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I saw a post recently wondering if all the positive reception to the video showing the circuit board was real. I can speak for myself and say my response was tepid. I have an account on Polymega and check the forums a couple times a week. I'd say I've had half or more of my posts on forums not show up, including one on that exact thread. The reason why I don't know.


It sounds like they are vetting all the posts to the forum then, to prevent anything they perceive as negative getting through. Not saying that's what they are doing but it does sound fairly suspicious.

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It sounds like they are vetting all the posts to the forum then, to prevent anything they perceive as negative getting through. Not saying that's what they are doing but it does sound fairly suspicious.

Given how the forum is the only place they've had any real presence since last summer, there is a certain logic to that theory.

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  • 1 month later...

My comment got past moderation, which is really weird.


Do you have a link to it? I can't find it. Also, the numbers on the posts, are they supposed to be sequential? If so, there are enormous gaps between them, suggesting there are more deleted comments than those that make it on the board. The one-sidedness of the "community" is certainly unusual.


The renders are cute, I'll give them that, but can't play games with a rendered controller.



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Do you have a link to it? I can't find it. Also, the numbers on the posts, are they supposed to be sequential? If so, there are enormous gaps between them, suggesting there are more deleted comments than those that make it on the board. The one-sidedness of the "community" is certainly unusual.


I don't see that comments have permalinks over there, but I took a screenshot. I even got a couple replies. I don't think one of these guys understands that just because there aren't any dates doesn't make it any less vapor at this point.


Edited by derFunkenstein
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So I guess they've written their own SNES emulator?




I'm not sure what we're looking at here tbh, but I'd be interested in knowing how this compares to real hardware or other emulators


I find the fact that they are using the term "emulator" amusing given how originally this wasn't emulation at all. Then it was hybrid. Pretty quick it'll just be an Android Retroarch box.

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Controllers? That's... nice, I guess. I mean, everyone and their Chinese cousin is making retro controllers. I don't fault them for getting in on the Action, but it does nothing to really sell me on the console itself.


Personal gripe: the nes controller buttons go up and to the left. They should properly go up and to the right. This trend needs to stop now.


If they're promoting their booth at E3, they better actually have real info to provide. That's all I'm gonna say.

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Everything in social media is "Cannot"..


"Cannot wait to play.."

"Can't wait for this.."


It's old and dry and paid-for!


There are better "cannots" related to this thing, though:


Cannot buy it!

Cannot see it in public!

Can't see how this is anything other than a regular emulation box


Those are my faves. :lol:

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If you use your imagination hard enough, any render can become real.


Okay... so they are at least going to have a physical booth at the expo as opposed to showing console shells at some motel near the expo. I guess it is possible they will still only have the shell at the expo, but I'd like to hear what the story is for those that are going.


If this turns out to be BS, I may have to follow through on my threats to post pictures of burgers....

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They did post pictures of a PCB weeks ago. That, combined with the prototype at SoCal last year which was TOTALLY COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY FOR SURE COMPLETLEY GENUINE AND REAL....means that it would be inexcusable not to have a showable unit at E3.

Edited by godslabrat
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