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What other "disk only" game would you like to see

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With the development of the Mega-Cart, it is very easy to put any

disk only game on cartridge, as we did with M.U.L.E.


I am interested in knowing what other "disk only" games would

you like to see in cartridge form?? I personally like some of the

Spy vs Spy disk games!!



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it would be cool to have the alternate reality games on cart, but I'm not sure if it is possible since they span multiple, multi-sided disks...

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My top game choices would be:


Koronis Rift

The Eidolon


Repton (Better than Stargate!)

Bandits (with XE fix)



Any 5200 games that were converted to the 8bit but never released like Gremlins, Space Dungeon, Super Pacman, Jnr Pacman etc...


And just for me:


Henry's House

Last Guardian






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it would be cool to have the alternate reality games on cart, but I'm not sure if it is possible since they span multiple, multi-sided disks...


Theoretically it should be possible. If memory serves me correctly then each SD disk holds around 92K, which the Atari can handle via the usual bank switching methods.


The only real difficulty would be that the program would have to be to access the cart instead of the disk.


As for the original question, I'd love to see Dropzone on cart. There's a nice easy one for ya! :) Okay ... I know it wasn't disk only (in the UK anyway).


I'm all for putting The Eidolon, Koronis Rift, Racing Destruction Set, Ultima 3 and ... better still, considering all the bugs and problems that can occur with the disk access in the game ... Omnitrend's Universe (Elite without the action).

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There is probably going to be issues with putting any program that goes back to the disk to load levels or data. I imagine that they cart just loads chunks of the program into ram (turning itself off where appropriate) and there is no facility for the program to get more data later, unless the program itself is disassembled and partially rewritten.


I too would like to see AR: Dungeon on cart! That would be great, but I don't think it's possible in reality.

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I imagine that the cart just loads chunks of the program into ram (turning itself off where appropriate) and there is no facility for the program to get more data later


This could be possible by redirecting the device handler vector table and have a set of routines to 'read' from the cart ram rather than the disk.


A similar thing was done when putting multi part cassettes onto disk, the IO routines for getting a block from the tape were replaced with a get next sector call instead.


Granted, anything with some protection would require partial rewrites.

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Wow, there are tons of great disk-based games! Here would be some of my top choices, in no particular order:


- Alternate Reality: The City

- Alternate Reality: The Dungeon

- Koronis Rift

- The Eidolon

- Realm of Impossibility

- Tail of Beta Lyrae

- Ultima III

- Ultima IV

- Jumpman


I'd be happy to get any of these in cartridge form. :) :)



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:D i would prefer all brilliant games which refuse to load fast


additional to the above mentioned:


- international karate / world championship karate

- AR:the city & the dungeon

- ultima (all of them...)

- wizard's crown

- 7 cities of gold



on top of that:


- turbo basic XL

- assembler

- action

- dos 2.5, bewe dos

- rambrandt XL



and other utilities...



AR:the dungeon could be hard to hack as


- it detects how much RAM you have (loads more into the 64k if it runs on 130xe)

- supports more than 1 disc drive

- could be packed & crippled as you might try to crack it you will find a bootloader in sector 1 which contains text saying "put here your cracking group name...". i was told... ;)



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Track and Field is already on cart by Atari

International Karate is already on cart by Video 61

Action is already on cart by OSS

Up and Down is already on cart by SEGA

Temple of Apshai is already on cart by EPYX (my bad -- its Gateway to Apshai that came on cart)


Super Pacman and Jnr Pac man are also already on cart, but I was really thinking an "all the 5200 games" super cart would be cool maybe?



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fist keep in mind that nothing is impossible ;)

as for putting a multi-part multy disk game in to cartrdige you can do this in several ways


1. if the games does not use the shadow os ram and uses standard SIO calls .. you can replace the OS Rom with RAM patch the SIO routines this can be in the boot process of the cartridge.. so when the game will call for SIO it will call your SIO routine and load the data from the cart into the Disk puffer


2. put your own Cart SIO routines somewhere in free ram and patch all SIO calls from the software to your routine.


so it is possible... but with some games it will take some work to do.. in order to make it work from a cartrige..

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Compilations of many of the smaller text adventures would be cool,

all of Brian Howarth's Mysterious Adventures, some Scott Adams ones

(Hulk etc), early Level 9. The cassette images are probably the easiest to transfer.


Another idea would be by company carts, e.g. for Europe, English Software (ElectraGlide, Henry's House, Diamonds etc), Red Rat (Screaming Wings, Crumble's Crisis), TyneSoft (Winter Olympiad, MouseTrap), Mastertronic etc.


One question, how does the cart handle resets? A game usually traps the reset handler so that the game restarts. Would the presence of the cart mean the cart's menu would kick back in instead?





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Hi Mark,


trapping the reset is depending on the game.. if the game traps the reset.. (so it will restart upon pusing the reset) it will also do this when runnig from the cart.


if the game (and some games do that) uses the reset registers to do something else.. it means when you push reset the computer reboots (like spy vs spy games etc..) then 3 things can happens when running the game form cart: 1. the cart will boot.. and if its a sigle game cart then the game will restart. 2. in multi-game cart the menu will apear.. 3. the computer is rebooted.. and you need to switch it off/on to get back to the menu



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fist keep in mind that nothing is impossible  ;)


:) I know that, but who has, and is willing to spend the free time to go through the code/data of a four disk game to put it on cartridge?


1. if the games does not use the shadow os ram and uses standard SIO calls .. you can replace the OS Rom with RAM patch the SIO routines this can be in the boot process of the cartridge.. so when the game will call for SIO it will call your SIO routine and load the data from the cart into the Disk puffer


Ingenious! I can see a problem though. With a multi-disk game, how does your SIO patch know what disk the game is looking for?


2. put your own Cart SIO routines somewhere in free ram and patch all SIO calls from the software to your routine.


Ditto, you would need to know which disk is being asked for and handle that somehow in the original code (call with a different argument) or your cart SIO routines.


so it is possible... but with some games it will take some work to do.. in order to make it work from a cartrige..


Exactly! I don't know about anyone else, but I seem to have less and less time to do the things that I would like to do. The things I need to do keep getting in the way! :D

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... better still, considering all the bugs and problems that can occur with the disk access in the game ... Omnitrend's Universe (Elite without the action).


Just FYI, Omnitrend is still a going concern, albeit it closed its gaming arm in 1993. Tom Carbone, who wrote Universe, wpuld certainly protest Universe being cart-ed without his consent. That said, if someone wanted to do it and asked him about it, I'm sure he'd be game if the conditions were right. I'd be willing to put in a good word (I worked on every Omnitrend game from Paladin to Rules of Engagement 2).

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Does someone have instructions for Omnitrend's Universe?




I have it but no idea what to do with it..... apart from the disk swapping.


Basically any game that involves a lot of disk swapping would be cool on a cartridge, Alternate Reality , Infocom titles etc.


I remember playing "Ace of Aces" on tape, that was a bitch, 1 hour to load, then 30 minutes wait everytime you wanted to do something.

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