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Cuttle Cart II


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Hi All,


I've decided to name my latest 7800 project the Cuttle Cart II. I decided that with all the name recognition of the Cuttle Cart it was silly to buck it. (And honestly, I just like the name.)


It really hit home when I noticed a post here on Atariage where Cuttled was actually used as a verb. :D


Anyway, I've updated the (now moved) website with some more recent and higher quality screen shots if you're interested.





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If there's a sign-up sheet on the site, I'll be putting down my name. $200 seems steep now, but have you seen the insane post-market demand for a Cuttle Cart? In the long run $200 is cheap, and definitely worth it!

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I'd spend 200 if it came with pokey...


If you round up the $200 to buy this, I'll send you a pokey, I have 3 copies of 7800 Ballblazer and I see them around my area for $1 most of the time :)


When this product comes closer to final I'll try to round some of them up. My broken 4-port 5200 who already lost its bios to my 2-port can also make the great sacrifice and give up its pokey ;)

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I'd spend 200 if it came with pokey...


If you round up the $200 to buy this, I'll send you a pokey, I have 3 copies of 7800 Ballblazer and I see them around my area for $1 most of the time :)


When this product comes closer to final I'll try to round some of them up. My broken 4-port 5200 who already lost its bios to my 2-port can also make the great sacrifice and give up its pokey ;)


Consider it done. :D

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How long do we have to get our orders in because I am haveing to buy a guitar and amp and stuff tomorrow and wont have 200 dollar for another couple weeks... :(


I still have some work to do once the latest protos come back in order to get the serial link working, and I still have to send them to the beta testers and give them time to bang on them. Then I have to fix any problems they uncover.



Realistically I can't see starting taking preorders for at least a few more weeks, and it could be longer. The window once they open will probably be around 2-3 weeks.



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At this point I can only tell you that I think it will work in a PAL system. But I don't have one to test with.


However, Mitch tells me he does have a PAL 7800, and Mitch has kindly volunteered to be one of my beta testers. So PAL compatibility will be tested, and hopefully worked out, before I sell them.


I've worked with Eckhard to set up the display such that it should be self adjusting between PAL and NTSC. And given that otherwise the PAL system runs slightly slower than an NTSC system, I don't think there will be a problem. Of course NTSC games that fail to run on PAL systems will likely not run using the CC2 either.



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Hmmm interesting... will it work okay on a PAL 7800?


I would imagine that would depend entirely on the rom placed on the cuttle cart, wouldn't it?


For the game itself yes. But the loading system itself must be PAL compatible, as well as all the bankswitching hardware. It's just one more timing concern to deal with. :roll:



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It would be great to run an NTSC 7800 in this country (so I could play a few of the NTSC games in my collection without problem) but unless I pick up one that's had the S-video mod done to it, sadly not possible :(

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It would be great to run an NTSC 7800 in this country (so I could play a few of the NTSC games in my collection without problem) but unless I pick up one that's had the S-video mod done to it, sadly not possible  :(


Either that or get one of those SCART 7800s and convert it to NTSC. :D



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