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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Hack it open! For science!!

Hehe... wait! The point is that you don't even have to open it! :D


Someone will be selling pre-made ways to do this on eBay in no time. Just like the guy with the pre-made SD Cards for the Atari Flashback Portable.


Most likely, someone will just be selling the units with additional games already installed.



Edited by MrBlackCat
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Pre-made ones on eBay will likely get shut down the moment someone complains. And people will complain.


I've got one and I'm looking long and hard at this hack. At the very least, I believe I'll get it to where my XP box can read the Classic's file system. Then I'll decide if I'm brave enough to muck with the file system. I don't have any desire to go hog wild with adding new games, but just a few more and this system really will be the perfect nostalgia engine. Contra, Tetris, Battletoads, Popeye, Kung Fu, maybe the remaining Mega Man, Castlevania, Double Dragon and black-label launch titles... my needs are small. :)

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Man, there are a LOT of people trying to get some cash back on their mini purchases by eBaying the empty box. Who is this for-- people who just bought a mini, threw out the box, and realized two days later hey wanted to keep it CIB? Or are you just fishing for someone too stupid to read the description?

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Pre-made ones on eBay will likely get shut down the moment someone complains. And people will complain.


I've got one and I'm looking long and hard at this hack. At the very least, I believe I'll get it to where my XP box can read the Classic's file system. Then I'll decide if I'm brave enough to muck with the file system. I don't have any desire to go hog wild with adding new games, but just a few more and this system really will be the perfect nostalgia engine. Contra, Tetris, Battletoads, Popeye, Kung Fu, maybe the remaining Mega Man, Castlevania, Double Dragon and black-label launch titles... my needs are small. :)

Do it. :twisted:

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They haven't been shut down yet. The dude who created the hack has been trying to peddle them and has been making good money on it as have others. Sure people will whine, but stuff still will slide by. It'll freak out interested parties, and the sellers not wanting to get pulled will just put a reasonable enough BIN for someone to panic push it before it's closed out. As long as someone BINs it and finishes the PP payment before the door is locked it's legit.


I'm not going to tamper with mine, but if I could later when they're easy to get new or used pick up a 2nd I'd be highly tempted to try it. I figure by then someone will have created a flash tool app for the device, much like how you can get on a laptop/desktop a factory firmware flashing app that'll check the net for an update, see it, then apply it while you wait. Toss in the NES, run app, it finds(or IS the) update, then asks you to power the NES on whole holding reset to get it into write mode, and boom...done.

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I'm not going to tamper with mine, but if I could later when they're easy to get new or used pick up a 2nd I'd be highly tempted to try it. I figure by then someone will have created a flash tool app for the device, much like how you can get on a laptop/desktop a factory firmware flashing app that'll check the net for an update, see it, then apply it while you wait. Toss in the NES, run app, it finds(or IS the) update, then asks you to power the NES on whole holding reset to get it into write mode, and boom...done.


Not exactly a Flash app, but someone has developed a one-stop-shop app now (scroll down to the "easy way" section of the article).

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Not exactly a Flash app, but someone has developed a one-stop-shop app now (scroll down to the "easy way" section of the article).

Hah thank you gbatemp. I've had an account there I think since the later 90s and it's always an excellent go to for all sorts of stuff. This guy did a real big community solid creating that tool. And to think he threw this out there: Emulator supports mappers: 0 (NROM), 1 (MMC1), 2 (UxROM), 3 (CNROM), 4 (MMC3), 5 (MMC5), 7 (AxROM), 9 (MMC2), 10 (MMC4). -- Clearly it should (maybe Tengen, AES, Myriad, Color Dreams, etc unlicensed aside) it should load any legit US based Nintendo game and a large chunk of the Japanese and European stuff too. I guess it should be no surprise if they didn't bother with the Japanese custom chips like the Konami, Namco, etc stuff. It does say a lot though if it does run all those mappers as it is, they had wider plans, or just uplifted the core of the New3DS (latest iteration) Virtual Console bones to do this as it does run all those chips.


Here's the thread too, very nice: https://gbatemp.net/threads/hakchi2-nes-mini-very-simple-pimp-tool.456256/

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I haven't tried it yet myself, but they might work. The GBATemp forum thread states the emulator supports mappers 0 (NROM), 1 (MMC1), 2 (UxROM), 3 (CNROM), 4 (MMC3), 5 (MMC5), 7 (AxROM), 9 (MMC2) and 10 (MMC4). MMC5 boasts extra sound channels, so it's worth a shot. The VRC6 used in some Famicom games apparently isn't supported, so Castlevania III may be off the table. Either way, once I'm back home I'll give it a shot just for giggles. I did try some other Famicom exclusives like Dig Dug and Galaxian, and they worked fine. Granted those don't exactly demand a lot of resources, but it's nice to see there isn't any kind of internal region filtering going on.


I did notice some games end up with mangled names for some reason, even after using the utility from GBATemp to change the name. Xevious became Evious and the 4th, 5th and 6th Mega Mans became simply Mega Man. Mega Man 3 kept its full title for whatever reason.

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Yes, it's been suggested there isn't necessarily an upper limit enforced by software, but after a while games and save states start competing for space. I think it was on the GBATemp forum where I read if you put 90 games on the system you have room for only about 16 save states. I plan on capping mine at 60 to 70, at least for this first go-round.

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Yes, it's been suggested there isn't necessarily an upper limit enforced by software, but after a while games and save states start competing for space. I think it was on the GBATemp forum where I read if you put 90 games on the system you have room for only about 16 save states. I plan on capping mine at 60 to 70, at least for this first go-round.


seems plenty enough for me, im not one to keep a save for 2 years then come back to a game to only load the last level I was on .. if im not actively trying to beat it, the save has a high chance of being gone (outside of something like a PS1 + era racing game)

Edited by Osgeld
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I've been having fun loading up the NES Classic with games this evening. I've got it up to 67 counting the original 30, and I think that's where I'm going to stop, at least for now. For those who are as anal as me about games being named and ordered correctly, I've noticed a few things:

  • At least with the current tools, you can't rename or change any other info about the original 30 games. So, if you want added sequels to order properly with the on-board games, you'll have to follow the naming conventions of the on-board games. That means using names like "DOUBLE DRAGON III: The Sacred Stones" (caps before the colon, Roman numeral III), "Castlevania III Dracula's Curse" (no colon, Roman numeral III), and "MEGA MAN 3" (all caps, TM symbol, number 3). Oddly the Mega Man sequels still won't show "4", "5", or "6" (I think I might know why; more on that below), but at least they'll order correctly with Mega Man 2 this way.
  • Along the same lines, if you want the games to list properly when ordered by publisher, you have to use the names of the current companies that own these games. For Nintendo, Capcom and Konami, the names are the same, but for both Taito and Square, you have to use "Square Enix", for Bandai and Namco you have to use "Bandai Namco", and for Tecmo you have to use "Koei Tecmo". Other companies like Tengen and Mindspring that didn't have any on-board games, you can use what you want.
  • For whatever odd reason, it seems capital letter X and all numbers except 2 and 3 will not show up in game titles. Xevious becomes "evious", KLAX becomes "KLA", 1942 becomes "2", and so on. Fortunately the games will still load, but OCD'ers be warned.


Other observations:

  • Extra-audio games appear to be a no-go, sadly. The list of supported mappers seems to be set in stone, and if I understand things correctly, MMC5 is the only supported mapper that offers extra audio. The U.S. version of Castlevania III uses MMC5 and so it will load, but the music was purposefully gimped since U.S. NES's can't play the extra channels. There is a small handful of MMC5 games that use extra audio, but apparently they don't use it much, and I didn't hear anything dramatically different when I tried one of them (JustBreed).
  • Unlicensed games aren't necessarily a problem, and I've loaded several Tengen titles on mine. Unfortunately a lot of Tengen games use unsupported mappers, so I have to do without certain favorites like Road Runner. The good news is some Tengen titles had Japanese releases that used different mappers. That's how I got KLAX... excuse me, "KLA" to play.
  • The demo mode seems to select only on-board games, even as it scrolls through the full list.
  • Mario is an absolute dick to Luigi in the screen saver.
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If you all want definitive up to date information on both hakchi2 running this madness, but also all the finds about the system limits which seem to keep changing reddit is it, it's all going down there right along with the hakchi authors.

mods, hacks, and improvements to extend the NES classic


Currently it seems someone thinks 97 games is the limit not to compromise save states. Also the naming issue as of an hour ago, the guy hacked it, you can now use numbers higher than #3 so you can throw '1943' at it and it'll be fine or 'Mega Man 6' instead of VI. He hacked the entire english alphabet and number system into the core so that problem is resolved.


They're slowly trying to cobble together a working list of licensed, unlicensed, homebrew, hacks and patches that work or not. A very short list of licensed Nintendo games seem to fail or jack up.


Added audio channels are a no go, same with Japanese company additional mappers which mostly didn't leave Japan. FIgure any wonky Namco, Konami, Sunsoft(which we did get a little), and other stuff is likely to downright fail or glitch (Ms Pac Man - Tengen has issues.)



Also if you need a slowly done (12min~) video that shows you and explains to you how to do this work, go with this: NES MINI Classic Modded - YouTube


That video has it all with backing up your kernel, setting up the custom one, how to inject the games into it via the menu, the google for box art button, filling in the blanks, and the process/wait times (blinking red light on system) to do this without bricking your fancy toy.

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Hah thank you gbatemp. I've had an account there I think since the later 90s and it's always an excellent go to for all sorts of stuff. This guy did a real big community solid creating that tool. And to think he threw this out there: Emulator supports mappers: 0 (NROM), 1 (MMC1), 2 (UxROM), 3 (CNROM), 4 (MMC3), 5 (MMC5), 7 (AxROM), 9 (MMC2), 10 (MMC4). -- Clearly it should (maybe Tengen, AES, Myriad, Color Dreams, etc unlicensed aside) it should load any legit US based Nintendo game and a large chunk of the Japanese and European stuff too. I guess it should be no surprise if they didn't bother with the Japanese custom chips like the Konami, Namco, etc stuff. It does say a lot though if it does run all those mappers as it is, they had wider plans, or just uplifted the core of the New3DS (latest iteration) Virtual Console bones to do this as it does run all those chips.


Here's the thread too, very nice: https://gbatemp.net/threads/hakchi2-nes-mini-very-simple-pimp-tool.456256/

Hehe, mini PIMP tool, love it! :grin:


Now if only the NES Mini wasn't harder to find than water in a desert... :roll:

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Added audio channels are a no go, same with Japanese company additional mappers which mostly didn't leave Japan. FIgure any wonky Namco, Konami, Sunsoft(which we did get a little), and other stuff is likely to downright fail or glitch (Ms Pac Man - Tengen has issues.)

Bad header in the NO_INTRO set. Mirroring bit is set incorrectly. It does this on my PowerPak, and da-dum, playing a real Tengen Ms Pacman cart on the Retro Freak... :roll:

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