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atari lover or atari money lover.


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i know myself i just sell extra atari games i run across on ebay so i can buy more games for my collection.what do you think the percentage is of people that are buying the games because they really love playing atari and collect as a hobby to the percentage of those who sole motovation is profit. by the way there any big atari bowling fans out there still trying to break the 200 point mark. just got to love those pins.

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There's probably quite a few people selling Atari items on Ebay solely for profit, but I'll bet most of them aren't happy with the results. I'm happy to almost break even buying and selling, and increasing my collection bit by bit along the way.


I think I've gotten about 170 on Bowling. It's one of those games that must have a trick to it and I just haven't figured it out yet.



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Normally, I only sell on ebay when I already have an item, upgrading an existing item or don't have use for the item.




I purchased a very early model of a pioneer laser disc. Later on I replaced that model with a newer model. So I listed the laser disc on ebay for the price I paid for it originaly at the thrift store. (Sometimes I added $3.00 or so to the price for gass)


I also did the same with a phone system. I had an excutone system I didn't want to install in my house. So when I picked up a merlin box and phones. I put the excutone phone system up on ebay. That turned a nice profit since it was free and I started the bidding at like $5.00 Plus whatever shipping would turn out to be. It ended up going for over $100.00


I normally let customers pick who they want to ship from. Ups, fedex, etc.





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I've never sold anything in my life and that includes Atari cartridges. Maybe it's because I usually only have one of each! (with a few exceptions). :lol:


Anyway, yeah I scored 300 in bowling. Using PCAE and SAVE STATES that is. Yeah it was cheating but I wanted to see if anything special happens. BTW.. nothing does ;)


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I buy to collect and play. I got hooked all over again on the 2600 and now Im onto the 5200. I have a bunch of dupes I might sell on ebay in the hopes to make a few bucks to buy more, but I'll probably list them here first. I have no desire to make money off my games.

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Well, back in the day, making games was basically a legal way to print your own money.


I rarely sell any games on Ebay, or anywhere, I probably should though, I got lots of dupes of many games. Sell the whole lot for a few bucks so I can pick up a new game I don't have or something.


I believe that some people do sell games for the sole purpose of making money, and believe it or not, there's lots of money to be made that way, I know an individual game could sell for a dollar or two, even Atari games. And you can buy whole lots for a few bucks, fast cash basically. I don't know how people put up with the hastle though. To much work I'd think.

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I have no desire to make money off my games.


Ditto. I like to make people happy, and just about every single game I've traded, sold off or donated were games that came with my 7800 when I bought it from a friend that I didn't play, so they're in better homes now with owners who will give them the attention they deserve (sh*t, I didn't plan on this post becoming sappy :)).


I think the majority of people who trade and sell games aren't in it for the money, but those types of people are everywhere anyway (the money making only kind), since I read an article several years ago in regards to sci-fi and Star Trek conventions here, and one dealer who they interviewed in the article who sold merchandise at conventions was only in it for the money. He said some Trekkers would hang out and try to discuss favorite episodes with him, and he'd just shrug, not knowing what the hell they were talking about. I'd say you're in the wrong business then, pal.

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