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Dragging Sprite To Main Code Editor Problem


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So, we've officially taken the plunge and have gotten our feet wet w/ Atari 2600 programming. I have started to have my 9yo son begin using bB and VbB. He is coming over from learning programming using MIT's Scratch and I we figured this would be a fun way to start doing things more "real-world" (we have a Harmony Encore). We are running Windows 10 64-bit and bB version 1.1d.revenge37 and VbB 1.0_Build_554. I have him initially following along w/ the Tinkernut video.


He had started a new project and got his playfield done and pu ove3r into the main editor, did his draw loop and it compiled and ran fine. Then he made some sprites and flagged me down for an issue when he dropped his sprites into the main editor it would not compile and run. This was a week ago. I looked at it yesterday with him (I have him every other week at my place) and it had a syntax error due to when he put the sprite code into the main editor, it looked normal (playerxxx: code end) but had inserted the actual file location (ie: C:\Atari2600\bB\My_project...sprite") on the line above the "playerxxx:" line. I had us backtrack and deleted the sprite code and used a drag-drop action to pull the sprite over from the right pane into the main editor into his default.bas and it put it over there correctly (w/o the file directory location), but we still were getting syntax errors when we added positioning (ie: player0x=50:player0y=50). Yes, we did rename playerxxx: to player0:). The syntax errors this time were on the position lines. Even after deleting the position lines totally, we were getting errors w/ the sprite coding. I eventually chalked it up to some hidden character being inserted by us somehow that we couldn't get rid of and had him start all over.


We deleted the original project and started following along fine again until we are trying to drag the sprites over again. It again is now putting the file directory location above the coding. I have tried simply removing the line, but it will still give syntax error. After shuffling around some, deleting blank lines, etc, it will even give syntax errors on the "%0110001" lines of coding for the sprite. We have not touched those lines. I apologize I don't have more specifics on the syntax errors at the moment, but can tonight. I'll probably have him setup an account on here tonight as well.


I'm just wondering if someone might have a handle on this -are we doing something incorrectly, or a known issue I did not find in a search?



As an aside, why does VbB require elevated permissions? I had a heck of a time trying to get this to run on his user account w/o me having to type in a password - ultimately resorted to writing a PowerShell script to launch it for him w/ using a store pass.




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Try using this version of VbB and be sure to do what it says in the links I posted:




I haven't heard about people needing to use passwords, just running as administrator.



You can attach the .bas file so we can look at it and see what the problem is. Also be sure to check out the various example programs on the bB page:



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I will try this stuff later tonight - Thanks for the links.


As far as the password, he is a non-admin account, hence the UAC kicks in and asks for a password for an admin when being launched. It does not ask for pass on my account as I am admin. I'm sure there's a reason, but I haven't been able to wrap my feeble mind (at this point) around why it would need admin access. I am not about to lower security defenses on this newly built machine - considering the whole reason it was built is because the last computer that was there always had issues because people non-the-wiser couldn't leave well enough alone :)




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OK, I didn't get to it yesterday as we had an emergency situation at work that I've been dealing with. But, I have now downloaded the 568 build of VbB. Now I have a question about "updating" my install -I did not find anything on your site (or here) in regards to updating an existing install or deleting. Do I just rip out the old directory, put this one in its stead, and re-run the configuration? Or is there an update process I need to be aware of? Or, do I uninstall / reinstall? I did not see it in the program list in control panel, so I assume it's not doing any registry updates.


Thanks again,


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On my PC, every new version of bB and VbB would get its own new folder in the Atari2600 folder. I would never rip out or delete anything. Then I'd do what it says here:



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On my PC, every new version of bB and VbB would get it's own new folder in the Atari2600 folder. I would never rip out or delete anything. Then I'd do what it says here:




That was another thought I had. That will work, I'm sure. I don't know if I'll get to it tonight, but will tomorrow. I also think I might be onto something with part of our problem. I did not realize there was an indent-specification in this language/IDE. Now, thinking about the way our errors would move around, I gotta believe that is what is going on. We will definitely play tomorrow and I will report back.

Edited by rasch_C
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So, we have success. I loaded the 568 build last night and we played a little last night, and then my son had playing with it today. No more adding file/directory location when dragging the spirits over. And code has been compiling and running fine - thanks mostly in partto us watching the proper indentations.


Thanks Random for your assistance. We will continue to read and learn.



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