo 195,640 round 16... still trying to get too many bonuses to concentrate on staying alive.

You will notice that they cannot peck through the blocks harbouring their siblings, you can take out some of these at the start. Try and go for the bonuses but stay alive. If you get down to two plunger guys they go a bit fast, so perhaps avoid this until the end. I rarely get a time bonus but that might be an alternate strategy?


For me Polar Pierre is spoiled by the random lightnings. The movement is not so great, but I'm assuming they are simulating him being on ice.

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Yes the random lightening makes the game pot luck which is annoying.

Polar Pierre - How about we allow 3? screens to be skipped using Select and see how we get on. It's a nice game otherwise. Would be better if they were on a timer or simply rotated. After this round I might see if Fandal will take a look at the game :)


Hope you've all bought the new issue of Pro© Mag ;) :thumbsup:


Tables for this round UPDATED on POST #2

Current Standings Updated with Demon Attack points.

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