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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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Can't tell if ...

- serious ("my friend is working with them") or

- mocking (John "RetroVGS" Carlson said the same thing)

- Something else (taking the taco piss as they don't say in Britain)


- Don't care, he is getting paid, that is all that matters.

- Mocking, for sure.

- No tacos today, pizza.

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Kennedy's law always trumps Poe's law.


Poe's law: An adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the parodied views.

Kennedy's law: Any time "Simple as that" is used, it's done mockingly because it's never that simple.


Can't tell if ...
- serious ("my friend is working with them") or
- mocking (John "RetroVGS" Carlson said the same thing)
- Something else (taking the taco piss as they don't say in Britain)


Kennedy's law origin, for any newcomers:



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it'd be cool if IGG would make the lack of updates actionable- but like Flojo was saying, likely not and with Atari SA issuing a 'it's really coming, folks, we promise!' post.


it makes me sad that legit good projects get ignored because of stuff like this.


That's what I was hoping for at one point, but it's evident that Indiegogo has no regard for their reputation or earning any kind of trust from backers

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That's what I was hoping for at one point, but it's evident that Indiegogo has no regard for their reputation or earning any kind of trust from backers

Ask for a refund and ask others who are ready to request refunds. Bet that will get an update quicker than anything. That or they will delete them all.

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That's what I was hoping for at one point, but it's evident that Indiegogo has no regard for their reputation or earning any kind of trust from backers

Gosh, if only there'd been people saying that from the very beginning...

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So as per their own words, there should be a working VCS prototype at this point. Is there any way in which they can be held to that? This alone would prove they are just pissing money away and have nothing to show as they clearly stated they would. By their own advertising of this product I would expect to see something working inside that bbq grill of a case they have been flaunting with nothing in it for so long.

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Oh these poor backers are getting really discouraged on their comment board. I really feel for the poor victims and the undue stress they have been put through. We would all do well to remember that compassion is on order here, and we should provide honesty and understanding for these poor souls. Why, I myself would like to take one of these downtrodden individuals by the hand, and lead them to a safe, peaceful place filled will love and understanding where I could sit them down and bash some freakin sense into them.



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