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RFC AtariForce.com

The Historian

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As you may have seen in another thread, I'm in the process of developing a web site to allow collectors to connect with other collectors in thier local area.


Basically a user signs up and lists where they are and what systems they collect. They could then search for other collectors in their area. Once found they could send an email to them. Future plans include the ability to form groups and allow group emails, calendar functions, etc...


As it is still in development I'm asking for any comments you may have about the design, layout and possible features you may want to see added.

The URL to the beta design is http://atariforce.com/.


I expect you to treat this as if you were seeing E.T. or Pac-Man for the first time. THat is, nothing less than pure, unrestricted honesty. :D


Thanks in advance,


David "The Historian" De Wald

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the link, and no I don't have a banner. Although a news post on your site would be nice. The "contact us" went up today and you may have caught it while I was working on it. It should work now.


Not sure why it wouldn't come up at all, unless you are blocking cookies...


The Forums, seem to be working fine although there are no posts yet :roll:. The Calendar is up and allows users to create events as well as let other users "Signup" for those events :D. WebLogs (blogs) are working though I need to modify the page to allow users to easily link to their blogs if they wish to share them. I will be looking in to allowing users to add Photo albums to display thier collections, however this takes up valuable DB or Server space.


Thanks for checking it out...

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