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The FinalGROM 99


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thank you very much, we assembled these FGs, the situation at the moment is this, AVR programmed with Atmel ICE and verified with a working FG. I don't understand if the problem could be with CPLD or with ATMEL. When I power the FG the LED flashes approximately 1 time per second, if I insert the SD with the CPLD programming file and do the reset, the LED flashes six times quickly, I have tried various SDs..

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi, everyone, I have two fg99s with this problem, when I insert the SD card with the update.pld file the LED stays on, and never goes off. Has this happened to anyone? I tried replacing both the 328p and the Xilinix...

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Based on your description, I probably had an error similar to yours at some point when I built my batches of FinalGROM.  If the LED doesn't blink, it's not a "regular" error, like file not found.  The error codes returned by the JTAG library are also translated to LED signals.


I assume the working and non-working boards have the same AVR software?  If so, I would check if you have bad solder somewhere so that some signals are not going through.  Also, did you set the AVR fuses correctly?  How long did you wait for completion?

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On 18/3/2024 at 18:37, ralphb said:

In base alla tua descrizione, probabilmente ho avuto un errore simile al tuo ad un certo punto durante la creazione dei miei batch di FinalGROM. Se il LED non lampeggia, non si tratta di un errore "normale", come file non trovato. Anche i codici di errore restituiti dalla libreria JTAG vengono tradotti in segnali LED.


Presumo che le schede funzionanti e non funzionanti abbiano lo stesso software AVR? Se è così, controllerei se hai una saldatura difettosa da qualche parte in modo che alcuni segnali non vengano trasmessi. Inoltre, hai impostato correttamente i fusibili dell'AVR? Quanto tempo hai aspettato per il completamento?

the FW is the same for all and the lock bits are the same (checked directly with atmel-ice), I attach both the TDO and the TCK seem blocked by something. I assume that the update file is read well since the LED lights up steadily, are the CD0-CD7 bits affected when programming the cpld?  Sicuramente è una stupidaggine !



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/16/2024 at 8:50 PM, ralphb said:

Wow, that sucks ...  But I'm glad you solved your problem.

Here's what I had to adapt to test the cplds. (they send us shit@) 

Sorry Ralph if I cannibalized the PCB!!




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On 10/8/2020 at 16:49, helocast said:

Un po' più lento, 55 ns contro 45 ns e un intervallo di tensione di alimentazione più ampio. Oltre a questo è anche nel pacchetto TSOP II a 44 pin.

$ 6,92 AS6C8008-55ZIN  https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/12/AS6C8008-1288432.pdf


Non ho controllato la compatibilità più da vicino di così.


Hi everyone, they brought me an FG99 with the RAM (as6c8008-55), apparently it seemed to work until we tried the (TI extended basic), the FG99 blocked, I replaced the RAM with (cy62158) no problem. Now I don't have an AS6c8008 to do other tests, but I would like someone who has the fg99 with this ram to do some tests with the TI extende basic. THANK YOU


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