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Looking For Advice On Dealing With Buyer's Remorse

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Yeah my legs are always moving too. My mom was in rehab recently (she had a stroke on mother's day icon_frown.gif) and I came to visit right as my mom, a nurse, and another patient (man was an amputee; all sorts of people pass through there) were about to start a game of dominoes, so I was the fourth player. Anyway the table started wobbling and everyone started looking around before I realized I was subconsciously shaking my leg and the vibration of the floor was moving the table. I wasn't touching the table at all but my leg had somehow found a resonant frequency that excited the table. And in the room when visiting with my mom, people were coming and going, and I had to stand up and start pacing despite available seats. And when I pace at home, it's a cue that I need to take my bike out and ride it, day or night, rain or shine, to get excercise. I also have a small indoor trampoline as well. Get some cardio and the urge to pace around goes away.


I also have vivid imagination and have been known at times to think with my mouth open. If someone calls me on it, I am capable to zip it though. I've had conversations with myself but never to people who aren't there. Bigger issue is I am an auditory processor. This means I actively use the auditory centers of my brain when I read visual information, as I hear an internal voice recite the words I'm reading, though my mouth does not move. This internal voice in pitch is between the sound of my own voice speaking heard through my ears, and the sound of my mom's, as she read to me a lot when I was younger. Without the internal voice, I cannot process any printed text that conveys complex thought.


Herein lies a big problem, since I utilize the auditory processing region of my brain when I read, and this same area also processes any external voices or sounds that I hear, I need a completely silent listening environment in order to read a book or digest printed text. Otherwise my brain only processes distant spoken conversations as my eyes glaze over the printed text. I'm looking at random words and letters with my eyes while I hear something different. My hearing is incredibly sensitive but my mind is unable to tune it out or filter background noise, so for instance being in a classroom and hearing the deafening rustling of papers, scooting of chairs, the scraping of pencils on other students papers whilst trying to respond to an essay question or read a selection.


Especially on a bustling college campus, finding a quiet place to read was extremely difficult. I used to blow a box fan straight at my head or crank an FM radio tuned to blank station, tape deck with nothing in it, etc for white noise. The fan was most effective at drowning out distant vocals without interfering with my auditory processing of printed information, but created it's own issue of rustling the pages I was reading.


Sorry about your mom. Brains can rewire to make repairs. I hope that happens for your mom with anything that may be damaged. What I have to worry about with my mom is that every woman on her side has gotten Alzheimer's. She jokes that no one would notice because she already acts weird and laughs all the time. I don't mean everything is funny to her. It is more like she uses laughs the same way people use filler words like um and I think it is a nervous tick. It is kind of like if the Joker was this innocent old Catholic lady.


I can't do trampolines because for some reason they give me headaches every time.


I used to ride a bike but when I moved out here in the sticks it became impossible because there are no sidewalks and I live on a highway with a speed limit of 55 which means everyone is going 70. Years ago my wife's cousin's best friend used to ride his bike here to get on the bus and got hit by a speeding truck which made him lose a kidney. People are reckless out here. I just get my exercise at work. I also have the opposite problem of most people that I have trouble keeping weight on and used to be bony. So, I try to keep myself around 225 lbs instead of my "natural" 190 lbs which makes me look like I'm dying with it that low. So, I can't over do it and have to have a high calorie diet.


I get in trouble a lot when I'm a passenger in someone else's vehicle because my legs shake it too much.


I don't think out loud because my thinking is different than how I speak. I think in words but it is more like many sentences at the same time with a bunch of flashing pictures with an almost faint sound of a crowd of people in the distance saying a bunch of random stuff which I assume is my subconscious. It is hard to explain. It feels like I have to think about what I'm going to say ahead of time to try to dumb it down almost like I'm coming up with a Tweet because what I'm really thinking at any given moment is more like the giant walls of text I have a tendency of writing here, which believe it or not, I'm actually making my posts shorter than what I am thinking too just not as short since I have more time. So, I have trouble socializing in person and more so in groups. I also can't tell if everyone else is doing the same thing and are just better at it because they can do it so quickly or if their thoughts really are the size of Tweets. So, most of the time I'm just telling people things they need to know and, therefore, when I black out or hallucinate I do the same thing. For an example, one time I was cutting the grass and my wife and in-laws caught me talking to people who weren't even there. From my point of view I never stopped cutting grass but from theirs I would stop every once in a while and then go give people orders for other yard work and the steps I wanted them to take like I hired a group of people to do other things that need to be done while I cut the grass. They thought it was kind of funny because I was doing it so well that to them it almost seemed like I really was talking to invisible people and they wanted to know who they were. I told them that I had no idea what they were talking about because from my point of view I never turned off the lawn mower to make little pauses to go off on the "team" for doing things wrong.


I can kind of relate to your auditory processor thing but not because I experience the exact same thing. I just feel like since I'm taking in everything all at once I can only focus on one thing at a time. So, if my wife was to wake up right now and start talking I would lose my train of thought and even if I tried to ignore her I couldn't keep typing because her words instead of my thoughts would be in my head. I can't type with music playing either or understand what people are saying in a movie unless the volume is louder than people who are talking during it. I have to sleep with a very loud fan by my head because just hearing the AC turn on would wake me up and since I have insomnia I'm screwed if I wake up. Anyway, it is an ADHD thing but I don't think it is an auditory processor thing.


I have this visual distraction thing though. I have perfect vision but empty space between my eyes and what I'm looking at appears to have this static pixilation filling the air that causes tracers with movement as if I'm on LSD all the time. It doesn't show up on screens though for some reason.

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I keep hearing this tapping noise somewhere in my bedroom, like a leaky faucet. I don't know where it's coming from but my fiance's asleep and don't want to disturb her. Can't sleep so I turn on the gamepad to check the internet, again. I don't mind "walls of text" as I find them fascinating as the most interesting people tend to say a lot. If I'm reading a news article online, sometimes the whacko diatribes in the comments are the most interesting, even if they are religious, political, or racially charged.


My mom is doing fine. The stroke occured in the left side of my mom's brain affecting her speech and partial right side facial and motor controls. She is relearning pronunciation and talks very slowly now, uses a walker, but is recovering well. Her speech sounded drunken and slurred and her face drooped so I rushed her to the ER, on mother's day of all times. She was discharged from rehab Tuesday. The clot was the size of a black eye pea and she never lost conciousness. Her personality, cognition, and memories are all unaffected so we have a lot to be thankful for. Her meds have been totally changed as well and her blood pressure is under control now.


Looks like we've hijacked Jin's thread enough now with all this psyche talk. :P

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Looks like we've hijacked Jin's thread enough now with all this psyche talk. :P




It's just fine, this thread served it's purpose for me and all my Atari 7800 stuff except for two games have gone to new homes now. :)


If anyone wants a reproduction cart of Klax or Possible Mission (made by AtariAge's own very talented Shawn) just shoot me a PM.

Edited by Jin
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I keep hearing this tapping noise somewhere in my bedroom, like a leaky faucet. I don't know where it's coming from but my fiance's asleep and don't want to disturb her.

I found our poltergeist. Some soda cans rattling in a trash bag hanging off my dresser drawer being jostled around by air from the ceiling fan. It's been raining here a lot lately so I was relieved that it wasn't a roof leak. :P


@Jin Glad you could get rid of them. I've already got Klax for NES, GBC, Genesis, Turbografx (CIC), Lynx(CIB), and 7800 (repro). It's a popular repro for 7800 and a solid title. Throw it up on marketplace thread and someone will buy it. ;-)

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I keep hearing this tapping noise somewhere in my bedroom, like a leaky faucet. I don't know where it's coming from but my fiance's asleep and don't want to disturb her. Can't sleep so I turn on the gamepad to check the internet, again. I don't mind "walls of text" as I find them fascinating as the most interesting people tend to say a lot. If I'm reading a news article online, sometimes the whacko diatribes in the comments are the most interesting, even if they are religious, political, or racially charged.


My mom is doing fine. The stroke occured in the left side of my mom's brain affecting her speech and partial right side facial and motor controls. She is relearning pronunciation and talks very slowly now, uses a walker, but is recovering well. Her speech sounded drunken and slurred and her face drooped so I rushed her to the ER, on mother's day of all times. She was discharged from rehab Tuesday. The clot was the size of a black eye pea and she never lost conciousness. Her personality, cognition, and memories are all unaffected so we have a lot to be thankful for. Her meds have been totally changed as well and her blood pressure is under control now.


Looks like we've hijacked Jin's thread enough now with all this psyche talk. icon_razz.gif


In a way, Mother's Day seems like the perfect day because the women that gave you life you got to return the favor by rushing her to the ER. For Mother's Day, Easter, or any other holiday I always play Santa Claus with my parents. I'll drive over there around 3AM, sneak in, leave cards and presents, and then sneak back out. Sometimes I'll even do it a day or so early to mix it up to keep them surprised. One time I acted just like my parents would if they caught me catching them sneaking presents. When I was little I would stare out the window to look for a shooting star thinking it was Santa, then sneak out to the living room, and before I could tell what they were obviously doing they would yell,"Get back to your room or Santa won't come!" Then I would run off almost tripping on my ninja Thunder Cats suit or whatever I was into wearing to bed then. Anyway, one time mom opened her bedroom door and started walking down the stairs all excited while I was sneaking in their house. I was pissed and yelled out something like,"You don't see me! I'm not really here! You are still dreaming so go back to bed!" So, she ran right back up the stairs almost tripping on her night gown. :)

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I'm going ok into the purge I've setup for June so far and I feel no remorse in the slightest bit about it. Already down 2 TV games, 2 g1 transformers, a gbc game, a bundle of 2 DS games/accessory, and a cib gba title too.


In another 8 hours my run on ebay ends, so far the retron5 has a bid which I'm pleased about, a gba cart, a 3ds game, and one more g1 transformer without deadbeats are gone at the least. More the better, want to move into dumping the DC stuff.

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In a way, Mother's Day seems like the perfect day because the women that gave you life you got to return the favor by rushing her to the ER. For Mother's Day, Easter, or any other holiday I always play Santa Claus with my parents. I'll drive over there around 3AM, sneak in, leave cards and presents, and then sneak back out. Sometimes I'll even do it a day or so early to mix it up to keep them surprised. One time I acted just like my parents would if they caught me catching them sneaking presents. When I was little I would stare out the window to look for a shooting star thinking it was Santa, then sneak out to the living room, and before I could tell what they were obviously doing they would yell,"Get back to your room or Santa won't come!" Then I would run off almost tripping on my ninja Thunder Cats suit or whatever I was into wearing to bed then. Anyway, one time mom opened her bedroom door and started walking down the stairs all excited while I was sneaking in their house. I was pissed and yelled out something like,"You don't see me! I'm not really here! You are still dreaming so go back to bed!" So, she ran right back up the stairs almost tripping on her night gown. :)

Santa Clause is real man. #mom&dad

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I have this visual distraction thing though. I have perfect vision but empty space between my eyes and what I'm looking at appears to have this static pixilation filling the air that causes tracers with movement as if I'm on LSD all the time. It doesn't show up on screens though for some reason.


Me Too!!


I've wanted to comment on this for a while, but what to say? Not positive, But I'm willing to bet it's the same; Not the "perfect vision" part (although I did have that following my corrective surgery (Radial Keratotomy)), but now I wear glasses...


OK, for as long as I can remember I have seen the world this way! And as I have gotten older my brain has begun to really filter it out, allowing for more "normal" vision, but if I focus I can see "them" anytime I want. Nobody (except for one other person I have met) sees the world the same way, from what I can tell.


It's actually quite rare for me to ever talk about this. It's Always blank stares if I try to explain it.


When I was a kid it also got more spectacular and I have seen things like vertical stripes that would appear and move around the walls or floating colored blocks moving through the house 3 dimensionally (complete with quiet sounds like their own music), but those are the exception as usually it's a mass of circles and atoms and forms and shapes appearing rather 2 dimensionally and occasionally taking weird forms out of the mire. I had only one friend growing up who saw the world the same way. When we were 11 he said "I can see 'air'"...I said "That's not air."


I meant nothing sinister by that, just that wind and fire, etc. do not affect them. Nothing we do affects them..."Them" meaning what I used to call "illusions"...Not at all the same as hallucinations by the way as these are see-through, amorphous, pixelated, ubiquitous, and non-sensical compared to the real world. And although descriptions are hard to come by I tell people they are as mundane as it gets, but I still consider them to be a slight vision into another dimension.


OK Here's the kicker, and honestly I can't believe I'm going to tell this story. Although this could have been a trick of the mind, my friend and I even saw the Same Illusions! The same shapes out of the mire. One day we sat on my stairwell and I pointed into the basement. I said "Do you see that one?". "Yes" he said. So I got pen and paper and we both drew it (separately) and it came out exactly the same!! It kind of looked like a smoothed out letter S with circles inside it or like a Tetris piece that had no corners.


Anyway, It's nice to know someone else who sees it. :)

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We need to set up a "shrink" subforum on AA. The human brain is a peculiar organ, and nobody seems to posess one that functions perfectly. :party:


Not on the same level but I remember playing Zelda BOTW waking up for the fourth morning straight playing and experiencing the "Tetris" effect for like a week afterwords. Was out riding my bike on the trail and it was like I was on Epona scanning the countryside for healing herbs and Bokoblins.

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Shrink on game/collecting related stuff, or just general mental patient level stuff? :P


Here's a twist on remorse, for some inexplicable reason I picked up a PSOne today just because the price was excellent with those 2 nice matching controllers and memory card. I kind of wish I didn't, I really don't want to collect older PS stuff, plus I have a nice PS2 Slim that runs the entire library anyway other than a few truly crap oddball titles, mostly shovelware/licensed garbage.

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Shrink on game/collecting related stuff, or just general mental patient level stuff? :P


Here's a twist on remorse, for some inexplicable reason I picked up a PSOne today just because the price was excellent with those 2 nice matching controllers and memory card. I kind of wish I didn't, I really don't want to collect older PS stuff, plus I have a nice PS2 Slim that runs the entire library anyway other than a few truly crap oddball titles, mostly shovelware/licensed garbage.


Get the LCD and a carrying case so you can have a portable system. That's what I did, anyway.

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Speaking of screens I am still after a working LCD for my GameCube. I did have an Xbox Original one for a short time but a friend bought that quick and I was happy to see it go. Combined with an original 8 pound Xbox its like lugging around a few mason blocks. Portable my ass I say for the Xbox.

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Speaking of screens I am still after a working LCD for my GameCube. I did have an Xbox Original one for a short time but a friend bought that quick and I was happy to see it go. Combined with an original 8 pound Xbox its like lugging around a few mason blocks. Portable my ass I say for the Xbox.

People have lost the original meanings of portable and mobile ever since smart phones and tablets took over. My 4th edition Webster Collegiate dictionary (1999) defined "mobile" as anything small enough to be transported easily in a vehicle. Portable had a slightly narrower definition which meant anything that can be carried on your person. So if you can cram it into a briefcase, it definitely counts!


Anyone remember "LAN Parties?" I've never participated in one but as a freshman in college in 1999, I knew some guys who were hardcore computer geeks and they lugged around heavy ass desktops, daisy chained surge strips and ethernet routers and hooked them up in the student lounge so they could play PC games together. So many beige boxes... Very few people had broadband back then unless they were on a college campus (and even the T1s at school were slow and heavily congested), so they'd lug around heavy PCs to game in the same room. Laptops were expensive luxury items then and most had little video acceleration hardware so were ill equipped for gaming. No internet server needed because one PC acted as the "host" that everyone else connected to, all running the same software.

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Get the LCD and a carrying case so you can have a portable system. That's what I did, anyway.

I'm tempted, don't want to pay $70 for one though as it's not worth that much to me. I don't really care to keep a PS1 system around, but that said, if I had the screen I know one thing would occur.


I'd keep it, place it on my work desk, and very very slowly buy games for it I know I'd put real time on, like Symphony of the Night, Blaster Master, Final Fantasy 9, and a select few others. Without though, I have a functional nice PS2 slim sitting in the same drawer with it right now that can run all those games anyway. I don't collect for it but I got the slim fairly recently and have kept it as a tester if I come across some games.

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I'm tempted, don't want to pay $70 for one though as it's not worth that much to me. I don't really care to keep a PS1 system around, but that said, if I had the screen I know one thing would occur.


I'd keep it, place it on my work desk, and very very slowly buy games for it I know I'd put real time on, like Symphony of the Night, Blaster Master, Final Fantasy 9, and a select few others. Without though, I have a functional nice PS2 slim sitting in the same drawer with it right now that can run all those games anyway. I don't collect for it but I got the slim fairly recently and have kept it as a tester if I come across some games.


You could also get a screen for your PS2 slim.



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Ok now that is tempting if that is a quality screen and won't set me back a bundle. The image at the least appears to piggyback like the ps one so no 2 power supplies are needed.

I almost got a Game Cube LCD for the dorm back in college but decided it was cheaper to simply lug around a CRT. Then I got a GBA.

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I looked into it, when that screen shows up unless it's accidentally ignored it's like $80 on average +/- $10, not doing that. I'd rather probably just sell the ps2 slim off, and if I found a game emulate it on pcsx2 since it's accurate and reads media. PSOne falls into that annoying assed valley of pain that the N64 started where you get a bunch of dumb plugins so you have to cherry pick what works right and not and hope for the best.

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