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Nuon collection auctions just listed

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My Dad and I were hardcore collectors in the 90s and early 2000s. Dad in particular loved collecting for the Atari Jaguar and that spun off in NUON territory. He passed away in 2007, and while I've held onto these for a long time now, they are better off in the hands of collectors who will really appreciate them.

I listed three separate auctions on eBay.

I hope my asking prices are fair and accurate. It's hard finding info so I mostly based the prices off of previous eBay sales. I have no idea what the Iron Soldier 3 is worth but I'm aware that it is extremely rare.

If I need to make adjustments on the prices I will. Please help me in any way that you can. Thank you!

Edited by NowThereAreNoLimits
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Curious, what did you sell and how much did it sell for? Are my listings fair on pricing?


Good question. Not sure. My sales aren't necessarily indicative! Got about $40 for T3K, 250 GBP for a sealed IS3, 35 GBP for Space Invaders, 90 GBP for Tetris, and 200 GBP for an N501 and a few games.

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