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Things I've never found in the wild


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* CommaVid

* Tigervision

* Panda

* Froggo


What's your experience? I usually come across a lot of Atari games, a similarly large number of M-Network games (I sometimes think people don't realize they're actually for VCS), a decent amount of Activision games (though I'm sure people go after those first), a smaller amount of Parker Brothers games, and occasionally Coleco VCS games. Once in a blue moon, I might find CBS or Spectravision, and only once in the last two years have I found Xonox (though it was a loose Tomarc the Barbarian that only cost me $1).

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Down here in Florida, I often run into Froggo games, usually Sea Hawk and Karate (maybe see them once every few months). I've also found 2 Panda Sea Hawks and Xonox double enders are pretty common to spot. Nothing else on your list.


I am disappointed in that I was hoping this thread was about an African safari expidition or something. :P

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I run into Atari carts frequently. I've been passing a lot of them up lately because they are being sold for too much, I'm running out of room and there are only so many copies of a single game one needs.


Besides Atari, M Network, specifically Space Attack pops up frequently around here, VCS CV games are pretty abundant, although the labels are usually in poor condition, US games and sears text label carts, and once in a great while Parker Brothers, Imagic, Activision and Apollo games come up.


When I was in Vermont, I came across several Spectravision carts, but have yet to find any by me.

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I have found 3 Miner 2049ers in the wild, but that is it for Tigervision.


Never found a Spectravision, CommaVid, Marpes (did have a student give me one once, it was his Dad's), Froggo, or Telegames.


Normal finds are Atari, Coleco, M-Network, PB, Activision, you know the routine.



I about lost it on Brian Fellows. Whats that fuzzy bug? Stop it, Bird!



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Interesting question. Here's my experiences collecting in Michigan.



CommaVid - Never. I've never seen a Commavid game in the wild. I find this odd considering Commavid was located in Illinois.


Tigervision - Very rarely. I've found Polaris and Miner 2049er in the wild, but that's it.


Panda - Once. I found Harbor Escape at a garage sale.


Froggo - Every now and then. I've found Karate and the one with the UFO on the label.




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These I've never found in the wild:


Amer Videogame










Selchow & Right

Selchow & Right




TNT Games


Universal Gamex


Wizard Video



These I've only found once:

Avalon Hill

Milton Bradley


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* CommaVid - Nope but a friend loves to tell the story of the Cakewalk that she once passed up at the Thrift store because she didn't recognize the title!

* Tigervision - The crazy old flea market man recently had a King Kong but I wan't going to pay the $75 that he was asking for it.

* Panda - Nope

* Froggo - Task Force is the only one that I've come across.

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In the wild, I've found...


CommaVid: Cosmic Swarm, loose, once.

Tigervision: Threshhold x2, Jawbreaker, Miner 2049er x3, Miner 2049er Vol. II. All loose.

Panda: Harbor Escape. Loose. I found it in a thrift store on Harbor Blvd! The shopkeeper gave it to me for free because I bought a boxed Atari Pong console for $10.


Froggo: Sea Hawk, loose, once.




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Well in my neck of the woods, you can not find anything Atari wise. Only Nintendo and Sega seem to have anything although someone gave me an address of a thrift shop that might sell Atari cartridges. I plan to go to it this weekend and hope that something Atari is available for sale.

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I would love to see the regional distrubution numbers for these companies.

I bet only the biggest companies would have targeted markets in the Midwest.

I think all the smaller companies would try to put all their product where there was a higher concentration of people.


As a kid, I only remember seeing carts at the stores near me selling Atari, Activision, and Coleco. Although, I remember Xonox being around a little, but they were in Minnesota, I believe.

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Well in my neck of the woods, you can not find anything Atari wise. Only Nintendo and Sega seem to have anything although someone gave me an address of a thrift shop that might sell Atari cartridges. I plan to go to it this weekend and hope that something Atari is available for sale.



I visit my parents down in Miami every few months, you're going to share right? ;)


If you're ever in the Tampa area let me know, I have a few spots.

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Well in my neck of the woods, you can not find anything Atari wise. Only Nintendo and Sega seem to have anything although someone gave me an address of a thrift shop that might sell Atari cartridges. I plan to go to it this weekend and hope that something Atari is available for sale.



I visit my parents down in Miami every few months, you're going to share right? ;)


If you're ever in the Tampa area let me know, I have a few spots.


That some one is me! :D

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