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WTB: Atari 2600

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CRAP! I must've deleted it before I sent it. :x Not use to these boards yet.

Resending pm.....now ;)



Alright, I don't know if I'm doing this pm thing right, so I'll just say whatever I'm going to here. :yawn:


Anyways, I'm basically a neophyte in the Atari scene, so I don't know how much to be paying for one of the 2600s. Like I said above, I don't need a full system, I'll just take a motherboard that works correctly because I already have a 2600 case. I don't know what to offer, and from what I've seen on ebay and heard, I'd expect to pay $5 to $10 for just the system, but I don't know about just the motherboard (if you have one).


Thanks again.

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