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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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I got my survey in for the vcs joystick. "Yay!" er "yeah?" :P


Oooo! I want to play, too!


Thanks for backing the Atari VCS on Indiegogo! The items you pledged for will already be on your cart, and by “on your cart” we’re speaking figuratively. None of the items actually exist. The next page will take you to the add-on store where you will have to option to select any additional accessories/VCS units you would like to add to your order. This is more hypothetical than figurative. After that, you will be asked to provide an address and phone number that we can sell to data mining companies. You can come back to this survey and update your address as needed, and every time you do, we’ll be sure to add you to more spam lists. Important Note: If you placed multiple pledges for accessories using the same e-mail, we have gone ahead and combined those orders together, rolling all of your pledged credit into one survey. That way, on the off chance we ever actually produce something, you can use that credit balance to re-select those add-ons and receive one shipment. All pledges for tiers that include an Atari VCS unit have been left uncollapsed. As opposed to say, our stock value.

Sounds good, let's continue!


First, tell us about the person who will use the Atari VCS the most. They are:



The age of the person who will use the Atari VCS most is:

I dunno... how old is the typical Netflix mom?


Where and how did you hear about the Atari VCS?

AtariAge’s taco enthusiast forum


What was the most important factor about the Atari VCS that made you decide to buy it?

Sears had a factory refurbished one on sale. I also bought Missile Command with it. Oh wait... you mean the one you’re making. Nevermind.


How satisfied are you with the pricing of the Atari VCS product offered on Indiegogo?

It’s good for a laugh


If you have purchased, similar products before, which product do you use most often?

The RetroVGA/Coleco Chameleon. Man... I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of those.


Are there any products or accessories related to Atari VCS that you would be interested in? (Please comment below.)

A color vector monitor would be great. It’d be perfect for the arcade version of Star Wars! Oh right, you don’t own Star Wars. Sorry.


What are your favorite types of games and media that you are most interested in playing and watching on Atari VCS? (Please comment below.)

Battlezone! Oh right. Sorry again.


Where do you watch most of your video content?

At home. It’s frowned upon if I watch it at work.


Where do you get and/or listen to most music?

There’s this great CD store in Seattle called Silver Platters. I don’t live up there anymore, but when I visit I still like to go the store. It’s the last of its kind, and I used to buy all of my CDs there back-in-the-day. They had a Classical section larger than most other CD stores in their entirety. When I moved to California, I shopped at Tempo a lot, because we had a local one. But sometimes I’d go down to the Tower in Northridge. I saw Jay Leno in a Tower in Hollywood once. He was shorter in person than I expected. We both happened to be perusing the LaserDisc bins at the same time, so that gives you an idea of how long ago it was. I buy most of my stuff from Amazon now (except when labels put out those annoying “Exclusive Bonus Tracks” editions, forcing me to go to Target or someplace else). Frankly, buying music on the internet has kind of ruined the experience of discovering new releases that you used to get walking through a record/CD store. But it’s certainly made finding some things easier.


What are the most important factors when buying a new video game console?

Games. It should definitely play games. Do you have any?


How many consoles did you buy or receive in the last 5 years?

Consoles? You mean like one of those big, wooden console TVs? My grandparents had one of those with a stereo and record player built into it. Multimedia convergence 70’s style. Wave of the future man, I’m tellin’ ya’.


Oh, uh, zero. I haven’t bought any of those.


What content or media would you most like to see on Atari VCS?

Mappy is coming out at PRGE next week. I’m stoked. Oh... you mean your VCS again. You know, that’s really confusing.


What kind of gamer are you? If you had to describe yourself, you might say, "I am..."



What games do you play?

I tend to prefer ones that exist.


What is your primary social media channel?

I don’t think I get that channel. I’m on AT&T U-Verse. Is that a Dish Network thing?


Do you develop games?

I create graphics for homebrews. What do you do?


Where would you most like to see and/or shop for Atari VCS hardware and accessories?

Radio Shack. Or Toys ‘R’ Us. A McDonald’s Happy Meal would also be acceptable. Someone suggested the Ataribox would make a great squeaky toy. It’d be perfect for a Happy Meal.


Would you like to sign up for the Atari VCS newsletter? If yes, please provide the email you would like to receive the newsletter to!

“News”. That’s funny!


Would you be open for a short 15-minute phone interview about the Atari VCS? If so, please enter your email below and a member of our team will reach out and schedule a convenient time with you.

I don’t think you want to go down that road.


Would you be willing to participate in more surveys about the Atari VCS over the course of the next year? (Participants in future surveys will be entered into random prize drawings.)

You still have absolutely no idea what you’re doing, do you?

Edited by Nathan Strum
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When the talentless slobs at Atari SA renamed their ticker symbol from TARIF to PONGF, they broke the ability to easily google their long-term stock performance.


This image is dedicated to the gormless fartsmellers at the company formerly known as Infogrames. You can try to erase your past, but you still suck.


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2018-10-09 at 2.46.52 PM.png

I keep thinking someone needs to make a camera for smart phones... that doesn't take pictures, but samples smells, and then digitizes the smell and then you can send 'fart pics'. Like you know when you rip a really good one, but you're alone and you feel that someone else should really bask in the aroma you created?


Of course my other idea for an app is to have a breathalyzer built into the phone, so when you're about to text or call, you have to verify you aren't going to start contacting everyone on your phone to tell them you love them...

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People compared this to the Coleco Chameleon, but this has been going on much earlier, remember the "Action Gamemaster" ? the character mentioned once in that action 52 cart from NES, the head honcho raised 20 million for a handheld game system that was suppose to do what the retro vgs... coleco chameleon... Snes mini jammed inside an Atari Jaguar case.... don't do.

For the NES version, Perri raised $20 million from private backers "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_52"

thats a lot of tacos... makes the Coleco Sham-a-million & Atari-bucks look like crap funds xD

"Active Enterprises made an appearance at the 1994 Consumer Electronics Show[2], presenting their future projects, among them a third Cheetahmen game, Cheetahmen III, as well as a SNES port of Action 52 and another game called Sports 5. None of those products were on display at the convention however.

It appears that only little work was done beyond creating the concept, and no prototypes of the


Active Enterprises booth from the 1994 Consumer Electronics Show

Action Gamemaster have ever surfaced. Today it is assumed that the system would have suffered from the side effects of its own ambitions. A system supporting that range of platforms would have driven up the costs, guesses estimate the retail price at about 500$[3], outpricing most of the home consoles of the day. The mock image of the console does not provide a scale, but the internals would likely have made for a rather bulky and un-handy device, directly contrasting the portable nature that was being advertised. Moreover, its energy consumption would have required a large battery for the Gamemaster to function for any reasonable span of time, resulting in an even larger chassis and a costlier console.

As 1994 went by, Active Enterprises went out of business, putting an end to all their future endeavors. Neither the Action Gamemaster nor any of their alluded outstanding projects have ever surfaced"

Same playbook, putting the hearse before the cart xD , design a fancy box to drool over taking no cares into what actually needs to be designed for functionality.

Some dude with cash thinks he can set up shop with 0 knowledge of video games industry & make a quick $1, getting into something way over collective heads.

oh yea and I need to know if these count as tacos, or are they a subset in the taco family.. I paid a princely sum of 97 Canadian pennies


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Do you develop games?

I create graphics for homebrews. What do you do?


I like the way they slipped that one in there.


It's almost as though it's starting to dawn on them that making a games console isn't such a great idea when they're a publisher who can barely muster one worthwhile new release every couple of years.

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Would you be open for a short 15-minute phone interview about the Atari VCS? If so, please enter your email below and a member of our team will reach out and schedule a convenient time with you.

Ya know, I probably would've dropped the three hundo if I'd have known I'd have a shot at a 15 minute round with one of these toolboxes.

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Ya know, I probably would've dropped the three hundo if I'd have known I'd have a shot at a 15 minute round with one of these toolboxes.


Recorded, of course. They're hiLARious on tape.


Today in AtariBox news:


Major Concerns Raised Over Atari VCS Status

I don’t want to sound downbeat on this system. I sincerely want Atari to be a name again! If I had a pre-order on this though… I think I’d be planning my exit strategy and quickly! This is still very much looking like another Ouya, except the Atari VCS may never release!

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Today in AtariBox news:


Major Concerns Raised Over Atari VCS Status


Awful click bait.. All accompanied by the most cringe worthy YouTube video I've seen in a while. YouTube talking heads were definitely a mistake. If I hear one more armchair expert tell me stuff like "EPIC FAIL" I'm literally going to puke. Then I'm going to film the act of me puking, and then put in on YouTube. That will certainly be a video more worthy of your time than this one. :D


TBH, he isn't saying anything we haven't heard a million times before. "Not my Atari." "Hey you kids, get off my lawn." "Lack of proper updates." While some of this stuff should be concerning to those of us who took the risk of investing, it's still nothing that's going to dissuade my support. I get it. Nutari is a shady company. Even most of the investors in this forum have admitted this is true. I get it. This isn't "your Atari" or the "real Atari" which is based upon some arbitrary criteria all relevant to the individual making the statement. At the end of the day, it is what it is. We're still in wait and see mode.

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I'm still curious about what plans the empty suits at "Atari" might have for blockchain, as referenced on their site.



Our brand is known worldwide and means much more than videogames. We believe we can exclusively impact the growth strategy of many start-up companies at the convergence of Entertainment, Digital Technology and Interactivity, by using our brand in a smart manner.

Based on this premise, Atari capitalizes on the awareness of the Atari brand to promote Atari Partners, by taking stakes in high-growth startups evolving in the blockchain space or with a potential path to such technology, in exchange for an Atari brand license.

To date, investments include the following:

• Infinity Networks Limited. (Atari Blockchain platform)

• Short Shot, Inc. (casino games)

Bayside Games, Inc. (peer-to-peer e-sports games)

• LGBTQutie, Inc. (community website)


Specifically, what does blockchain provide, other than a fizzy buzz around their stock, which has a not so pleasant stink on it?


I ran into this concise, hype-resistant flowchart which helped me understand blockchain's place in the world. I'm at a loss to see a business opportunity, even in casinos, for the so-called Atarians there. Except for branding/bullshit, of course.



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Yeah, that makes sense. Trying to find something about Infinity Networks Ltd (NOT the innocent company by a similar name that actually installs networks and NOT the innocent company by a similar name that sells telephone systems for prisoners) led me to this discussion




and these responses are helpful to me in understanding


I kid you not, I had the same questions as you, so I literally applied for a bunch of blockchain jobs just so I can talk to these people on the phone to see what they're all about. I end up asking really basic questions like: "So why are you using a blockchain instead of a normal database?" or "What problem are you actually trying to solve?" It is actually embarrassing; I feel like I'm being abrasive on the phone by asking such truly basic questions, yet they always seem so startled by these kinds of questions and assume I'm somehow incredibly intelligent and perceptive to ask these basic questions.

Generally what happens is as follows. Some business MBA type people watch a TED talk or read in the FT that blockchain is the next big thing, so they go out and look to hire "blockchain evangelists". Evangelists is the word they often use, and that sounds about right because it is just like a religion sometimes. Then I only end up talking to the business people about these projects, because that's all the people they have. I won't name them, but I've had conversations with huge firms or startups that both equally talk utter nonsense. One large firm told me that they're working on "permissionless and permissioned blockchains for everything from auditing to wine". While for a small startup I once asked: "why are you using a blockchain for this instead of just having a database?". The answer I got was "well... our customers aren't really technical people...". I told them perhaps they should look at something like Google's certificate transparency rather than blockchains, and they echoed back to me "Oh we are definitely looking at certificate transfer!" (Transfer, not transparency.) It's astonishing.

To summarize, huge firms tend to have people who just want to get paid so they always say yes to whatever the clueless MBA person asks, while startups tend to mostly know it's bullshit but go along anyway because there is a lot of $$$ involved, particularly with ICOs. I would love to go undercover and write a book about what's actually happening.




It's all online gambling.

This is the company (Infinity Networks LTD) they have a 15% stake in (names cited here http://inpublic.globenewswire.com/releaseDetails.faces?rId=2...)

* Daniel Doll-Steinberg runs Virt-U ( https://www.virt-u.io/team/ )

* Ron Dimant runs http://www.mumbojumbo.com/online-games

* https://www.virt-u.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/One-Pager-V... -- Atari CEO is an advisor to Virt-U -- Google Cache cause they deleted that: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kgfTZn...

* Virt-U did an ICO recently -- https://medium.com/virt-u/virt-u-network-token-sale-a-virtua...

Separately, they also have some sort of partnership with http://www.pariplayltd.com/


I guess the remaining, taco-relevant question would be: what will happen first? Will they run out of money, will the SEC stomp on their faces, or will "Atari VCS" (ugh) ship to the hot little hands of its "backers" and "investors?"


One more little snippet


With all crypto currencies there is a lot in a name, 'Kodak' coins and 'Atari' coins are fakes in their own special way, being borne from fake versions of once legendary and innovative companies. Companies that now run on brain-farts.

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