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Sega Hang On arcade for boxed 2600 rares

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I am finishing up a Sega Hang On (not the wierd Super Hang On cabinet, the regular red one) that I would be willing to trade for boxed 2600 stuff. Game has a great screen, and will have all the lights/control working perfectly. Sides are nice, as is the rest. I should have it done in a week or two.



I would love to get a few rare boxed games for it (7-8's). I would also be willing to trade it for one UR (9 or 10), assuming its one I dont have.


Seeing how I really do not have one in mind, email me. I would like boxed:


Miner 2049er 2

Cosmic Swarm

River Patrol

Quadrun (just need the box and manual)

Quberts Qubes

Frogger 2

Kid Vid boxed

etc, etc,

Obviously, I know what everything is worth, and I dont buy or sell at ebay prices.... Some would be just 1 for 1, others would be combined to be a deal.


Would also trade for "complete libraries" of a company (ex: Coleco, or Parker Bros). Let me know what you got, or if you would like a pic.





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Hey the Cassidy good to see you around on the boards here.


so this sega hang on its a sit down arcade machine? ( do i have that right?) and is this the same sega hang on that was build into some sms systems?


I am looking to pick up an arcade machine for my gaming room *aka my entire basement* but I dont know if you would be intrested in what I have OR how we would go about shipping the bloody thing.


Well I dont have any nines or tens BUT I do have a really nice 8 its a ntsc Master Builder boxed with the original 90 day warrenty slip the box is in greate shape with one minor tear in the bottem (pretty small) but its the rarest thing I got and I'm DYING to get my hands on an arcade machine.


I'm am probably way out of my league here (being from canada and one of the youngest members here) but I thought I would give it a shot.


let me know what you think or just post back any comments you think apply ( on how to find an arcade machine in my area etc.)


thanks for your time.



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