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Looking for Corrupted PS2 memory card (buy or loan!)


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Awhile back, we got to talking about demo discs, and it made me remember the Christmas of 2007, when Sony released a Holiday demo with a glitched Viewtiful Joe 2 demo that forcibly reformatted memory cards. I remember, at the time, someone online idly wondering if that could fix a memory card with a corrupt memory block on it. So I decided to get the stuff to do a little experiment. I figured the hard part would be finding the recalled demo... I was wrong! I've been checking on an off for months, no one's attempted to sell a corrupt PS2 card that I've found.


So- anybody got one? I'm looking to either buy cheap ($5 or less shipped), OR get one on loan- you pay to mail to me, I try the fix & then pay to mail it back. If anybody's interested, let me know!


(Disclaimer for the loan option: I can't guarantee it'll work. I CAN guarantee any good files will be deleted. Back up your stuff before mailing!)

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