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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Those are some pretty damn good odds when it comes to videogame consoles. Anyone remember when during the PS2 era, after a point it was something like one out of every four used systems were bad? Most-likely similar (or worse) numbers for the 360 when the RROD phenomenon hit.


1 out of 277 is amazing in comparison. And, worst-case, you can return it if it doesn't work (or file a PayPal dispute if Nintendo refuses to work with you).


I must be out of the loop...I remember when 360s were bad (like 1 in 4, or even 1 in 3) and people actually HAD to purchase extended warranties, (which may have helped Circuit City stay in business an extra couple of years LOL)...But I never heard anything bad about PS2s. I myself have 4 of them, including the one I bought on launch day, and some used jobbers, plus a mini I bought just to hook up to my projector. Aside from one bought at a pawn shop that made some noise when the tray would slide in or out, I never had an ounce of trouble. I thought I remembered reading in a magazine that the failure rate on them was less than 5%...But don't quote me, that was a long time ago...

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I must be out of the loop...I remember when 360s were bad (like 1 in 4, or even 1 in 3) and people actually HAD to purchase extended warranties, (which may have helped Circuit City stay in business an extra couple of years LOL)...But I never heard anything bad about PS2s. I myself have 4 of them, including the one I bought on launch day, and some used jobbers, plus a mini I bought just to hook up to my projector. Aside from one bought at a pawn shop that made some noise when the tray would slide in or out, I never had an ounce of trouble. I thought I remembered reading in a magazine that the failure rate on them was less than 5%...But don't quote me, that was a long time ago...

My gut instinct on the PS2s is that the system is solid from a technical standpoint, but the popularity and flexibility led them to be used HARD. It was the most popular system of its day, by far, and was the only affordable DVD player to many people for several years. It became the party machine, the travel machine, the dorm room machine. If there were a way to track these stats, I bet you the PS2 would set a record for second-most-dropped console, behind the Gameboy, and most puked-on console ever. It wasn't a bad system, just had a tendency to be worked to death.


There were also many internal system revisions, which tend to mask specific issues.

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Those are some pretty damn good odds when it comes to videogame consoles. Anyone remember when during the PS2 era, after a point it was something like one out of every four used systems were bad? Most-likely similar (or worse) numbers for the 360 when the RROD phenomenon hit.


1 out of 277 is amazing in comparison. And, worst-case, you can return it if it doesn't work (or file a PayPal dispute if Nintendo refuses to work with you).

I guess if you have the time to pack the item back up. Print the label out, drop it off at the post office, and pray that they actually receive the item considering that eBay/PayPal requires a delivery confirmation on returned items in order to receive a refund. For me its just kind of hard to purchase an item sight unseen (generic photo). It is Russian roulette in my eyes anytime you purchase from eBay because you rely on the carrier to actually deliver your package to the correct address when returning it for a refund.

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I guess if you have the time to pack the item back up. Print the label out, drop it off at the post office, and pray that they actually receive the item considering that eBay/PayPal requires a delivery confirmation on returned items in order to receive a refund. For me its just kind of hard to purchase an item sight unseen (generic photo). It is Russian roulette in my eyes anytime you purchase from eBay because you rely on the carrier to actually deliver your package to the correct address when returning it for a refund.


Man Silverfox,


You must have had some rough dealings with the post office! While I agree, in theory, that something can go wrong...


From my own experience I've had more bad luck with people trying to scam me than the post office...


Want the stats?


I have had over 900 dealings on ebay. People have tried to scam me 5 or 6 times. I've had ONE item lost in the mail. And I had 2 items that took a long time to arrive, but they did arrive. Also I had an envelope break once and one item (of two) fell out, but I received it the next day when the postman realized it fell out of the envelope and he found it on his truck floor...

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Man Silverfox,


You must have had some rough dealings with the post office! While I agree, in theory, that something can go wrong...


From my own experience I've had more bad luck with people trying to scam me than the post office...


Want the stats?


I have had over 900 dealings on ebay. People have tried to scam me 5 or 6 times. I've had ONE item lost in the mail. And I had 2 items that took a long time to arrive, but they did arrive. Also I had an envelope break once and one item (of two) fell out, but I received it the next day when the postman realized it fell out of the envelope and he found it on his truck floor...

You have no idea how much I despise the post office. These idiots in my area can't read numbers. I have had numerous items showing delivered and guess what? It wasn't in my box and I never received the items. It was hit or miss if I got my items. Good thing none of it was expensive stuff. I now no longer order anything from eBay. I have had to resort to making sure anything I order online is delivered via UPS or FEDEX. If it the package ends up Sure Post I will put a hold at the post office to pickup. I'm pretty sure my numerous complaints got the last postman taken off this route. Then once he was gone I decided to give the post office a try one more time and wouldn't you know it, the very next package show delivered and I never got it. So I filed a complaint and decided to stay away from eBay where 99% of sellers use the post office.


EDIT: Keep in mind my mail box is a centralized community mailbox and the package bins are attached to them underneath. We have like 4 of these centralized mailboxes in a row next to each other so I'm pretty sure our moron postman is putting my packages in other people's boxes. Anyhow, one day I went to grab my mail and noticed that one of the centralized mailboxes next to mine was completely destroyed, and I could see packages and peoples mail just sitting in their boxes. I can almost guarantee you it was an irate person looking for their package that was showing delivered because it was the only centralized mailbox that was destroyed out of the 4.

Edited by thadsilverfox
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Slightly O/T, but have you considered renting a post box instead?


I used to live in a big, Downtown apartment building. Packages would sometimes go astray, so I rented a commercial mailbox. Someone was onsite during business hours to receive (and sign-for) any incoming parcels -- despite how they were delivered (Canada Post, Courier, UPS, etc.) . It has been several years, but I think that I paid about $20/month (or thereabouts).

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Slightly O/T, but have you considered renting a post box instead?


I used to live in a big, Downtown apartment building. Packages would sometimes go astray, so I rented a commercial mailbox. Someone was onsite during business hours to receive (and sign-for) any incoming parcels -- despite how they were delivered (Canada Post, Courier, UPS, etc.) . It has been several years, but I think that I paid about $20/month (or thereabouts).


While, in and of itself, not a bad idea...


On general principle alone, why should Anyone have to Rent what Everyone Else gets for Free?


Obviously I could see it for business use, but for personal use, it shouldn't have to be that way...

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Slightly O/T, but have you considered renting a post box instead?


I used to live in a big, Downtown apartment building. Packages would sometimes go astray, so I rented a commercial mailbox. Someone was onsite during business hours to receive (and sign-for) any incoming parcels -- despite how they were delivered (Canada Post, Courier, UPS, etc.) . It has been several years, but I think that I paid about $20/month (or thereabouts).

I did think about renting one but heard that packages can still get delivered incorrectly. It sucks because there is stuff I would like to buy on eBay specifically gaming related.

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While, in and of itself, not a bad idea...


On general principle alone, why should Anyone have to Rent what Everyone Else gets for Free?


Obviously I could see it for business use, but for personal use, it shouldn't have to be that way...

I did for 15 years... our mail used to get stolen quite often, AND the local post office driver refused to drive up our driveway for packages, by his own choosing. This put us at the post office two or three times a week anyway. I reported it different ways, several times early on... as far as the theft, they don't investigate stolen mail except for businesses here... not for individuals. Quote "If we ran out to investigate every report of stolen mail in the district, we would need 50 agents!" We have two investigators in this "mail district". You can call the police or sheriffs department, but they are only interested if you have it filmed and know who it is. This was some years ago and I really didn't have the tech, money or time.

I mentioned putting a paint bomb or something like that in the box to catch them... like after the mail person delivered each day... almost went to jail for that statement... hmm... what is wrong with this picture?

The only solution is to rent a post office box... yep. Not allowed to defend yourself in any way that wasn't "nice".


It shouldn't be that way, I agree, but we live in the "How it is" world, and not in the "Should be" world... I am a very hard-headed fighter also... because of all the things I WAS able to do, to try to get things like home delivery of packages resolved, they retaliated for years at the local post office in many ways. Didn't end until all of those employees who had knowledge of the situation or knew us by name were gone, did this stop.


Our mail is no longer stolen than I know of and I am glad all that is mostly in the past, but I still have all important mail sent to the post office box anyway. Now that we have home delivery of packages, I could cancel the P.O. Box probably, but then I would have to change all the addresses for everything important and that in itself is often a nightmare.



Edited by MrBlackCat
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Our Ring Doorbell has paid for itself with regards to mail delivery. People act more honest when they know they're on camera.

How about that Classic NES MIni?

I hung a wireless camera right outside my front door a few years ago. Part security, but mostly so I could see when invited guests finally show up when entertaining. The day I showed our postal lady we had a camera at the door, wish I could have captured the look on her face! lmao She was stunned, shocked and embarrassed all at the same time. Even made a comment that she'd be a little more careful with our stuff. :lol:


But yeah, loooong overdue Nintendo had sufficient inventory to properly stock stores. Yet, nothing after all this time. It's my opinion that they have absolutely no intention of doing so and never did. The whole thing was a seasonal marketing sham or experiment at best and retailers were in on it. Gotta be, else how "stupid" can such a company possibly be? Why thwart, limit and stall production when there's such demand?


If an SNES Mini is to ever be produced, I bet it'll be released around the same time of the year and in the same exact fashion. Complete with all the nonsensical BS they're acclimatizing us to.

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A co-workers parent saw two in a WalMart here today... he wasn't aware of all the drama/saga. He called his son to ask about them and by the time he got back they were gone. Still trickling them in maybe?

I hope a wave of them crashes ashore soon. :D


I also hope the New 3DS (not XL) get back in stock soon... they are sold out everywhere here.



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I've been told on good authority that Nintendo will be shipping NES Mini's throughout 2017. I really thought they wouldn't be doing that since it might distract from the Switch, but I suspect that the constrained stock and some built-up consumer frustration had at least a little something to do with that decision. Anyway, if that's the case, then that would certainly give the idea of a SuperNES Mini more validity versus my previous dismissal of the idea for a variety of reasons, although I still think that will depend at least somewhat on how well the Switch is received in its launch window.

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I've been told on good authority that Nintendo will be shipping NES Mini's throughout 2017. I really thought they wouldn't be doing that since it might distract from the Switch, but I suspect that the constrained stock and some built-up consumer frustration had at least a little something to do with that decision. Anyway, if that's the case, then that would certainly give the idea of a SuperNES Mini more validity versus my previous dismissal of the idea for a variety of reasons, although I still think that will depend at least somewhat on how well the Switch is received in its launch window.

Excellent news. Thank you for sharing. :D


I skipped the Wii U, so I will likely get a Switch shortly after release. In the small group of people I type/talk with about gaming, most felt we weren't shown enough difference between Wii U and original Wii to justify buying one. I really don't know if this is an actuality or poor marketing.


OT, I hope side projects like the NES Classic Mini help with some guidance for Nintendo to see where they stand status wise and sales potential wise. I don't want to see them end up like Sega and Atari.



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Keeping the Classic NES Mini around gives them a little hedge in the marketplace, too ... kind of like how they denied that DS would replace GameBoy.


I suspect 3DS development will slow down (but hopefully not stop) -- I wouldn't mind if 3DS and Classic remake consoles remained the place to go for portable retro Virtual Console games. The Switch doesn't seem to have the right kind of controls for D-Pad games.

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OT, I hope side projects like the NES Classic Mini help with some guidance for Nintendo to see where they stand status wise and sales potential wise. I don't want to see them end up like Sega and Atari.

Yeah, I sure hope it help them swallow a nice big reality pill where it comes to the value of their reputation and their good track record, especially back in the 8-bit and 16-bit days.


I said it once and I'll say it again: Why bother setting up yet another Virtual Console service on the Switch when Nintendo could delegate their legacy games (NES, Super-NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance) to a dedicated download-only emulation box, which incidentally could easily be the Super-NES Mini?

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I've been told on good authority that Nintendo will be shipping NES Mini's throughout 2017. I really thought they wouldn't be doing that since it might distract from the Switch, but I suspect that the constrained stock and some built-up consumer frustration had at least a little something to do with that decision. Anyway, if that's the case, then that would certainly give the idea of a SuperNES Mini more validity versus my previous dismissal of the idea for a variety of reasons, although I still think that will depend at least somewhat on how well the Switch is received in its launch window.

I've been told the same. My brother is a producer for a Nintendo licensee and you know bs travels the email and buddy back channels. And you're right about the SNES too. They're strongly considering going forward with more systems and that would be the next logical choice at the top of the list followed by likely the N64. The one least likely because how Nintendo thinks would be Gameboy because they view switch (like Neo Geo X) as a handheld with a dock, a microconsole portable, and they'd be better off peddling $5 gameboy downloads than compete against itself. The NES (and if happening SNES and N64) isn't competition. They already have all the parts sourced, factory setup, R&D done, core emulators already from the virtual console, so it's just a matter of new system (snes, etc) and controller shell molding and away you go. Instant profit each christmas peddling memories to millions of ex or still Nintendo 'kids.' It's overdue genius on their part and it's so pennies to the dollar to them it's hand over fist revenue with little risk and much reward. There's no way in hell they'd kill it off, pissed off wannabe buyers holding out against scalper filth or not, it's safe and Switch even 6 mo or 2 years into it is still a risk. 3DS helped them buffet a LOT of WiiU losses so they'll want something stable sticking around.

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By the way having the games or not, unless you invested in some HDMI solution already that closed up NES system is very worth the cash. I have 2/3 of the games on it as it is, got it a few days before Christmas from my wife as a gift. I do not currently still own Bubble Bobble, Super C, or Star Tropics and those alone as an old cart cost that much, and then there's the rest. It has battery save without the battery fragility with those few titles on there, plus the 4 hot save spots too. IT's comfy, it's well setup, and it works as it should.


Yesterday I bagged a copy of the old NP Final Fantasy guide, very tempted when I get the time now to pretend it's like 1990 again and play that sucker through on the little box.


**I also agree MM2 is by far the best of the series, though 3 a very solid 2nd.

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Oh you don't have to sell me on the system. I mentioned before that I wasn't willing to put up with or subject anyone else to the holiday mess that surrounded the release, but I was interested in it. After my mother surprised me with one, I played the heck out of Bubble Bobble and Dr. Mario during my Christmas break. It's a fine little box, and I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. If I have any complaint at all, it's that I think they should have included Contra instead of Super C. But Super C is good too, so that's a minor nitpick.

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Does anyone else expect to see the Mini eventually become available second-hand (e.g. thrift shop, flea market) without ever having seen one new in stores?


I have encountered a small handful of rare/obscure/never originally sold in Canada hardware on the secondary market that I had had never actually seen at retail.

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