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HSC13 R13: Qix and Omidor

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Qix is one of the all time best games, combining simplicity and playability it has that one more go factor in spades. I think you will all enjoy Omidor we'll see if is as good as I remember.



1. EMULATOR USERS MUST PLAY GAMES AT NORMAL SPEED, no cheating by making it faster.

2. PLAY THE A8 VERSION not the 5200 port.


Round NOW ends Saturday 20th August 10AM UK time.


ABBUC Software Contest

I'm on the last day of trying to get my new Atari game working for the contest, I'd encourage you all to become members it's a very modest fee and you will get all the contest games (disk or download) and get to vote too (doesn't matter that you can't read the magazine unless you are fluent in German).


PRO© Magazine

Please also support this magazine that I am helping put together it's all about the 8-bit Atari and is in English too. Plus they have some nice T-Shirts and limited edition boxed software.




erm trbb, stay in character :D

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I'll start things off with a measly 58,831 I've always sucked at this game! :(


That's ok you are not allowed to win two rounds in a row (it's a new HSC rule :-D )


It's all about the multiplier and box strategy - see some of the earlier Qix rounds and study the screenshots of various players ;)

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Got another run, this time for real. Unfortunately counter turned to 0000000 after 9999999 :(

These are incredible scores, I thought I was good when I got 600-900K ish!!

Would be interesting to see what your tactics are (screen shot of the building blocks) I make a tree up the middle and try to section off the qix!


Which file/ATR are you using? I remember I found it hard to get a decent copy that didn't go crazy every few goes (down to the copy protection possibly). I think I had to load it from mydos as it didn't like the menu systems.


Pehaps you need a bonus challenge so set the threshold to the highest setting and see how you get on ;)



Comments on Omidor guys?


Not had time to play yet as I've been flat out programming my abbuc game for the last week or so - if anyone wants to see some screenshots have a look at the 4th page of the contest thread on the main A8 forum!

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Would be interesting to see what your tactics are (screen shot of the building blocks) I make a tree up the middle and try to section off the qix!


Which file/ATR are you using? I remember I found it hard to get a decent copy that didn't go crazy every few goes (down to the copy protection possibly). I think I had to load it from mydos as it didn't like the menu systems.


Pehaps you need a bonus challenge so set the threshold to the highest setting and see how you get on ;)



Comments on Omidor guys?


Not had time to play yet as I've been flat out programming my abbuc game for the last week or so - if anyone wants to see some screenshots have a look at the 4th page of the contest thread on the main A8 forum!


Ok, so here's the deal how to be good at Qix:

1. Live in a place where the only three games in Arcade room are Qix, Kabuki Z and Operation Thunderbolt (damaged)

2. Play every week at least 4-5 times

3. Done :)


As for my tactic:

1. Get x9 as fast as possible.

2. Get 65%-70% of the field cover but try to separate both flying thingies

3. Separate them to get level restart

4. Repeat until you decide to retire


I use this file: Qix (1982)(Atari)(US)[k-file]


As for Omidor... well some of the levels are very easy but some of them are hard as hell and need a lot of precision. I've managed to reach level 7 at most. Not really my kind of a game.

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I was going to request Miner 2049er from my list, but I've decided to nominate....


AREX! Great game! Lots of challenge and awesome music (I love the music when the devil is chasing you down.) :evil:

I was going to put you list on like I did for everyone else but we just played Cosmic Tunnels - Arex was great fun last time so we have our first suggestion. Probably will extend this round into the 3rd week as I'm struggling for time a bit so poll will start later this week :)

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Qix 415,363


Omidor 49,399

Nice and relaxing after being freaked out by Qix... until about level 7!! great music and nice graphics, good to see someone using some of these demo tricks (colour bars) on the title screen :thumbsup:


My pick for the next poll is Trolls and Tribulations :)

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First Tables


1st Dope (n) 10,000,000 12pts :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
2nd therealbountybob (p) 415,363 11pts
3rd McKong (p) 80,504 10pts
4th Deteacher (n) 58,831 9pts


Omidor (1pt per player)
1st Deteacher (n) 60,602 3pts
2nd therealbountybob (p) 49,399 2pts
3rd Dope (n) 46,505 1pt

Players can each nominate one game from their lists for the next poll :)

So far we have Deteacher's Arex and trbb's Trolls and Tribulations...

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This round extended until Thursday 18th 10am UK time

Poll will start tomorrow we need a couple more suggestions:

So far we have Deteacher's "Arex", trbb's "Trolls and Tribulations", Dope's`"Lone Raider"

Round 14 POLL OPEN ;-)

Season 13 Current Standings Updated :)

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OK still quiet around here so well give this round another day or so Round 14 POLL OPEN ;-)


Latest Tables


1st Dope (n) 10,000,000 12pts :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
2nd therealbountybob (p) 415,363 11pts
3rd McKong (p) 153,630 10pts
4th Deteacher (n) 91,406 9pts
5th Sikor (p) 51,346 8pts
6th Bunsen (p) 45,496 7pts

Bonus Challenge set the timer and threshold to the hardest settings!


Omidor (1pt per player)
1st Deteacher (n) 60,602 4pts
2nd therealbountybob (p) 49,399 3pts
3rd Dope (n) 46,505 2pts

4th Sikor (p) 12,997 1pt

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I admire you all. Omidor is one of the hardest games I've ever played.

You are probably still playing on NTSC :thumbsup:


I've been trying a new tactic: focus on the baddies and just stay alive but I get distracted into looking at the boxes and then it's too late!


Not a bad game. It could do with some flash at the start so you can quickly locate your paint roller :)

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