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Famicom as an NES replacement?

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That's why I said those consoles were ugly in my opinion. Everyone has their own opinions. Your opinions of the NES and top loader is just as valid as mine.


And at this point, I don't feel any need to spend the extra money get an AV Famicom. If they were close to the same price I would get an AV model. I grew up with game and computers that were hooked up with RF connections and it was a non-issue. If having the best quality picture possible was my highest priority I could use the HDMI on my RetroPi


Why are you bashing both the NES and the Top Loader, There not ugly at all


I don't understand why you don't want a AV Famicom for


The Front Loader work if you keep it clean on disable the 10NES Chip

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Okay, so how exactly was I supposed to look at pictures online or watch a video in 1990 when for all intents and purposes the internet did not yet exist?

That's why I got a little cross in the comments about being lazy as there was no childhood raping going on because a little Nintendo decided at its 25th birthday to be a bitchy blinker. In all that time I bet you if it's the original connector, if lucky outside of a 1st/3rd party cleaning kit probably has never been cleaned let alone torn down and done properly. Which is why I said it's easier to take 30min, open it up, boil the pins and use a card/kit to rub that funk off, and then to pull Pin #4 (easy to get a pic on google doing NES PIN4 as a search) and you're done. No need for some cheap chinese brittle metal crap pin or some BLW mess either. They're all free fixes a kid could do just watching a video or looking at a couple pictures online and the NES works like a champ after that.


It's all old hardware going back as far as 1985 (32 years) and if it isn't pissing and whining now I'd be shocked considering how most people don't bother to maintain or clean things at all and the games are far worse and whatever dirty pigs put them through hell with (food, bodily funk, animal waste, etc your worst nightmare) odds are most won't clean it off or not well and it gets into the NES pins too. It's disgusting. The stuff I've pulled out of back west flea markets years ago on occasion would make you want to vomit but for the prices I got stuff at it was worth blowing a couple hours in an afternoon with my box of cleaning tricks making a nauseating 3/10 into a solid 8. :)


I knew it was a garbage setup when I was in HS back in the earlier 90s. I figured out since there were not security bits to get inside like the SNES that I'd best open it up as I couldn't afford to get it repaired. Lots of self poking around slowly and figuring out what connected where I got good at tearing them entirely apart and fixing the stuff. Pre-internet I knew from NP stuff which was the security chip as they bragged about it in the day, but it only took years later around 2000 when someone figured out you could jerk out PIN4 that it would get as rock solid as a top loader without jailbars and run PAL stuff as nicely as well. Ever since I figured that out, any NES I kept or resold I killed the chip, cleaned the pins, straightened them with a safety pin, and scrubbed the crap out of every part with 91% alcohol -- board, wiring, pins, zero force, shell inside and out. Always works and lasts a long time if you treat it right.


That said for fun sake I still would love a Famicom, but I'm picky it better still not be yellowed, works great, and perhaps either modded or otherwise rigged up to avoid channel 99/RF as that sucks and is unworkable.

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In 1990 I figured that stuff out on my own outside of boiling the pins using common sense cleaning stuff I wrote there. It seemed logical to me to clean with alcohol and using my existing kit on the pins without the slot loader in the way. The PIN4, no that's a new one to me too being online as is boiling, but the other stuff was still highly effective.


Also you're basically admitting to a childish grudge going back 27 years. You made it look like it was a current issue why the NES sucks so bad, now it just looks like you're not willing to do a tiny bit of work on a current one to work fine. That's totally acceptable if you prefer the Famicom look or feel, I wouldn't blame you as it's kind of a cool design with that little mic in there too for Zelda (Pols Voice death!) but it's not necessary to dump on the NES that hard when it wasn't that big of a problem as long as you kept things clean. It may take a time or two repositioning it (angling) when in the lock position on an unfixed one, but it's not a brick wall of failure.

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Nobody's brought up the Blinking Light Win yet? Sure it's $30 but it's a replacement connector that actually lasts.

Having done the boiling and pin bending thing so many times with only so much success, I'm seriously considering ordering one of these. I hate the aftermarket 72 pins because of the death grip, so something that replaces the old connector without making it near impossible to remove a tengen game sounds appealing.

Edited by ubersaurus
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Having done the boiling and pin bending thing so many times with only so much success, I'm seriously considering ordering one of these. I hate the aftermarket 72 pins because of the death grip, so something that replaces the old connector without making it near impossible to remove a tengen game sounds appealing.


I use a game genie. Works 9 5% of the time.

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I kinda sorta got a good deal on an AV Famicom today, even though I still prefer the look and uniqueness of the original Famicom. I like to have backups for my game consoles as long as the console isn't overly expensive, and my original $35 Famicom fullfils that role nicely. The next system I get will likely be the Japanese Super Famicom since I prefer the look of it over the SNES.. The fact that the Super Famicom seems to be less expensive than the SNES on Ebay doesn't hurt either.

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Yamatoku got into the ebay GSP though a year or two ago so their shipping charges are outrageous now. Sure if you can get a system for $5-10 that's fine, but expect probably $30 shipping on it when stuff as light (3oz) at one gameboy game will set you back around $15. It's why I delisted that dude from my list of buyers I look into.

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I know hte shipping is high, but he works in steps. Like getting one system will cost you 30$ in shipping, but tow systems and pads and a dozen games goes up to 40$.

I also guess that they got losses form people that took the cheaper option as I remember waiting 4 months to get stuff from him.

Last time I ordered him stuff, I got it in ONE WEEK.

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I used to order from him in the day when the shipping was like $5-7 on a game and like $20 or so for a console due to weight/size and yeah one week was around the turn around with the mail too. He has a lot of stuff, but I can't justify buying a cool GB game I want for like $10, then $14 shipping when 10 other Japanese sellers have the same price with $10 less shipping. It's a shame they're good with their product and service, but eating a fake shipping charge for customs and ebay ratty protection I have zero interest in crossed the line. It's why if I ever sell something internationally which isn't often I refuse to use the GSP as it's uncool.

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Given how much they sell, I can understand they use a standardized service. Last time I bough from them, they had 250 Famicom consoles and 500 Sufami for sale.

I'm NOT making that up.


Surely they are no longer in competition for one game, but for buying a dozen game, and some accessories, the shipping fees get reasonable again.I ordered 20 games and 5 accessories + the SuFami from them, and the shipping fee divided by the number of items was 4$ each. Which is reasonnable and when you get a Super Famicom for 5$ and two SuFami pads for 0.01$, it's still cheaper than most places.

Edited by CatPix
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