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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2018 (Season 11)

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My times for the week:


Ballz 3D - 302 min.
Paperboy - 183 min.
P.T.O. - 9 min.
Army Men 3D - 535 min.
Beat Paperboy's Middle Way on Medium difficulty; mastered most of Ballz 3D, but got stymied by the last two bosses; and started playing Army Men 3D on Hard, which is much tougher than Easy was (shockingly enough).
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Moon Patrol 4

Pepper II 19



Campaign '84 40

Donkey Kong 51

Donkey Kong Jr 16

Flipper Slipper 21

Fortune Builder 112

Jetp4k (aka Jet-Pack 2014) 4

Kaboom! 1

Meteoric Shower 15

Popeye 50

Sky Jaguar 58

Super DK Jr 49

Wargames 61



Kept going on the Colecovision, but I got distracted by Steam's "Spring Cleaning" event and was pulled into some games over there (Pinball Arcade & Domina mostly).

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As promised last week, here's the wrap-up for the past two weeks of gaming around my household. :)

Last Week


I've been feeling a little too exhausted to do anything seriously productive today, so for now here's my household's times submission for the week and I'll do the picture and writeup for it at some point later this week when I'm a bit less wiped out. :)

Clubhouse Games (Nintendo DS) - 120 minutes
Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers Demo (Nintendo 3DS) - 21 minutes
Klonoa (Nintendo Wii) - 430 minutes
Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii) - 58 minutes
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Nintendo Wii) - 1,078 minutes
Sega Bass Fishing (Nintendo Wii) - 83 minutes
StreetPass Mii Plaza (Nintendo 3DS) - 24 minutes
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Nintendo Wii) - 184 minutes

Atari 8-Bit Computers
Pac-Man - 57 minutes

Sony PlayStation
Syphon Filter 2 - 62 minutes

Total Video Game Play Time This Week
2,117 minutes (35 hours 17 minutes) [119 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week
Nintendo Wii: 1,833 minutes
Nintendo DS: 120 minutes
Sony PlayStation: 62 minutes
Atari 8-Bit Computers: 57 minutes
Nintendo 3DS: 45 minutes

This Week


Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii) - 206 minutes
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Nintendo Wii) - 707 minutes

Sega Genesis
Battletech (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 594 minutes
Contra: Hard Corps. (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 15 minutes
Elemental Master (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 37 minutes
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude! (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 45 minutes
Gunstar Heroes (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 15 minutes
Mortal Kombat - 82 minutes
Phelios (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 51 minutes

Total Video Game Play Time This Week
1,752 minutes (29 hours 12 minutes) [839 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week
Nintendo Wii: 913 minutes
Sega Genesis: 839 minutes




Last week's gaming for me was a mix of my usual continuing play through of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on the Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii, along with testing out some new Wii games that I picked up for a few bucks each from a local pawn shop. Sega Bass Fishing was a wonderful enhanced port of the arcade classic and worked really well with the Wii remote and nunchuck's motion controls, while Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz was equal parts fun and frustrating. I think the developers made that game a wee bit too difficult for it's own good. I also tested out the demo of Dillion's Dead-Heat Breakers for the 3DS, which was pretty neat but definitely not worth $40 for a digital download so I doubt I'll ever buy the full game unless it goes on sale for $20 or less at some point.


While I was dabbling around with a variety of games the misses did a full play through of the wonderful and touching Klonoa on the Wii, which she thoroughly enjoyed, then once she was done with that she bounced around between a few different games trying to figure out what to play next. First she gave Syhpon Filter 2 on the PlayStation a try but found the controls to be clunky and awkward, so she took a break from gaming for a few days aside from playing some Pac-Man on the Atari 400 computer. After a little break from the action she ended up going back to the Wii and started in a full play through of Mario Kart Wii, which she worked on for the remainder of the week.


Moving on to this past week, the misses continued her play through of Mario Kart Wii while I spent some more time exploring and making progress in Metroid Prime 3, but I also decided to do a little retro gaming project that got us both playing a lot of Sega Genesis games. For the past year or so I have been feeling pretty uninspired whenever I looked at my "Wants List" for our Sega Genesis / Sega CD / 32X setup, because when I made the list I ended up going through the reviews on GameFAQs.com and compiling a list of every Genesis game that got good critical reviews. It was an exhaustive list of over 300 games that were widely considered to be good, but not many of them really meant much me so this week I erased the entire Sega wants list and started over from scratch just off the top of my head thinking up and writing down all the Sega games I loved as a kid and the games I've never got to experience that I'd still like to play.


What resulted was a much smaller and more manageable list of around 60 games, and I'm actually feeling pretty excited about getting back into playing and collecting for the Genesis again. Over the course of my list making I ended up using emulation on the Wii to try out some of the games that I wasn't too sure about, and all of them ended up finding a spot on my wants list after trying the out, but one game in particular caught the misses' eye during the 10 minutes or so that I was playing it. That game was Battletech, and as soon as she tried it out I could hardly pry her away from the retro gaming TV for the rest of the week. :lol: She ended up really loving the game, saying that it felt just like Command & Conquer (one of her personal favorite PS1 games) except that instead of indirectly commanding a whole army you're directly controlling a single mech that it is a one-machine army.


She put a ton of hours into Battletech this past week and is now on the very last level, and I'd sure be surprised if she didn't beat the game next week. As far as what I'll be playing next week, there's Metroid, Metroid, and probably some more Metroid. Maybe a little Atari 2600 too, since I haven't played it in a while and Ms. Pac-Man sure sounds fun. Until next time, and as always, best wishes and happy gaming to you and yours! :)

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ATARI 2600:

Crack'ed - 3 minutes

Eggomania - 5 minutes

Missile Command - 167 minutes

Squish' Em - 27 minutes


EVIDENCE OF THE WEEK: More Missile Command sessions on 7800. This week I played Games 20-AA, 21-BB, 21-AA, 29-BB and 29-AA (I played Game 20-BB in the previous week).


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Kaboom! for one minute? LOL That's like me and Dragster.


It MIGHT be fun if I had the roller controller. Playing any version of Kaboom with a digital joystick royally sux - hence the quick exit.


I do play Kaboom on the 2600 and 5200 from time to time. My personal best is somewhere around 20k. I have a picture somewhere.

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Here's the summary for Week 21, running from May 21 - 27. We logged 5529 minutes of eligible play, playing 96 games on a total of 20 systems.

Top 10:

1. Battletech (Genesis) - 594

2. Army Men 3D (PlayStation) - 535

3. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 424

4. Squish 'em (Atari 2600) - 314

5. Ballz 3D (Genesis) - 302

6. Paperboy (Genesis) - 183

7. Stampede (Atari 2600) - 180

8. Missile Command (Atari 2600) - 167

9. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 153

10. Hunchy II (Atari 2600) - 129

Pre-NES top 10:

1. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 424

2. Squish 'em (Atari 2600) - 314

3. Stampede (Atari 2600) - 180

4. Missile Command (Atari 2600) - 167

5. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 153

6. Hunchy II (Atari 2600) - 129

7. Berzerk (Atari 2600) - 120

7. Pete Rose Baseball (Atari 2600) - 120

9. Fortune Builder (ColecoVision) - 112

10. Super Breakout (Atari 2600) - 90

Top 10 systems:

1. Atari 2600 (2121)

2. Genesis (1345)

3. PlayStation (575)

4. ColecoVision (478)

5. NES/Famicom (370)

6. TI-99/4A (219)

7. VIC-20 (93)

8. Odyssey^2 (55)

9. CoCo 3 (50)

10. TG-16/PC Engine (35)

Another big week for the Atari VCS, but the main individual chart is topped by a game about giant mechs, with a game about little green (and tan) men close behind.

Those little green men also are our newest inductees into the 1000-minute club -- but they don't do it alone, as Army Men 3D and Stampede earn spots #327 and #328, with 1217 and 1064 minutes logged to date, respectively.

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Whew!!! M-F were hoppin!!




Asteroids (30 minutes)

Berzerk (10 minutes)

Donkey Kong (60 minutes)

Galaxian (45 minutes)

GORF (60 minutes)

Halloween (5 minutes)

Super Breakout (570 minutes)

Survival Run (30 minutes)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (5 minutes)

Towering Inferno (20 minutes)



So my wife and kids are out of town and I have been sitting around for an hour or two before and after work each day playing zen games on the Atari. I started with Donkey Kong which works great for this purpose... I moved to Galaxian which also worked out... but my zen level hit "10" when I kicked on Super Breakout game variation #7.


Last night I got home at 11:00 pm and went to bed at 3:00 am.... 4 hours last night, an hour this morning, and the rest spread across Tuesday and Wednesday.


Paddle controllers are unbelievably addicting. :D

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Atari 2600

Eggomania: 12 min


Quick entry in the HSC. Had to emulate it, which of course sucks without paddles...


(edit): Add the following times:


Atari 2600

Circus Atari: 15 min

Night Driver: 11 min

Street Racer: 3 min

Super Breakout: 20 min

Super Cobra Arcade: 8 min


Except for Super Cobra Arcade, these were all played on original hardware. Night Driver is the game of the week in the HSC, and since I had the paddles hooked up anyway, I thought I might as well give some other paddle games a spin. Had a really good round in Circus Atari - for my standards. Got into the flow, which is a great feeling, and almost exclusively achieved with paddle games. So yeah... what Opry99er said... :-D

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ATARI 2600:

Crack’ed - 1 minute

Eggomania - 8 minutes

Night Driver - 3 minutes

Spy Hunter - 5 minutes


ATARI 7800:

Commando - 42 minutes

Super Pac-Man - 40 minutes




1) Final Commando gameplay footage, presented for 7800 HSC Season 2017-2018, Round 19 (Standard skill)


2) Preliminary Super Pac-Man gameplay footage, presented for 7800 HSC Season 2017-2018, Round 20 (Apple level, final round)

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Game Boy:
Battletoads - 35 minutes

Donkey Kong Land - 60 minutes

Kitchen Panic - 20 minutes

Operation C - 50 minutes

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - 220 minutes


Well, after almost a year of owning the thing I finally decided to buy a few more games for the old grey brick that is the Game Boy. I picked all of those listed above up for $14 and some change alongside a few new records and figured I'd give them all a shot.


Battletoads is Battletoads, I really can't say much more than that. The same goes for Donkey Kong Land and Operation C - they are original but in the end they all look like somewhat simplified yet still pretty fun ports or mashups of the console titles. Kitchen Panic I wasn't sure what to expect and all I got was confusion in a little arcade-y type game but it was enjoyable to play now and then. Finally there's Link's Awakening which I always heard was good but never tried, and yeah I'm enjoying it mind you I kept having issues of not seeing little things the first time around as I had the contrast on the screen a bit low and not enough light for the thing to be happy.


School is ending so I'll have a bit of time to play stuff again which should be nice - I have to say for the game boy being a system I never gave much thought it really is a ton of fun to play, at least more than the usual Game Gear stuff. I've got a bunch of RCA 1802s around so I'd like to build another COSMAC Elf for the heck of it and try playing with that whole system again but I guess I'll just see what I have time for.

Edited by BurritoBeans
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Atari 8-bit:

M.U.L.E. - 134 min.

Star Raiders - 4 min.

Time Pilot [Final] - 28 min.

Another week of HSC. It should be noted that the version of Time Pilot I played last year was a preview and this is the final version. Though it is the same game so probably times are counted towards the same entry as it only has been fine tuned, not entirely reworked. I didn't have the motivation to read the rules and engage into Star Raiders as much as probably required, so I took some time playing my yearly sessions of M.U.L.E. instead.
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Here are my times for this past week (May 28th through June 3rd)...


Atari 800:

Pitfall II - 83 min.


This week I decided to try the Atari 8-bit version of Pitfall II which is the only version having an additional level. And that level is much harder than the first one. First, the maze is more irregular, thus harder to remember. Then it has several cross-sections which you may cross vertically by climbing the ladder or horizontally by jumping over it, but you can't change from the vertical path to the horizontal one or vice-versa because you can't get on or off the ladder there. Also there are some harder animals... frogs which jump towards you instead of staying in the middle, fish swimming at a high pace, rats, bats with a much higher movement span... I played around with that level for a while and then gave up.


And that's it for gaming this week. The weather's got pretty nice here, and I went swimming with my father multiple times which we didn't do last year when my mother was still alive, but now he's feeling somewhat lonely. This had gobbled up much of my time even though I had two days off from work. And I'm actually getting used to this new life rhythm which is similar to the one I had in summer of 2015 (if anyone remembers)... big chunks of time get filled with "work", and more chunks get filled with "papa". My free time is what remains, and in that I should primarily do tasks that have to be done, which at the moment are primarily household chores, although yesterday I caught my leg between two sofas while cleaning my living room, and now my father says I should rather not do anything like this, and we'd better have it done. We'll see how it turns out. I'd actually favor this approach because it leaves more time for gaming. ;-)

(In case anyone wonders, no, I'm not an underage child, I'm actually 46 years old, but this is the way my father treats me. It's actually a much longer story starting in my childhood with me suffering from high functioning autism).

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My Classic times for the week...



Castlevania - 34 min (So... I figured out that the emulator on my PSP has a rewind button.... lol... First time I've beaten Dracula in years. Also first time I ever got to Death with the holy water. Anyway, it was pretty fun, but I cheated.)

Castlevania III - 25 min (This was the most I've ever played Castlevania 3. Seems pretty fun, but it's non-linearity confuses me a bit. I went through and killed/befriended Grant, but then I didn't know where to go or what to do.)

Metroid - 30 min (Was just messing around with this one. It plays pretty good on the PSP. Seems harder than I remember, though... or, again, maybe it's just the small screen or lag or something...)


Sega Master System

Golden Axe Warrior - 40 min (Played this for a while. Seems like a really pretty fun Zelda clone, but hard. I made a little progress... I think... I like that you can save and there are towns and such.)

Hang On - 10 min (I think I do much better at this on an actual Master System. Was playing it on my PSP, and I seemed to wreck a lot more than usual. Maybe it's the small screen?)



Truxton - 25 min (Played this while grilling this evening. Always a fun game, but I suck at it. Bad.)

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My times for the week:


Davis Cup World Tour Tennis - 111 min.
Ms. Pac-Man - 14 min.
Game Gear:
Columns - 80 min.
Army Men 3D - 786 min.
Rescue Copter - 225 min.
Beat Army Men 3D on Hard mode, Rescue Copter on Easy mode, and Columns on Flash mode at the highest difficuly (Hard, 9 High).
I also won the Australian Open singles title in Davis Cup World Tour Tennis (but forfeited my doubles match, as I have no interest in dealing with that). Unlike the SNES version, where I bailed on the ersatz "Nations Cup" right away, I decided to stay in the Davis Cup tournament for now and won the first round 3-2 for the United States over I-don't-remember-who, thanks to my teammate who won both his matches after I forfeited my first singles match & my doubles match. Since the score was then 2-2, I thought it only right for me to finish things off...
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Atari 2600

Air Sea Battle 10

Combat 8

Frog Pond 9

Outlaw 38

Sky Diver 6

Super Baseball 32


Monday was a holiday, so I had more time to play Atari with my niece and nephew. My nephew is only 10 and just playing fast pitch baseball for the first time, so he was interested in Super Baseball, but he doesn't REALLY know how to play baseball. He still gets confused about which base to throw it to. He had fun hitting, and I was surprised we actually got through 4 innings before he wanted to quit.


Both my niece and nephew enjoyed playing Outlaw, and they are getting the hang of selecting the various game variations using the Flashback 4's wireless joystick - good times.



2010: The Graphic Action Game 133

Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress 539

Wargames 20 (New game 3 personal best 214,820,000)


I stumbled into Alcazar just testing out Coleco games on the Ultimate flashcard. I was really surprised at how great a game it is. @TheGoldenBand, I think you would really like this one. It plays a lot like AD&D Cloudy Mountain with a mix of elements from other games like Wolfenstein. The enemies are procedurally generated so every game is different, and the difficulty ramps up nicely while the higher level game variations add more obstacles and items to use in your quest to sit on the throne of the Alcazar. Check out the thread I started to share tips and show my appreciation for this game here.


2010 offers a complicated presentation of what is essentially a line flow puzzle game. Flow this way or that way, add a turn, don't hit the obstacle. The meta-game around these puzzles doesn't seem to have much to do with the events of 2010 the movie, but it still adds a nice sense of urgency and adds challenge. I may keep trying to play this on on the higher levels.




My times for the week:


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Not a ton of gaming time from my household this week (due mostly to the latest season of Supernatural landing on Netflix) but we've still got a bit to contribute. :)




Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii) - 44 minutes
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Nintendo Wii) - 750 minutes


Atari 2600
Commando Raid - 66 minutes
Kangaroo - 63 minutes
Ms. Pac-Man - 40 minutes

Sega Genesis (Emulated on Nintendo Wii)
Ballz 3D - 31 minutes
Battletech - 125 minutes
OutRun - 65 minutes

Sega Master System (Emulated on Nintendo Wii)
After Burner - 8 minutes
Galaxy Force - 27 minutes
OutRun - 25 minutes
Space Harrier - 15 minutes

Total Video Game Play Time This Week
1,259 minutes (20 hours 59 minutes) [465 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week
Nintendo Wii: 794 minutes
Sega Genesis: 221 minutes
Atari 2600: 169 minutes
Sega Master System: 75 minutes




Just like the previous few weeks, the bulk of my gaming time was taken up by my continuing play through of Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii's Metroid Prime Trilogy. I made a pretty good amount of progress this week and am about 80% of the way through the game at this point, but it's been a lot of fun so I haven't minded that it's a really long game. When I wasn't playing Metroid Prime 3 I also made some time to play a couple old Atari 2600 favorites, Ms. Pac-Man and Commando Raid. They're both games I've never really grown tired of and the misses joined me to play a few rounds of each of them as well. After playing my games for a bit she popped in one of her favorite Atari 2600 titles, Kangaroo, and we played that one together for a while as well. Kangaroo was fun too, but a pretty firm reminder of why we should probably get a custom Sanwa JLF joystick equipped arcade stick for our Atari 2600 again. Pressing diagonally up and forward to jump in Kangaroo is really difficult to pull off consistently with a membrane contact joystick and we both used to be able to play Kangaroo a lot better when we had a real arcade joystick at our disposal.


After playing some Atari 2600 the spousal unit and I also tested out quite a few Genesis and Master System games via emulation, mostly to see whether or not we should keep an eye open for physical copies of them while out game hunting. First up was the Genesis and Master System versions of OutRun, and surprisingly we both ended up liking the Master System version the best. The Genesis version did have better graphics and sound, but the camera was zoomed in so close to the back of the car that it made dodging other cars and staying on the road really difficult. The Master System version's slightly zoomed out view made it much more enjoyable to play for both of us. On the Genesis I also tested out Ballz 3D, which I remember really liking as a kid, but going back and revisiting it as an adult… wow… that game was nowhere near as good as I remembered it being.


The last games we tested out were the three most well known 3D sprite scaling Master System games: After Burner, Galaxy Force, and Space Harrier. Of the three we both agreed that Space Harrier was the most fun and played the best, with the highest frame rate and really smooth fluid gameplay. Graphically speaking Galaxy Force was the most impressive, but it was slightly hampered by a somewhat low frame rate and touchy controls during the corridor sequences at the end of each level. It was still a lot of fun though and one that I'd definitely pick up a physical copy of. Lastly we have After Burner, which earned the distinction of being the first video game to ever give me motion sickness. The frame rate was fine and the control was alright, but the constantly tilting horizon line and spinning screen made feel so queasy that I had to shut off the game after 8 minutes and go take some anti-nausea medication for fear of tossing my cookies. The misses only got a little dizzy watching me play, but I definitely never want to play that game again.


Speaking of the carbon based wife-form, her other gaming activities for the week included beating Mario Kart Wii on 50 and 100 CC difficulties and then continuing to try and beat Battletech for the Genesis. She's been stuck on the final level since last week, and after putting a couple more hours into it this week she doesn't think she's any closer to beating the game. From what I've seen Battletech appears to be one of those "rental buster" type games from the 16-bit era where the developers decided to make the last level of the game so ridiculously difficult that no one would be able to beat it without weeks or even months of practice. Whether or not she'll stick with it and keep practicing long enough to beat the game is pretty up to question, but at least she's still having fun playing Battletech and hasn't gotten fed up with it yet.


As far as what's on our gaming agenda for next week, I'm hoping to finally finish Metroid Prime 3 then find a new (and hopefully a lot shorter) story focused game to play; as well as test out some more Master System titles that I'm interested in. The misses is still intent on trying to finish Battletech but she did say that she'd like to play some more Atari 2600 then maybe find something on the PlayStation to play once she either beats or gives up on Battletech. Well, I think that about covers everything for this week! Until next time, and as always, best wishes and happy gaming to you and yours. :)

Edited by Jin
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When I wasn't playing Metroid Prime 3 I also made some time to play a couple old Atari 2600 favorites, Ms. Pac-Man and Commando Raid. They're both games I've never really grown tired of and the misses joined me to play a few rounds of each of them as well. After playing my games for a bit she popped in one of her favorite Atari 2600 titles, Kangaroo, and we played that one together for a while as well. Kangaroo was fun too, but a pretty firm reminder of why we should probably get a custom Sanwa JLF joystick equipped arcade stick for our Atari 2600 again. Pressing diagonally up and forward to jump in Kangaroo is really difficult to pull off consistently with a membrane contact joystick and we both used to be able to play Kangaroo a lot better when we had a real arcade joystick at our disposal.



The last games we tested out were the three most well known 3D sprite scaling Master System games: After Burner, Galaxy Force, and Space Harrier.



What joystick did you use on the 2600? I've gotten to where I really prefer my Genesis arcade stick for games that I'd use a stick for (including Ms Pac-Man).


Also, the scaling Master System game I play the most is Hang-On. Never could get into After Burner or Space Harrier on consoles even though I loved them in the arcade. I've downloaded Galaxy Force to play on my PSP via emulation, but haven't actually tried it out yet.

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