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Love the Nes Max But Hate The Cycloid (Add A D-Pad)

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Looks very nice and while the black I thought would work it's a bit overpowering, yet the red stands out just perfect along side those B and A buttons. I have a Max here, and had I the tools to properly do what you're going at there without looking all butchered I'd do that.

If you need help just drop me a PM

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I found a really junky one on, ebay this guy was soo messed up that I had to drive a screw to close her up, since my level of caring was so low I decided to throw in a SNES D-Pad and you know what MASTERPIECE.



Edited by A2600
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NEW NEON ORANGE, ohh this one feels good... (no sex pun intended) As the D pad came from a third party controller that had broken on me and I said what the hoot. And I think the only one one that feels better than this one is the BEATER with the SNES PAD installed



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Happy to know I have inspired some to take that extra leap of faith in both modding their own or buying one of mines



Did this to my max controller today. After reading this thread, i was encouraged to ditch that stupid disc. This was out of an aftermarket genesis controller. Definitely improves this controller 100%.

Hey 4300 not bad let me know how she feels later on!!


Enjoy it Kosmic thats what I made them for its to have some fun

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They are a pretty basic fix, but genius to come up with it after so long. Everyone screwing around with dumb chop shopped analog sticks from other more modern 3D consoles and instead you keep it 2D era with the original d-pad/clones of it and it works with a simple filing down of very little to get there reliably with comfort.

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I came very close to buying one at GameXChange last year; didn't because that Dpad circle is so unconventional, just couldn't convince myself that it would be anything more than a paperweight in my collection. Makes you wonder what Nintendo was smoking when they created it. :P


Also where are you getting these so cheapy? NES Max is on the rise according to Pricecharting.



Some guy did an instructable for the Dpad mod using epoxy glue. The asshat destroyed a perfectly functional Game Cube controller just to harvest the Dpad. I wish people wouldn't destroy stuff simply because they had spares laying around, especially with aftermarket replacements available.



Edit: Here's a better one, albeit with the 360 thumbstick:


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I was commenting with Tanooki via PM's that I hoard buttons and D Pads from broken controllers or just buy new reproductions. Yeah its a crime to break something just to harvest something you will superglue in. Thats why I pondered and said there has ti be a better way.


As far as pricing I try my best to stick to a budget as the Dpads can run me sometimes from 3-5 dollars shipped. The maxes themselves ate not cheap either (THIS IS FOR FUN NOT SO MUCH PROFIT) or the Customer can send me theirs too to work with. Then I have to do a complete one over on the contacts, PCB and shellof the Max. Then I have to be carefull of the cycloid housing. Its brittle and it will break if you dont be patient. Then comes a preliminary test (mega man 6) if alls well I close it up. Then I invest 30 to 45 minutes for 3 days play testing. To guarrantee what gets to you really works.

Edited by A2600
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NES Max isn't that up, that site is garbage. They're not terribly hard to get for $5-10 shipped with a little patience. $15 is the gotta click immediately fools price. :)


i have one, but it's an originally owned showing no signs of age controller so I really don't care to mutilate it.

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Happy to know I have inspired some to take that extra leap of faith in both modding their own or buying one of mines



Hey 4300 not bad let me know how she feels later on!!




Thanks, man. It's definitely an improvement over the original controller.
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Some guy did an instructable for the Dpad mod using epoxy glue. The asshat destroyed a perfectly functional Game Cube controller just to harvest the Dpad. I wish people wouldn't destroy stuff simply because they had spares laying around, especially with aftermarket replacements available.



I wouldn't call the guy an asshat, he deliberately mentioned to avoid using parts from first-party controllers in his write-up and harvested the piece from a broken third party clone. Those are no great loss to the world, in fact I'd say it was put to a nobler purpose.


I have a 360 thumbstick in my own Max, but it was purchased as a replacement kit and not taken from a whole controller. The aftermarket parts are out there and they're cheap. With a thumbstick, I'd consider the controller appropriate for spaceship shooting games and anything that lets you roam in eight directions like Willow or Crystalis. Very comfortable with a rubberized top.


The d-pad mod certainly renders the Max suitable for a wider range of games.

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I am wanting to shift gears into SNES D-Pads but the size difference makes it a bit more complex, but very much enjoyable to use, I would have to check Kitsch Bent on the SNES D-Pads as the one I used for my trial came from a non working Interact SuperPad, the start and select from that same SuperPad is on my Famicom Dogbone Controller (remember kids its not called hoarding if you do plan to use it later on)

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I have to admit SNES D-Pads open a new world of possibilities but it is waaaaay harder to install as the tolerances as way higher and there is too much sanding to do plus it presents the oportunity to mess it all up.


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My junky NES MAX controller is my prototype test bed. This is just a taste, of things to come. It is a really good fit and it looks good.



My Max does not do this new D-Pad justice. But it looks really good.

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