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PAL 2600 Composite Mod working!

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Hi! I eventually got my PAL 2600 Jr. modded. I had been following Ben Heckendorn's method at http://www.classicgaming.com/vcsp/Question3.htm but had been having problems seeing shades of grey e.g. in Blackjack you could not see the bet amount, in Crystal Castles the trees had no trunks etc. A look at the board led me to believe that pin 6 from the TIA chip must do something with the video so hooked that up. After a bit of lead swapping and resistor changing I came up with the solution. You must connect pin 6 through a resistor (I used 68ohm as that was what I had, n.b. 1k ohm was too high) and to point A in Ben's circuit diagram. And YES I have grey now!


BTW the points to connect the Chroma and Audio are different as well, but not difficult to find.


If anyone wants more details I could post some piccies.


Is this need to connect pin 6 peculiar to PAL? I notice that the TIA chip is different between NTSC and PAL machines.





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  • 2 weeks later...

i tried to get video composite with the instructions in this web page, and the sound works great, but the picture in the TV it's all screw up. may be my Tv? works fine with the nintendo or the playstation, though...

any ideas?




well i have done that mod a few times now for people and it all looks good to me. make sure that you have a 2600jr though. and also check you grounds, a good spot is the large shine silver trace that the shild plate sits on.


and btw if you do have a 4 switch that you are trying to do this to those will not work but i have done mine and i seem to have gotten it to work, but i have not typed up anything yet as i was to make sure that it is ok first. i would hate someone to get it and try it and then mess there system. but with all mods everyone knows that it is at your own risk.


anyway good luck with that and i will get on making up a little how-to for the composite out on the 4 switch

Hi, thanks for the response. I do have an Atari Jr. I wish I had a picture of the TV, the image it's like out of control, also the colors. I did use this instructions Composite


and like I said, the sound works perfect, it's just the picture. I'm using a TV, those composite instructions are for computer monitors?


I'm a little confuse here.




The problem is that the video signal is not strong enough to make a clean picture. Try using a signal amplifier. You can test it by running it through a VCR as most VCR's have some kind of a signal amplifier.




  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey there,


I've been modifying 2600jr and a 4SW recently and found out

that you have to connect the Stella pinouts via the 4050 chip.

That will improve the picture and you don't load the Stella chip. Furthermore use a resistor ladder 1k 2k 4k for the luma signals. And use pin 6 instead of pin 8.

This will work on all my TV's here (Panasonic, Sony Philips)


Then for the 4SW I'm puzzling to add the 4050 chip to the system

just as the jr. It works fine on the Sony TV. But not at all on the

other 2. It seems that the signal is too strong now. without the 4050

it's too weak. I tried to add a small amplifier it's working great !


Anyway, what I tried to say is... not every TV accepts the signal.

You need to adjust your color pot for every TV to get the right colors!

(use Pitfall to check up)


Are schematics of the jr available????



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