+TheBF Posted February 22, 2019 Author Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) About that ISR driven RS232 I have got something pretty stable working for ISR on RS232/1 thanks again to all the help one gets here on Atariage. The spoiler shows the current code and test routine and the little movie shows it in action at 9600 bps. It is worth noting that at 9600 bps, sending a 7K file with a 256 byte buffer, the file was captured and echoed back to the terminal no problem. The same test done a 19.2Kbps dropped characters near the end of the file. So with a bigger buffer I can capture faster, but if I need the memory I need to slow down the sending a bit. Or I could stop the echo and just put the bytes in storage buffer somewhere. However 9600 is fast enough for what I am doing. Also note I am using expansion RAM (variables) for QHEAD and QTAIL not scratchpad RAM. Seems to be ok for my needs. For the assembly language coders out there, you can compare how I took insanemultitasker's code but gave the various routines names in the Forth "dictionary". This means I can run the ALC routines from the Forth command line and see how the work. \ RS232/1 Interrupt Handler for CAMEL99 Forth B Fox Feb 14 2019 NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS \ DEBUG ONLY NEEDS MOV, FROM DSK1.ASM9900 \ **************************************************************************** \ * Adaptation of Jeff Brown / Thierry Nouspikel (sp) idea to leverage \ * the ROM-based ISR to service external interrupts (RS232 in our case) \ * within the VDP interrupt framework. \ * HEX 83C0 CONSTANT ISRWKSP \ Queue pointers, Initialized during setup VARIABLE QHEAD VARIABLE QTAIL \ *circular Q management 0100 CONSTANT QSIZE \ 256 byte buffer QSIZE 1- CONSTANT QMASK \ circular mask value \ allocate to 256 byte circular buffer in low RAM QSIZE MALLOC CONSTANT Q \ *Q must be assigned memory when system boots \ *********************************************************** \ * queue debugging tools \ : CIRC++ ( addr -- ) DUP @ 1+ QMASK AND SWAP ! ; \ : ENQ ( c -- ) Q QTAIL @ + C! QTAIL CIRC++ ; \ : ENQ$ ( adr len -- ) BOUNDS DO I C@ ENQ LOOP ; \ : QKEY? ( -- c | 0 ) \ read char from queue or return 0 \ FALSE \ assume no char waiting \ QHEAD @ QTAIL @ <> \ IF \ DROP \ drop false flag \ Q QHEAD @ + C@ \ QHEAD CIRC++ \ THEN ; \ 32 bytes \ : QPRINT BEGIN \ QKEY1 DUP \ WHILE ( tos<>0) \ EMIT \ REPEAT \ DROP ; \ ************************************************************ \ * QKEY? - Read character from 'Q' at index 'QHEAD' HEX CODE QKEY? ( -- c | 0 ) \ 0 means queue empty TOS PUSH, \ make space in the TOS cache register TOS CLR, \ FLAG to say no char ready QHEAD @@ QTAIL @@ CMP, NE IF, \ head<>tail means char waiting QHEAD @@ W MOV, \ get queue head index to W Q (W) TOS MOVB, \ get char from Q -> TOS TOS SWPB, \ move to other side of register W INC, \ inc the index W QMASK ANDI, \ wrap the index W QHEAD @@ MOV, \ save the new index ENDIF, NEXT, \ 34 bytes ENDCODE \ ************************************************************ \ * Init RS232,buffers,CIB. \ * usage: 100 MALLOC /TTY1 OPEN-TTY HEX CODE OPEN-TTY ( buffer cruaddr -- ) 0 LIMI, \ inhibit ints until setup is complete R12 RPUSH, \ save R12 which might be in use TOS R12 MOV, \ 9902 CRU address -> R12 1F SBO, \ Reset 9902 \ * Need a delay after reset so... \ * Assign buffer to Q, init Q head and tail indices *SP+ ' Q >BODY @@ MOV, \ POP buffer to Forth constant 'Q' QHEAD @@ CLR, \ clear the head QTAIL @@ CLR, \ clear the tail \ * We can configure the 9902 now 0D SBZ, \ 9902 Bit 13, disable interval register PROTO @@ 08 LDCR, \ set protocol (8n1 is normal) BPS @@ 0C LDCR, \ set baud (typically 9600) R12 RPOP, \ restore R12 TOS POP, \ refill Forth top of stack cache NEXT, ENDCODE \ ********************************************************** \ * Interrupt Handler \ * Entered from the ROM ISR via the user defined interrupt \ * We immediately test the configured RS232 for a received character. \ *-------------------------------------------------------- \ * RS232 Circular Buffer character reception \ * Only test interrupts on active port as defined during setup \ * Spurious ints from another RS232 will result in virtual lockup \ * because they will never be serviced \ * OVERRUNS will overwrite old data in the QUEUE \ ************************************************************** \ * ISR is in workspace 83C0. ONLY R3 & R4 are free to use!!! DECIMAL CREATE TTY1-ISR ( * this is a label, not a runnable Forth word * ) ISRWKSP LWPI, \ 10 R12 CLR, \ select 9901 chip CRU address \ 10 2 SBZ, \ Disable VDP int prioritization \ 12 R11 SETO, \ 3.5.16 hinder screen timeout \ 10 PORT @@ R12 MOV, \ set CRU PORT \ 22 QTAIL @@ R4 MOV, \ index->R4 \ 22 16 TB, \ interrupt received? \ 12 EQ IF, \ Yes; enqueue char \ 8 Q R4 () 8 STCR, \ 52 18 SBO, \ clr rcv buffer, enable interrupts 12 R4 INC, \ bump the index 10 R4 QMASK ANDI, \ wrap the index 14 R4 QTAIL @@ MOV, \ save the index 22 ENDIF, R12 CLR, \ select 9901 chip CRU address 10 3 SBO, \ reset timer int 12 RTWP, \ Return \ = 238 \ ************************************************************** \ * Configure ROM ISR to pass through external interrupts as VDP interrupts \ * (Jeff Brown/Thierry) \ * variable use to transport ISR from Forth to ISR workspace VARIABLE HANDLER HEX CODE INSTALL ( ISR_address -- ) TOS HANDLER @@ MOV, 0 LIMI, 83E0 LWPI, R14 CLR, \ Disable cassette interrupt; protect 8379 R15 877B LI, \ disable VDPST reading; protect 837B ISRWKSP LWPI, \ switch to ISR workspace R1 SETO, \ [83C2] Disable all VDP interrupt processing HANDLER @@ R2 MOV, \ [83C4] set our interrupt vector R11 SETO, \ Disable screen timeouts R12 CLR, \ Set to 9901 CRU base BEGIN, 2 TB, \ check for VDP int NE UNTIL, \ loop until <> 0 1 SBO, \ Enable external interrupt prioritization 2 SBZ, \ Disable VDP interrupt prioritization 3 SBZ, \ Disable Timer interrupt prioritization 8300 LWPI, \ return to the FORTH WS TOS POP, \ refill cache register 2 LIMI, \ 3.2 [rs232 ints now serviced!] NEXT, \ and return to Forth ENDCODE DECIMAL CODE RCVON ( cru -- ) \ * Turn on the 9902 interrupts 0 LIMI, TOS R12 MOV, 18 SBO, \ Enable rs232 RCV int TOS POP, 2 LIMI, NEXT, ENDCODE CODE RCVOFF ( cru -- ) \ * Turn off the 9902 interrupts 0 LIMI, TOS R12 MOV, \ i.e., >1340 18 SBZ, \ Disable rs232 rcv int TOS POP, 2 LIMI, NEXT, ENDCODE : QCLEAR QHEAD OFF QTAIL OFF ; Q /TTY1 OPEN-TTY : ISR-TEST QCLEAR \ reset Queue pointers CKEY? DROP \ clear any chars from 9902 TTY1-ISR INSTALL \ obvious :-) /TTY1 RCVON \ activate isr BEGIN QKEY? DUP EMIT \ emit each char 3 = \ until ^C is sent UNTIL /TTY1 RCVOFF 0 INSTALL ; TTY1 ISR DEMO.mp4 Edited February 22, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 27, 2019 Author Share Posted February 27, 2019 Here a bug, there a bug, everywhere a bug bug. Old theBF had some RAM, ee I ee I oh! I thought I was so clever using scratchpad memory after the >8300 workspace to hold Forth's USER VARIABLEs. LOL The old machine got me again. I can use the addresses up to 8344 for various system variables. I tried placing I/O vectors in the space after that and the !$@#%^ file sys DSR uses some of those locations. I have found that >8352 and >836E are un-touched (so far) so I use those for vectors. 20 USER: TFLAG \ TASK flag awake/asleep status 22 USER: JOB \ Forth word that runs in a task 24 USER: DP \ dictionary pointer 26 USER: HP \ hold pointer, for text->number conversion 28 USER: CSP 2A USER: BASE 2C USER: >IN 2E USER: C/L \ Chars per line (32 or 40 depending on VDP mode) 30 USER: OUT \ counts chars since last CR (newline) 32 USER: VROW \ current VDP column (in fast RAM) 34 USER: VCOL \ current VDP row (in fast RAM) \ 36 USER: CURRENT \ 38 USER: CONTEXT 3A USER: LP \ LEAVE stack pointer. 3C USER: SOURCE-ID \ 0 for console, -1 for EVALUATE, 1 for include 3E USER: 'SOURCE \ WATCH OUT! This is 2variable, occupies 3E and 40 \ 40 USER: ------- \ used by 'SOURCE 42 USER: TPAD \ ********************************************************************* 44 USER: 'KEY? \ vector to test for key press \ 46 USER: ??? might be ok \ 48 USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 4A USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 4C USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 4E USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 50 USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK 52 USER: 'EMIT \ vector for char. output routine \ 54 USER: --- 1+ DSRSIZ \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 56 USER: --- DSRNAM \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK \ 58 USER: --- \ DSR use *PROTECTED IN ROOT TASK 6E USER: 'PAGE \ vector for screen clear routine 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 27, 2019 Author Share Posted February 27, 2019 STRAIGHT An old PolyForth word After fighting with the ISR routine and getting it to work, I found I was not happy with how the rest of the system worked using the work around. Polled I/O works great for keyboard entry so I wondered if there was a way to blast code at the machine when I needed to without fooling around with the GPL and ISR workspaces. Someone here reminded me to disable interrupts for full attention of my polled code and sure enough that worked. So I create STRAIGHT, a word from PolyForth and now I can blast source code into a big buffer in low RAM whenever I need to at full speed. I had trouble getting the ALC code to wait for the first character so I just gave up and put that in Forth as well as the user notification stuff cuz that's way simpler in Forth. Now I just need to write a little routine to write the buffer to a DV80 file and one to from memory and I have what I wanted. PC -> Ti-99 saving and/or compilation without leaving the terminal emulator. \ STRAIGHT a word from PolyForth \ Accept chars into a buffer with no echo \ capable of reading continuous data at 9600 bps NEEDS MOV, FROM DSK1.ASM9900 CREATE ALLDONE \ branch here to exit readcom R12 RPOP, 2 LIMI, R1 TOS MOV, \ get the char count to Forth TOS NEXT, DECIMAL CODE READCOM ( addr n -- n' ) R12 RPUSH, PORT @@ R12 MOV, \ select the 9902 *SP+ W MOV, \ addr ->W (ie: R8) W TOS ADD, \ calc last address ->TOS R0 SETO, \ set timeout register >FFFF R1 CLR, \ reset char counter 0 LIMI, \ we need the entire machine BEGIN, 21 TB, EQ IF, *W+ 8 STCR, \ put char in buf & inc 18 SBO, \ clr rcv buffer R0 SETO, \ reset timeout R1 INC, \ count char ELSE, R0 DEC, \ no char, dec TIMEDOUT EQ IF, ALLDONE @@ B, ENDIF, ENDIF, W TOS CMP, \ W = end of buffer ? EQ UNTIL, ALLDONE @@ B, ENDCODE : STRAIGHT ( addr len -- n) SWAP 1+ TUCK 1- ( addr+1 n addr) CR ." Send file now..." KEY SWAP C! \ store first Char READCOM CR ." Complete" CKEY? DROP CR ; HEX 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 28, 2019 Author Share Posted February 28, 2019 (edited) Xon/Xoff in Forth I thought it would be handy to include a way to control the TI-99 sending data to the terminal. I remember using control S and control Q on the DEC 10 Terminal in the old days. It means that any utility you write that is gushing data to the terminal can be stopped and started with the same key strokes. Handy. By changing the routine that is plugged into the output vector 'EMIT, we get Xon/Off in Camel Forth. In the process I discovered that making a simple one byte buffer for a serial port receive routine has a benefit. I only update the buffer if a new key was pressed. It means the (XEMIT) routine does not have to run any CRU code to read the flow control key. Edit: The reason this can work is because I read the keyboard in the utilities for a "break" by the user, therefore KBUFF gets filled with key while DUMP, or DIR etc. are running. \ this is cross-compiler Forth VARIABLE: KBUFF \ holds the last char rcv'd [CC] DECIMAL CROSS-ASSEMBLING CODE: CKEY? ( -- n ) \ "com-key" 0 LIMI, R12 RPUSH, PORT @@ R12 MOV, \ select >1340 CRU address TOS PUSH, TOS CLR, 21 TB, \ test if char ready EQ IF, TOS 8 STCR, \ read the char 18 SBZ, \ reset 9902 rcv buffer TOS 8 SRL, \ shift to other byte TOS KBUFF @@ MOV, \ record the key press ENDIF, R12 RPOP, 2 LIMI, NEXT, END-CODE Xon Xoff in Forth I recant: reading the byte buffer did not really give much advantage. Code changed. \ XONXOFF.FTH HEX 11 CONSTANT ^Q 13 CONSTANT ^S : (XEMIT) ( c -- ) \ * XON/XOFF version* KEY? ^S = IF BEGIN PAUSE \ let another task have a turn while we wait KEY? DUP 3 = ABORT" ^C" ^Q = UNTIL THEN CEMIT ; \ send c to comm TTY1 : XON/XOFF ( -- ) ['] (XEMIT) 'EMIT ! ; : NOHANDSHK ( -- ) ['] (EMIT) 'EMIT ! ; Edited February 28, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted March 4, 2019 Author Share Posted March 4, 2019 (edited) Making a Sound Lexicon for the TMS9919 Many years ago I remember wondering how I might tackle the challenge of programming the TMS9919 with a set of Forth words. I spent some time today working on how it might be done and I modified my preliminary work. This version lets you do the minus number duration trick that we have in TI- BASIC by running a very small ISR that just keeps trying to turn off the sound channels if the volume number is not zero. The other thing I always wanted was a way to play BASS notes by frequency in Herz, so this word set has the word ( dur freq vol ) BASS which makes it easy. Using the same math we can also play white noise notes that track frequency. No kidding! Here's the code. I will have to make some demo recordings. At the moment I have been using Vorticon's Stratego game sounds for inspiration. EDIT: Created the word PLAY to save memory and improve code clarity \ TMS9919 SOUND CHIP DRIVER and CONTROL LEXICON Jan 2017 BJF \ Modified to use ISR timers to control durations Mar 2 2019 BJF NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS \ debugging NEEDS MOV, FROM DSK1.ASM9900 \ frequency code must be ORed with these numbers to create a sound HEX 8000 CONSTANT OSC1 A000 CONSTANT OSC2 ( oscillators take 2 nibbles) C000 CONSTANT OSC3 E0 CONSTANT OSC4 ( noise takes 1 nibble) \ Attenuation values are ORed with these values to change volume ( 0= max, 15 = off) 90 CONSTANT ATT1 B0 CONSTANT ATT2 D0 CONSTANT ATT3 F0 CONSTANT ATT4 ( OSC4 volume adjust) \ timer array: 1 for each voice CREATE TIMERS ( -- addr) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , \ names for each timer in the array TIMERS CONSTANT T1 T1 CELL+ CONSTANT T2 T2 CELL+ CONSTANT T3 T3 CELL+ CONSTANT T4 \ ===================================================== \ There are no 32 bit numbers in the CAMEL99 compiler \ so we create a double variable with primtives : >DOUBLE ( addr len -- d ) 0 0 2SWAP >NUMBER 2DROP ; DECIMAL S" 111861" >DOUBLE CREATE f(clk) ( -- d) , , \ 32 bit int. \ >FCODE re-arranges freq. value nibbles (4bits) for the TMS9919 HEX CODE >FCODE ( 0abc -- 0cab) \ version by Farmer Potato Atariage 0B44 , \ TOS 4 SRC, \ C0AB C204 , \ TOS W MOV, \ DUP 0948 , \ W 4 SRL, \ 0C0A D108 , \ W TOS MOVB, \ 0CAB NEXT, ENDCODE \ we set the "ACTIVE CHANNEL" with these variables VARIABLE OSC \ holds the active OSC value VARIABLE ATT \ holds the active ATTENUATOR value VARIABLE T \ hold active timer address \ convert freq. to 9919 chip code : HZ>CODE ( freq -- fcode ) f(clk) 2@ ROT UM/MOD NIP >FCODE ; HEX \ **for testing** echo sound data to screen AND make sound \ : SND! ( c -- ) ." >" BASE @ >R HEX DUP U. 8400 C! R> BASE ! ; \ TMS9919 is a memory mapped device on the TI-99 @ >8400 \ : SND! ( c -- ) 8400 C! ; CODE SND! ( c -- ) TOS SWPB, TOS 8400 @@ MOVB, TOS POP, NEXT, ENDCODE \ Set the sound "GENerator that is active by assigning \ timer, attenuator and oscillator \ : GEN! ( osc att tmr -- ) T ! ATT ! OSC ! ; CODE GEN! ( osc att tmr -- ) TOS T @@ MOV, *SP+ ATT @@ MOV, *SP+ OSC @@ MOV, TOS POP, NEXT, ENDCODE CREATE MUTE-ISR \ creates a label for this sub-routine R1 TIMERS LI, \ R1=timer array address R2 8400 LI, \ R2=sound port address R3 9F00 LI, \ R3=attenuator "off" value R5 TIMERS 4 CELLS + LI, \ compute last timer() address R0 CLR, \ need a zero value BEGIN, R1 ** R0 CMP, \ timer <>0 NE IF, R1 ** DEC, \ decrement timer EQ IF, R3 R2 ** MOVB, \ mute attenuator ENDIF, ENDIF, R1 INCT, \ next timer R3 2000 AI, \ next attenuator R1 R5 CMP, \ is this the last timer? EQ UNTIL, \ loop until true RT, ENDCODE HEX : INSTALL ( sub-routine -- ) 83C4 ! ; \ enable/disable background sound mute ISR : BG-ON ( -- ) MUTE-ISR INSTALL ; : BG-OFF ( -- ) 0 INSTALL ; : COLD ( -- ) BG-OFF COLD ; \ disable ISR before re-booting Forth \ ================================================================ \ S O U N D C O N T R O L L E X I C O N \ sound "voice" selectors : VOX1 ( -- ) OSC1 ATT1 T1 GEN! ; : VOX2 ( -- ) OSC2 ATT2 T2 GEN! ; : VOX3 ( -- ) OSC3 ATT3 T3 GEN! ; : VOX4 ( -- ) OSC4 ATT4 T4 GEN! ; \ low level API : HZ ( f -- ) HZ>CODE OSC @ OR SPLIT SND! SND! ; : DB ( level -- ) 2/ 0F MIN ATT @ OR SND! ; \ Usage: 6 DB : TICKS ( t -- ) T @ ! ; \ store 't' in active timer : 16/ ( n -- n') 4 RSHIFT ; \ converts mS -> ticks : MUTE ( -- ) 30 DB ; : SILENT ( -- ) 9F SND! BF SND! DF SND! FF SND! ; : DURATION ( ms -- ) DUP 0< \ negative value? IF ABS 16/ TICKS \ Yes. use background mute timer ELSE MS MUTE \ No. Wait, then mute THEN ; \ ============================================================= \ hi-level API for each voice : PLAY ( dur vol -- ) DB DURATION ; \ common factor, saves memory ( We set freq. before opening attenuator for cleanest sound) : SND1 ( dur freq vol -- ) VOX1 SWAP HZ PLAY ; : SND2 ( dur freq vol -- ) VOX2 SWAP HZ PLAY ; : SND3 ( dur freq vol -- ) VOX3 SWAP HZ PLAY ; \ 1 1 1 0 0 w r r \ >E | | | \ | 0 0 : 0 6991 Hz \ | 0 1 : 1 3496 Hz \ | 1 0 : 2 1748 Hz \ | 1 1 : track freq of gen.3 \ 1 0 0 : 4 low freq white noise \ 1 0 1 : 5 med freq white noise \ 1 1 0 : 6 hi freq white noise \ 0 : Periodic noise \ 1 : White noise 7 = tracking white noise : NOISETYPE ( n -- ) OSC4 OR SND! ; \ faster create for noise byte : NOISE ( dur freq vol -- ) VOX4 SWAP 07 AND NOISETYPE PLAY ; DECIMAL : >BASS ( n -- n') 14777 1000 */ ; \ n'= n x 14.777 : BASS ( dur freq vol -- ) \ steal VOX3 & VOX4 to play low freq VOX3 SWAP >BASS HZ MUTE VOX4 3 NOISETYPE PLAY ; : WHITE ( dur freq vol -- ) \ steal VOX3 & VOX4. Pitched white noise VOX3 SWAP >BASS HZ MUTE VOX4 7 NOISETYPE PLAY ; Edited March 5, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted March 19, 2019 Author Share Posted March 19, 2019 Semantic Power of the 9900 Instruction Set (Fantastic!) While doing some analysis of how improve compiling times I zoomed in on a word in Camel Forth called DIGIT?. This word takes an ascii character and converts it to a numeric value. It returns two arguments. If the conversion is good the number and a true flag is left on the data stack. If the conversion is bad, the input character and a false flag are left on the data stack. Camel Forth defines this function in Forth using some clever binary logic. However this word is called in a loop to convert multi-digit numbers so it was a good target to improve the speed of number interpretation and compilation. Camel Forth's DIGIT? (original comments by Dr. Brad Rodriguez) : DIGIT? ( char -- n -1) \ if char is a valid digit \ ( -- x 0 ) \ if char is not valid DUP 39 > 100 AND + \ silly looking DUP 140 > 107 AND - [CHAR] 0 - \ but it works! DUP BASE @ U< ; I used the GForth decompiler to see how it was done in GForth, one of the reference implementations of ANS/ISO Forth and I saw this: : DIGIT? 30 - DUP 9 U> IF 7 - DUP 9 U<= IF DROP FALSE EXIT THEN THEN DUP BASE @ U>= IF DROP FALSE EXIT THEN TRUE ; Looking at this example I wrote the equivalent in Forth assembler and it's almost a direct translation. It actually worked the first time I coded it. The 9900 instruction set is almost the same level as Forth, when structured branching and looping are added to the assembler. *Notes: The combination of a jump token and IF, ( GT IF,) in this assembler simply create a JMP instruction around the following code to the nearest ENDIF, location. TOS is an alias for R4, used a cache register for the top value on the Forth data stack PUSH is a 2 instruction macro that decrements R6 and then moves R4 to the data stack ( DECT R6 MOV R4,*R6 ) The code below puts the equivalent Forth code in the comments CODE DIGIT? ( char -- n f ) \ : digit? TOS PUSH, \ 2 extra instructions TOS -30 AI, \ 30 - TOS 9 CI, GT \ DUP 9 U> IF, \ IF TOS -7 AI, LTE \ 7 - DUP 9 U<= IF, \ IF TOS CLR, \ DROP FALSE NEXT, \ EXIT ENDIF, \ THEN ENDIF, \ THEN TOS BASE @@ CMP, GTE \ DUP BASE @ U>= IF, \ IF TOS CLR, \ DROP FALSE NEXT, \ EXIT ENDIF, \ THEN TOS *SP MOV, \ extra instruction TOS SETO, \ TRUE NEXT, \ ; ENDCODE Amazing design by TI Engineers all those years ago. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted March 19, 2019 Share Posted March 19, 2019 FYI, here is the ALC from TI Forth’s DIGIT (from fig-Forth) and the equivalent (I think!) fbForth Assembler code, which only leaves FALSE if the ASCII character cannot be converted to a digit: *** TI Forth ALC primitive for DIGIT (inherited by fbForth) *** DIGIT *** DIGIT DATA $+2 MOV *SP+,R1 pop base to R1 MOV *SP,R2 copy ASCII of char to R2 AI R2,->0030 convert to binary form CI R2,10 0-9? JL DIGIT1 yes..check base AI R2,-7 no..remove ASCII gap CI R2,10 >= 10? JHE DIGIT1 yes..check base DIGIT2 CLR *SP no..leave FALSE on stack B *NEXT return to interpreter DIGIT1 C R2,R1 >= base? JHE DIGIT2 yes..leave FALSE and return MOV R2,*SP no..leave converted digit on stack DECT SP reserve stack space SETO *SP leave -1 NEG *SP change to 1 for TRUE B *NEXT return to interpreter \ fbForth Assembler code for above ALC HEX ASM: DIGIT ( char base -- FALSE | [n TRUE] ) *SP+ R1 MOV, \ pop base to R1 *SP R2 MOV, \ copy ASCII of char to R2 R2 -030 AI, \ convert to binary form R2 0A CI, \ compare digit to 10 HE IF, \ >= 10? R2 -7 AI, \ yes..remove ASCII gap R2 0A CI, \ compare digit to 10 L IF, \ < 10? *SP CLR, \ yes..leave FALSE on stack NEXT, \ return to interpreter THEN, THEN, R2 R1 C, \ compare digit to base HE IF, \ >= base? *SP CLR, \ yes..leave FALSE on stack ELSE, \ no.. R2 *SP MOV, \ leave converted digit on stack SP DECT, \ reserve stack space *SP SETO, \ leave -1 *SP NEG, \ change to 1 for TRUE THEN, ;ASM \ return to interpreter ...lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted March 19, 2019 Author Share Posted March 19, 2019 FYI, here is the ALC from TI Forth’s DIGIT (from fig-Forth) and the equivalent (I think!) fbForth Assembler code, which only leaves FALSE if the ASCII character cannot be converted to a digit: *** TI Forth ALC primitive for DIGIT (inherited by fbForth) *** DIGIT *** DIGIT DATA $+2 MOV *SP+,R1 pop base to R1 MOV *SP,R2 copy ASCII of char to R2 AI R2,->0030 convert to binary form CI R2,10 0-9? JL DIGIT1 yes..check base AI R2,-7 no..remove ASCII gap CI R2,10 >= 10? JHE DIGIT1 yes..check base DIGIT2 CLR *SP no..leave FALSE on stack B *NEXT return to interpreter DIGIT1 C R2,R1 >= base? JHE DIGIT2 yes..leave FALSE and return MOV R2,*SP no..leave converted digit on stack DECT SP reserve stack space SETO *SP leave -1 NEG *SP change to 1 for TRUE B *NEXT return to interpreter \ fbForth Assembler code for above ALC HEX ASM: DIGIT ( char base -- FALSE | [n TRUE] ) *SP+ R1 MOV, \ pop base to R1 *SP R2 MOV, \ copy ASCII of char to R2 R2 -030 AI, \ convert to binary form R2 0A CI, \ compare digit to 10 HE IF, \ >= 10? R2 -7 AI, \ yes..remove ASCII gap R2 0A CI, \ compare digit to 10 L IF, \ < 10? *SP CLR, \ yes..leave FALSE on stack NEXT, \ return to interpreter THEN, THEN, R2 R1 C, \ compare digit to base HE IF, \ >= base? *SP CLR, \ yes..leave FALSE on stack ELSE, \ no.. R2 *SP MOV, \ leave converted digit on stack SP DECT, \ reserve stack space *SP SETO, \ leave -1 *SP NEG, \ change to 1 for TRUE THEN, ;ASM \ return to interpreter ...lee Ah... so the TI guys built this into TI-Forth in the '80s. Makes sense. The hi-level Forth version Brad did was 48 bytes, the code version based in GForth is 24 bytes and it is approximately 7X faster. All this points to the fact that modern commercial Forth systems have abandoned threaded code for native code. However it is a much harder compiler to build. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted March 19, 2019 Share Posted March 19, 2019 ... Camel Forth's DIGIT? (original comments by Dr. Brad Rodriguez) : DIGIT? ( char -- n -1) \ if char is a valid digit \ ( -- x 0 ) \ if char is not valid DUP 39 > 100 AND + \ silly looking DUP 140 > 107 AND - [CHAR] 0 - \ but it works! DUP BASE @ U< ; Clever code, indeed—but it confused me at first because of a missing HEX ahead of the definition. I especially like how the ASCII gap is handled. It insures that any character in the gap is treated as a number higher than any likely radix (314 – 320), which should fail the comparison at the end of the definition. [Edit: I should add that the two AND operations will not work in TI Forth or fbForth because operations that yield TRUE or FALSE, unfortunately, render TRUE as 1 rather than -1 (FFFFh) as in the above case.] ...lee 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) CAMEL99 Forth Version G Release I forgot how many things I had been working on since last November. It's good to look back and see how far we've come sometimes. I just posted version G. It fixes a bug in the interpreter error detection and adds a bunch of new library files. https://github.com/bfox9900/CAMEL99-V2(forgot the link) ### Nov 30, 2018 V2.1.G Version G corrects a long-time bug in the interpreter that reported"empty stack" under some conditions erroneously (CAMELG2.HSF) Compiler switch name has been changed to USEFORTH (previously SMALLER) becausesometimes Forth is smaller and sometimes Assembler code is smaller. Version G has a code word for DIGIT? to improved compile times The word ?SIGN is now PRIVATE, not visible in the dictionary to save space The word >NUMBER has been changed slighly from the original CAMEL FORTH that speeds it for the 9900 cpu. The ELAPSE.FTH program has been significantly improved for accuracy and the code size has been reduced. A file based BLOCK system is available as a library: /LIB.ITC/BLOCKS.FTH These blocks are compatible with FBFORTH and Turbo Forth allowing the developer read programs from these other Forth systems. Compiling this code will not be possible without writing a "translation harness" however for simple programs this is not too difficult. A simple demo of BLOCK usage is file LINEDIT80.FTH for use with 80col displays or the TTY based kernel CAMEL99T Data structures per Forth 2012 are now supported in file STRUC12.FTH.A simple example is part of the file. (remove or comment out if you use the file) ACCEPT has been changed passing backspace cursor control to EMIT. (see below) EMIT has been changed to handle newline and backspace characters (EMIT) and (CR) i/o primitives can be compiled as Forth or CODE (controlled by USEFORTH ) ### CAMEL99T (tty) Version CAMEL99T is built to use RS232/1 as the primary console.It has been tested with Tera Term, Hyper-terminal and PUTTY under windows 10.Terminal configuration is 9600,8,n,1, hardware handshake. A word VTYPE ( $addr len VDPaddr -- ) is part of the CAMEL99T to allow simple printing to the VDP screen at a screen address. (no protection!) Library file call XONXOFF.FTH vectors EMIT to provide XON/XOFF protocol. File VT100.FTH can be included to provide cursor control for a VT100 terminal. Edited March 23, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 3, 2019 Author Share Posted April 3, 2019 (edited) The DSRLINK... I am forever grateful for insanemulti-tasker and the TI tech pages for giving me the foundation for DSRLINK. I could not resist trying to understand it better. In going through what I was using, I found a number of lines that did not make sense and a couple of variables that I thought could be eliminated by using immediate operations rather than indirect addressing. I improved some of my comments and when I was done the kernel was 44 bytes smaller using this version for DSRLINK. One of the savings was removing the static string buffer NAMEBUF. Instead I used the un-allocated memory in the CAMEL99 HEAP (low RAM).The system variable 'H' always contains the address of free memory in the heap. It's probably got some corner cases where I could clobber it, like if I allowed a preemptive task to change the value of 'H' with MALLOC, but I don't use preemptive multi-tasking so I am not too worried. I think I can manage it the next time I have to use CAMEL99 Forth for a space mission with NASA. The spoiler has the new version. Edit: Updated to latest code Apr 21 2018, Put 2 lines back that I thought were not needed, but I was wrong. \ DSRLNKA.HSF for XFC99 cross-compiler/Assembler 12Apr2019 \ PASSES error code back to Forth workspace, TOS register \ Source: \ http://atariage.com/forums/topic/283914-specialized-file-access-from-xb/page-2 \ posted by InsaneMultitasker via Thierry Nouspikel \ - Re-write to used CAMEL Forth Heap via the variable 'H' for NAMBUF \ - Changed some jumps to structured loops & IF/THEN \ - ADD GPl error byte to error code on Forth TOS \ - saved 44 bytes!! B. Fox CROSS-ASSEMBLING XASSEMBLER DEFINITIONS \ we need more labels than I normally use for Forth style CODE Words A DUP refer: @@A binder: @@A: B DUP refer: @@B binder: @@B: CROSS-COMPILING XASSEMBLER DEFINITIONS \ MACRO to simplify the VDP code : VDPWA, ( reg -- ) DUP SWPB, \ setup VDP address DUP VDPWA @@ MOVB, \ write 1st byte of address to VDP chip DUP SWPB, VDPWA @@ MOVB, \ write 2nd byte of address to VDP chip NOP, ; \ need this tiny delay for VDP chip : [TOS] 8 (R13) ; \ gives access to Forth top of stack register [CC] HEX TARGET-COMPILING l: HEX20 20 BYTE, l: HEXAA AA BYTE, l: PERIOD 2E BYTE, \ '.' .EVEN l: H2000 DATA 2000 l: CYC1 DATA 0000 l: H1300 DATA 1300 [CC] RP0 80 - [TC] EQU DREGS \ use memory below Forth RETURN stack for workspace [CC] 5 2* DREGS + [TC] EQU DREG(5) \ compute address of DREGS register 5 CLR-JMPTABLE \ === DSR ENTRY POINT === l: DSR1 \ headless code *R14+ R5 MOV, \ get '8'->R5, auto inc for return HEX20 @@ R15 SZCB, \ >20 eq flag=0 8356 @@ R0 MOV, \ [PAB FNAME] to R0 R0 R9 MOV, \ dup R0 to R9 R9 -8 ADDI, \ R9-8 = [PAB FLG] R0 VDPWA, \ set the VDP address to use VDPRD @@ R1 MOVB, \ R1= length of FNAME \ setup to copy VDP FNAME ->namebuf to '.' character R1 R3 MOVB, \ DUP length byte to R3 R3 08 SRL, \ swap the byte to other side R4 SETO, \ R4 = -1 H @@ R2 MOV, \ unused heap becomes temp. namebuf BEGIN, R0 INC, \ point to next fname VDP address R4 INC, \ counter starts at 0 R4 R3 CMP, \ is counter = fnamelength @@1 JEQ, \ if true goto @@1: R0 VDPWA, \ set VDP address VDPRD @@ R1 MOVB, \ read next VDP char from fname R1 *R2+ MOVB, \ copy to namebuf & inc pointer R1 PERIOD @@ CMPB, \ is it a '.' EQ UNTIL, \ until '.' found 34 bytes!!! @@1: R4 R4 MOV, \ test R4(device name length)=0 @@6 JEQ, \ if so, goto ERROR6 R4 07 CMPI, \ is dev name length>7 @@8 JGT, \ if so, goto @@8 (ERROR6) 83D0 @@ CLR, \ erase magic CRU addr. holder R4 8354 @@ MOV, \ put length in magic address R4 INC, \ +1 points to '.' character R4 8356 @@ ADD, \ add offset to PAB address (makes "real PAB") \ ==== GPL WORKSPACE ==== 83E0 LWPI, \ SROM (search ROM device list) R1 CLR, \ MAGIC GPL REGISTER=0 H2000 @@ CYC1 @@ MOV, \ init the CYC1 variable ?? R12 0F00 LI, \ init CRU base to 0F00 @@A JMP, @@9: \ scan for I/O cards R12 1000 LI, \ init CRU address H1300 @@ CYC1 @@ MOV, \ BEGIN, @@A: R12 R12 MOV, NE IF, \ if card address<>0 00 SBZ, \ turn off card ENDIF, R12 0100 ADDI, \ advance CRU to next card 83D0 @@ CLR, \ erase magic addres R12 2000 CMPI, \ @@9 JEQ, \ Scan ROM R12 CYC1 @@ CMP, @@5 JEQ, \ no more cards. goto ERROR5 \ card activation... R12 83D0 @@ MOV, \ save card CRU in magic address 00 SBO, \ turn on the card R2 4000 LI, \ ROM start addr -> R2 *R2 HEXAA @@ CMPB, \ test for card present EQ UNTIL, \ loop until card is found DREG(5) @@ R2 ADD, \ add '8'+4000= >4008 DSR ROM list @@B JMP, @@3: \ scan ROM linked list for code address BEGIN, BEGIN, 83D2 @@ R2 MOV, \ start of ROM device list -> R2 00 SBO, \ turn card on @@B: *R2 R2 MOV, \ Fetch next link @@A JEQ, \ if link=0 goto @@A (NEXT CARD) R2 83D2 @@ MOV, \ save link address in magic address R2 INCT, \ R2 = code pointer *R2+ R9 MOV, \ fetch code address ->R9 8355 @@ R5 MOVB, \ dev length->R5 @@4 JEQ, \ if 0 we have a string match R5 *R2+ CMPB, EQ UNTIL, \ find dev string match R5 08 SRL, \ shift length byte H @@ R6 MOV, \ heap ->R6 is NAMEBUF BEGIN, *R6+ *R2+ CMPB, \ compare namebuf to ROM string @@3 JNE, \ if mismatch goto @@3 R5 DEC, \ dec the counter register EQ UNTIL, @@4: \ run DSR code R1 INC, \ count entries into the DSR ? *R9 BL, \ call the DSR code AGAIN, \ try next card \ -- DSR returns here if we are done -- 00 SBZ, \ Turn off the card DREGS LWPI, \ ==== DSR Workspace ==== R9 VDPWA, \ set vdp address VDPRD @@ R1 MOVB, \ read error value to DREGS R1 R1 0D SRL, \ shift error to correct range @@7 JNE, \ if error<>0 goto @@7 RTWP, \ else return to Forth workspace \ error condition handlers @@5: DREGS LWPI, \ we came from GPL workspace, restore DREGS \ device name length errors @@6: @@8: R1 SETO, \ error code in R1. *THIS SEEMS TO MATTER* \ device not found error @@7: R1 [TOS] MOV, \ Move error code to Forth TOS \ GPL error test GPLSTAT @@ R0 MOVB, \ get gpl status byte R0 SWPB, R0 0020 ANDI, \ mask to get GPL error bit R0 [TOS] OR, \ combine GPL & DSR error codes RTWP, \ return to Forth \ ====== DSR LINK ENDS====== \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \ create the vector for BLWP l: DLNK DREGS DATA, \ the workspace DSR1 DATA, \ entry address of the code CODE: DSRLNK ( [pab_fname] -- ior) TOS 8356 @@ MOV, TOS CLR, 0 LIMI, \ disable interrupts here TOS GPLSTAT @@ MOVB, \ clear GPL status register DLNK @@ BLWP, 8 DATA, 2 LIMI, NEXT, END-CODE Edited April 21, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 4, 2019 Author Share Posted April 4, 2019 (edited) The old saying goes "Any program that can be written in 1000 bytes can be written in 999 bytes". Integrating DSRLINK into Forth means I have other ways to pass parameters than just using registers. I realized that DSRLINK could take a parameter from the stack. The parameter it needed was the PAB file-name address moved to >8356. Previously I had been moving the PAB file-name to >8356 in the FILEOP command with FORTH like this: : FILEOP ( opcode -- err) \ TI99 O/S call [PAB VC! \ write opcode byte to VDP PAB [PAB FLG] DUP VC@ 1F AND SWAP VC! \ clear err code bits 0 GPLSTAT C! \ clear GPL status register [PAB FNAME] DSRNAM ! \ ** THIS LINE *** DSRLNK ( -- err) \ DSRLINK with parameter 8 GPLSTAT C@ 20 AND OR \ get GPL status, or with err ; By changing 1 line in DSRLNK to take a parameter from the stack and stuff it into >8356, I save 4 bytes and speed up my FILEOP command a little. : FILEOP ( opcode -- err) \ TI99 O/S call [PAB VC! \ write opcode byte to VDP PAB [PAB FLG] DUP VC@ 1F AND SWAP VC! \ clear err code bits \ 0 GPLSTAT C! \ *** MOVE INTO DSR routine [PAB FNAME] DSRLNK ( -- err) \ *** PASS filename to DSRLNK ** \ GPLSTAT C@ 20 AND OR \ *** MOVE INTO DSR routine ; New DSRLNK call looks like this: HEX CODE: DSRLNK ( [pab_fname]-- ior) TOS 8356 @@ MOV, \ ** this line ** replaces TOS PUSH, (2 instructions) TOS CLR, 0 LIMI, DLNK @@ BLWP, 8 DATA, 2 LIMI, NEXT, END-CODE And this saves another 2 bytes, because I had to PUSH the TOS register to make room for the error code anyway. EDIT: And while I am here I just removed the last line and put it into the DSR routine. This makes FILEOP faster, but added 2 bytes versus the FORTH version. (Yes it's true, Forth and be smaller than ALC, but not always) EDIT2: And why not move the line that clears the GPL status byte into DSRLNK too? That saves my 2 bytes I just lost. EDIT3: These changes improved compile times from floppy disk by 2.6% on real iron versus Version "F" Nice! CODE: DSRLNK ( [pab_fname]-- ior) TOS 8356 @@ MOV, TOS CLR, TOS GPLSTAT @@ MOVB, \ clear GPL status register 0 LIMI, \ critical that we disable interrupts here. DLNK @@ BLWP, 8 DATA, 2 LIMI, NEXT, END-CODE Edited April 4, 2019 by TheBF 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 9, 2019 Author Share Posted April 9, 2019 They Don't Really Use Forth Anymore Do They? I thought the gang here might like to see this video while they need a break from debugging. (or while waiting for C to compile) (It's a joke) https://wiki.forth-ev.de/doku.php/events:ef2018:forth-in-that 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+InsaneMultitasker Posted April 9, 2019 Share Posted April 9, 2019 The DSRLINK... I am forever grateful for insanemulti-tasker and the TI tech pages for giving me the foundation for DSRLINK. I could not resist trying to understand it better. \ Source: \ http://atariage.com/forums/topic/283914-specialized-file-access-from-xb/page-2 \ by InsaneMultitasker via Thierry Nouspikel Nice job working through that DSRLNK code. I might have mentioned it before (and if not, I will say it here) that I did not write the DSRLNK and never intended to give you that impression. That version has been in my 'toolbox' for ages; I just passed it along. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 9, 2019 Author Share Posted April 9, 2019 Nice job working through that DSRLNK code. I might have mentioned it before (and if not, I will say it here) that I did not write the DSRLNK and never intended to give you that impression. That version has been in my 'toolbox' for ages; I just passed it along. Understood. Somehow that version made a little more sense to me than others I had looked at. That made it easier to integrate into my Forth system. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 11, 2019 Author Share Posted April 11, 2019 (edited) In case you ever wondered... After playing for over a year a various optimizations I thought I should create a "mostly" Forth version for educational purposes. My entire reason for this project was to learn about cross-compiling Forth and that hopefully others could get jumpstart should they ever want to try it themselves. So this version of the code has been cleaned of wordy comments and most of the code is Forth. The VDP driver is written in Forth here as well using a few VDP routines so that's interesting. It seems to perform quite well too. There is another file of Assembly language primitives that are the un-pinnings of Forth, but the spoiler is just the hi-level language to make a Forth compiler and interpreter written in Forth. \ CAMEL99 Forth for the TI-99 un-optimized version 11Apr2019 \ Copyright (c) 2018 Brian Fox \ KILWORTH Ontario Canada \ brian.fox@brianfox.ca \ compiles with XFCC99.EXE cross-compiler \ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify \ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by \ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or \ (at your option) any later version. \ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. \ \ The work derived from CAMEL Forth under the GNU General Public License. \ CamelForth (c) 2009 Bradford J. Rodriguez. \ Commercial inquiries for Camel Forth should be directed to: \ 115 First St., #105, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4W3 Canada \ or via email to bj@camelforth.com \ History \ Apr 11 2019 removed unnecessary comments for clarity \ removed conditional compilation switches \ ======================================================================== \ M E M O R Y U S A G E D E F I N I T I O N S CROSS-COMPILING HEX 0FFF0 EQU EMEM \ EMEM = "end of memory" EMEM 0080 - EQU 'TIB \ ADDRESS OF Terminal Input Buffer EMEM 'TIB - EQU TIBSIZE \ FORTH stacks at upper end of TI-99 memory HEX 'TIB 2- EQU SP0 \ FORTH parameter stack base address. SP0 80 - EQU RP0 \ FORTH return stack base address CROSS-COMPILING INCLUDE CC9900\compiler\ITCTYPES.HSF \ indirect threaded versions \ ======================================================================== \ C O D E P R I M I T I V E S \ [CC] is short form for CROSS-COMPILING [CC] cr .( Compile Forth Assembler primitives ...) INCLUDE CC9900\9900FAS2.HSF INCLUDE CC9900\TI99PRIM.HSF \ ======================================================================== \ RESOLVE CODE WORD FORWARD REFERENCES FOR CROSS-COMPILER [CC] T' EXIT RESOLVES 'EXIT ENTR RESOLVES 'DOCOL T' DOVAR RESOLVES 'DOVAR T' LIT RESOLVES 'LIT T' DOCON RESOLVES 'DOCON T' DOUSER RESOLVES 'DOUSER T' DODOES RESOLVES 'DODOES \ ======================================================================== \ T A R G E T D E - C O M P I L E R \ debugging tool CROSS-COMPILING FALSE [IF] INCLUDE CC9900\CCLIB\TSEE.HSF [THEN] \ ======================================================================== \ T A R G E T S T A T E C O N T R O L TARGET-COMPILING VARIABLE: STATE STATE [CC] TO XSTATE \ ======================================================================== \ C R O S S C O M P I L E R B O O T - S T R A P P I N G \ add loop and branch words to the cross-compiler (not the TARGET) CROSS-COMPILING INCLUDE CC9900\cclib\BOOTSTRP.HSF \ ======================================================================== \ S Y S T E M C O N S T A N T S [CC] HEX cr .( Constants and Variables...) TARGET-COMPILING \ ASM/Equate Forth Name \ ----------- ------------ 'TIB constant: TIB SP0 constant: SP0 RP0 constant: RP0 TIBSIZE constant: TIB# \ Utility constants 0 constant: FALSE -1 constant: TRUE 0 constant: 0 1 constant: 1 2 constant: 2 3 constant: 3 20 constant: BL \ ======================================================================== \ U S E R V A R I A B L E S \ CAMEL99 uses space after workspace for user vars. \ User variables begin at >8320 for the primary Forth task [CC] HEX [TC] 20 USER: TFLAG 22 USER: JOB 24 USER: DP 26 USER: HP 28 USER: CSP 2A USER: BASE 2C USER: >IN 2E USER: C/L 30 USER: OUT 32 USER: VROW 34 USER: VCOL \ 36 USER: CURRENT \ 38 USER: CONTEXT 3A USER: LP 3C USER: SOURCE-ID 3E USER: 'SOURCE \ 40 USER: ------- \ used by 'SOURCE 46 USER: TPAD \ memory locations used by Forth ie: "variables" _CURSR constant: CURS _floor constant: FLOOR \ TI-99 system memory locations 83C6 constant: KUNIT# \ byte 837C constant: GPLSTAT \ byte \ These system variables control cold starting the system variable: LATEST variable: ORGDP variable: ORGLAST variable: BOOT [CC] DECIMAL [TC] 0024 constant: L/SCR [CC] HEX [TC] variable: VMODE variable: VTOP variable: L0 [CC] 3 CELLS TALLOT [TC] variable: ^PAB variable: LINES variable: C/SCR variable: 'INTERPRET variable: H ?stk \ ======================================================================== [CC] cr .( Hi-level FORTH Primitives...) TARGET-COMPILING : HERE ( -- addr) DP @ ; : ALLOT ( n --) DP +! ; : COMPILE, ( n -- ) HERE ! 2 ALLOT ; : , ( n -- ) COMPILE, ; : C, ( c --) HERE C! 1 ALLOT ; : ALIGN ( -- ) HERE ALIGNED DP ! ; : PAD ( -- addr) HERE TPAD @ + ; : COMPILE ( -- ) R> DUP 2+ >R @ COMPILE, ; : IMMEDIATE ( --) 01 LATEST @ 1- C! ; : LITERAL ( n -- n|~) STATE @ IF COMPILE LIT COMPILE, THEN ; XIMMEDIATE : ] ( -- ) STATE ON ; XIMMEDIATE : [ ( -- ) STATE OFF ; XIMMEDIATE \ ======================================================================== \ Minimalist heap memory manager ( see SCROLL for example) : MALLOC ( n -- addr ) H @ SWAP H +! ; : MFREE ( n -- ) NEGATE H +! ; \ ======================================================================== \ PAB base address : VDPTOP ( -- n) 8370 @ 2- ; \ ======================================================================== \ S T A C K P R I M I T I V E S [CC] cr .( Stack primitives ...) [tc] : TUCK ( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 w2 ) SWAP OVER ; CODE: 2>R ( d -- ) ( r-- n n) RP -4 ADDI, \ 14 TOS 2 (RP) MOV, \ 22 *SP+ *RP MOV, \ 26 TOS POP, \ 22 NEXT, \ = 84 END-CODE CODE: 2R> ( -- d ) TOS PUSH, \ 28 SP DECT, \ 10 *SP RPOP, \ 26 TOS RPOP, \ 22 NEXT, \ = 88 END-CODE \ ======================================================================== \ C O M P A R I S O N O P E R A T O R S TARGET-COMPILING : U> ( n n -- ?) SWAP U< ; : 0> ( n -- ?) 1- 0< INVERT ; : <> ( n n == ?) = INVERT ; : UMIN ( u1 u2 -- u ) 2DUP U> IF SWAP THEN DROP ; : UMAX ( u1 u2 -- u ) 2DUP U< IF SWAP THEN DROP ; : WITHIN ( u lo hi -- t ) OVER - -ROT - U> ; \ ======================================================================== \ M I X E D (32BIT/16BIT) M A T H O P E R A T I O N S : */MOD ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5) >R UM* R> M/MOD ; : S>D ( n -- d) DUP 0< ; : /MOD ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4) >R S>D R> M/MOD ; : / ( n n -- n) /MOD NIP ; : MOD ( n n -- n) /MOD DROP ; : */ ( n n n -- n) */MOD NIP ; \ ======================================================================== \ S T R I N G T H I N G S TARGET-COMPILING : MOVE ( src dst n -- ) >R 2DUP SWAP DUP R@ + WITHIN IF R> CMOVE> ELSE R> CMOVE THEN ; \ CAMEL Forth calls this ">COUNTED" : PLACE ( src n dst -- ) 2DUP C! 1+ SWAP MOVE ; : /STRING ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) ROT OVER + -ROT - ; : S, ( c-addr u -- ) HERE OVER 1+ ALLOT PLACE ALIGN ; \ ======================================================================== \ H E A D E R N A V I G A T I O N TARGET-COMPILING : NFA>LFA ( nfa -- lfa) 3 - ; : NFA>CFA ( nfa -- cfa ) COUNT 7F AND + ALIGNED ; \ smudge bit control in the Camel Forth : HIDE ( -- ) LATEST @ ( nfa) DUP C@ 80 OR SWAP C! ; : REVEAL ( -- ) LATEST @ ( nfa) DUP C@ 7F AND SWAP C! ; \ ======================================================================== \ P A R S E W O R D [CC] cr .( Parsing...) TARGET-COMPILING : SOURCE 'SOURCE 2@ ; \ Common factor, saves space [CC] [PRIVATE] [TC] : ADR>IN ( c-addr' -- ) SOURCE -ROT - MIN 0 MAX >IN ! ; [CC] [PUBLIC] [TC] : PARSE ( char -- c-addr n) SOURCE >IN @ /STRING OVER >R ROT SCAN OVER SWAP IF 1+ THEN ADR>IN R> TUCK - ; : PARSE-WORD ( char -- c-addr n) DUP SOURCE >IN @ /STRING ROT SKIP DROP ADR>IN PARSE ; : WORD ( char -- c-addr) PARSE-WORD HERE PLACE HERE BL OVER COUNT + C! ; \ ======================================================================== \ S T R I N G T O N U M B E R C O N V E R S I O N [CC] CR .( CAMEL FORTH Number conversion) HEX TARGET-COMPILING : DIGIT? ( char -- n -1) \ ( -- x 0 ) DUP 39 > 100 AND + DUP 140 > 107 AND - T[CHAR] 0 - DUP BASE @ U< ; [PRIVATE] : ?SIGN ( adr n -- adr' n' ?) OVER C@ 2C - DUP ABS 1 = AND DUP IF 1+ >R 1 /STRING R> THEN ; [PUBLIC] : UD* ( ud1 u2 -- ud3) DUP >R * SWAP R> UM* ROT + ; : >NUMBER ( ud adr u -- ud' adr' u' ) BEGIN DUP WHILE OVER C@ DIGIT? IF >R 2SWAP BASE @ UD* R> M+ 2SWAP 1 /STRING ELSE DROP EXIT THEN REPEAT ; : ?NUMBER ( c-addr -- n -1 ) \ ;Z -- c-addr 0 \ if convert error DUP 0 0 ROT COUNT ?SIGN >R >NUMBER IF R> 2DROP 2DROP FALSE ELSE 2DROP NIP R> IF NEGATE THEN TRUE THEN ; \ ======================================================================== \ S I M P L E S O U N D I N T E R F A C E [CC] include cc9900\cclib\ticktock.hsf \ hardware milli-second timer TARGET-COMPILING \ write a byte to address of TMS9919 chip : SND! ( c -- ) 8400 C! ; \ 4 bytes, 277 uS : BEEP ( -- ) 80 SND! 5 SND! \ precalulated values for OSC1 1328Hz 91 SND! AA MS 9F SND! ; : HONK ( -- ) 81 SND! 20 SND! \ precalculated values for OSC1 218Hz 90 SND! AA MS 9F SND! ; \ ======================================================================== \ V D P S C R E E N D R I V E R [CC] cr .( Console output) TARGET-COMPILING \ pronounced "SEE-PER-ELL-STORE" : C/L! ( c/l -- ) DUP C/L ! \ set chars per line L/SCR * C/SCR ! ; \ calc.chars per screen [cc] HEX [tc] \ : GETXY ( -- col row ) VROW 2@ ; : AT-XY ( col row -- ) VROW 2! ; : VPOS ( -- vaddr) VROW 2@ >VPOS ; : CLRLN ( col row -- ) AT-XY VPOS C/L@ BL VFILL ; \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \ Scrolling has been implemented in Forth using VREAD & VWRITE \ MALLOC creates a temporary buffer to hold 2 lines of screen text [PRIVATE] \ calc size of 2 lines, : 2C/L ( -- n) C/L@ 2* ; [PUBLIC] : SCROLL ( -- ) 2C/L DUP MALLOC ( -- c/s heap) C/SCR @ C/L@ VTOP @ + DO PAUSE I ( -- c/s heap scr-addr) OVER 2DUP 2C/L VREAD SWAP C/L@ - 2C/L VWRITE 2C/L +LOOP 0 17 CLRLN DROP MFREE ; \ ======================================================================== \ V D P T E X T O U T P U T [cc] HEX [tc] : (CR) ( -- ?) OUT OFF VCOL OFF 1 VROW +! FALSE VROW @ L/SCR = IF DROP TRUE THEN ; : VPUT ( c -- ) VPOS VC! ; : (EMIT) ( char -- ?) \ ?=TRUE if at end of line VPUT 1 OUT +! 1 VCOL +! FALSE C/L@ VCOL @ = IF DROP TRUE THEN ; : PAGE ( -- ) VTOP @ DUP C/SCR @ OVER - BL VFILL 0 SWAP C/L@ / AT-XY ; : CR ( -- ) PAUSE (CR) ( -- ?) IF SCROLL THEN ; : BS ( --) VCOL DUP @ 1- 0 MAX SWAP ! -1 OUT +! ; [CC] HEX [TC] : EMIT ( char -- ) \ shows how to handle control characters DUP 0D = IF DROP CR EXIT THEN DUP 08 = IF DROP BS EXIT THEN (EMIT) IF CR THEN ; : TYPE ( adr cnt --) PAUSE BOUNDS ?DO I C@ EMIT LOOP ; : SPACE ( -- ) BL EMIT ; : SPACES ( n -- ) PAUSE 0 MAX 0 ?DO SPACE LOOP ; \ ======================================================================== \ S T R I N G L I T E R A L S [cc] HEX [tc] \ run-time action of S" (For ITC Forth only) : (S") ( -- c-addr u) R> COUNT 2DUP + ALIGNED >R ; \ ======================================================================== \ Re-solve CROSS-COMPILER Forward reference for '(S") and 'TYPE CROSS-COMPILING T' (S") RESOLVES '(S") T' TYPE RESOLVES 'TYPE [cc] cr .( Character input) \ ======================================================================== \ C H A R A C T E R I N P U T TARGET-COMPILING : KEY ( -- char) BEGIN CURS@ VPUT PAUSE \ Multi-tasking while we wait KEY? \ call ROM KSCAN UNTIL 8375 C@ 7F AND \ read KSCAN buffer, mask to 7 bits BL VPUT ; \ High level: input/output (c) 31mar95 bjr : ACCEPT ( c-addr +n -- +n') OVER + 1- OVER BEGIN KEY DUP 0D <> WHILE DUP EMIT DUP 8 = IF DROP 1- >R OVER R> UMAX ELSE OVER C! 1+ OVER UMIN THEN REPEAT DROP NIP SWAP - ; [cc] cr .( Number printing) \ ====================================================================== \ N U M B E R T O S T R I N G C O N V E R S I O N TARGET-COMPILING : UD/MOD ( ud1 u2 -- u3 ud4) >R 0 R@ UM/MOD -ROT R> UM/MOD ROT ; : HOLD ( char -- ) HP -1 OVER +! @ C! ; : >DIGIT ( n -- c) DUP 9 > 7 AND + 30 + ; : <# ( --) PAD HP ! ; : # ( ud1 -- ud2) BASE @ UD/MOD ROT >DIGIT HOLD ; : #S ( ud1 -- ud2) BEGIN # 2DUP OR WHILE REPEAT ; : #> ( ud1 -- c-addr u) 2DROP HP @ PAD OVER - ; : SIGN ( n -- ) 0< IF T[CHAR] - HOLD THEN ; : DU. ( d -- ) <# #S #> TYPE SPACE ; : U. ( u -- ) 0 DU. ; : . ( n -- ) DUP ABS 0 <# #S ROT SIGN #> TYPE SPACE ; \ ======================================================================== \ M I S C E L L A N E O U S [cc] HEX [tc] : RECURSE ( -- ) LATEST @ NFA>CFA COMPILE, ; XIMMEDIATE : DECIMAL ( -- ) 0A BASE ! ; : HEX ( -- ) 10 BASE ! ; \ ======================================================================== \ I N T E R P R E T E R : INTERPRET ( addr len -- ) 'INTERPRET @ EXECUTE ; \ ======================================================================== \ Q U I T : The O U T E R I N T E R P R E T E R : QUIT ( -- ) L0 LP ! RP0 RP! SOURCE-ID OFF VDPTOP ^PAB ! \ set base pab pointer t[COMPILE] [ BEGIN TIB DUP TIB# ACCEPT SPACE ( addr len) INTERPRET STATE @ 0= IF T." ok" CR THEN AGAIN ; : EVALUATE ( c-addr u -- j*x) SOURCE-ID ON SOURCE 2>R >IN @ >R INTERPRET R> >IN ! 2R> 'SOURCE 2! SOURCE-ID OFF ; \ ======================================================================== \ E R R O R H A N D L I N G \ : ABORT ( -- ) SP0 SP! CR QUIT ; : ?ABORT ( f c-addr u --) ROT IF HONK CR CR T." ? " TYPE SOURCE-ID @ ( if source is NOT console) IF T." Line " LINES @ U. CR CR SOURCE TYPE THEN ABORT THEN 2DROP ; : ?FIND ( ? -- ) 0= HERE COUNT ?ABORT ; : ?PAIRS ( n1 n2 --) - TS" Unpaired" ?ABORT ; : ?COMP ( -- ) STATE @ 0= TS" Compile only" ?ABORT ; : ?EXEC ( -- ) STATE @ TS" Interpret only" ?ABORT ; : ?CSP ( -- ) SP@ CSP @ - TS" Unfinished" ?ABORT ; : ?STACK ( -- ) SP0 2- SP@ U< TS" Empty stack" ?ABORT ; : !CSP ( -- ) SP@ CSP ! ; \ ======================================================================== \ S T R I N G L I T E R A L \ Non-standard: when interpreting S" puts the string in PAD : S" ( cccc" -- ) T[CHAR] " PARSE STATE @ IF COMPILE (S") S, ELSE PAD PLACE PAD COUNT THEN ; XIMMEDIATE : ABORT" ( i*x 0 -- i*x) \ R: j*x -- j*x x1=0 ?COMP T[COMPILE] S" COMPILE ?ABORT ; XIMMEDIATE [cc] cr .( FIND ) \ ======================================================================== \ D I C T I O N A R Y S E A R C H TARGET-COMPILING : FIND ( caddr -- caddr 0 if not found) \ xt 1 if immediate, \ xt -1 if "normal" LATEST @ (FIND) ; : ' ( -- xt) BL WORD FIND ?FIND ; : ['] ( -- <name> ) ?COMP ' T[COMPILE] LITERAL ; XIMMEDIATE : POSTPONE ( <name> -- ) \ replaces COMPILE and [COMPILE] ?COMP BL WORD FIND DUP ?FIND 0< IF COMPILE COMPILE THEN COMPILE, ; XIMMEDIATE \ ======================================================================== \ T E X T O U T P U T : ." ( ccc" -- ) t[COMPILE] S" ( -- str len) STATE @ IF COMPILE TYPE ELSE TYPE THEN ; XIMMEDIATE : .( T[CHAR] ) PARSE TYPE ; [CC] cr .( Interpreter/compiler loop) \ ======================================================================== \ I N T E R P R E T E R / C O M P I L E R TARGET-COMPILING : <INTERPRET> ( i*x c-addr u -- j*x ) 'SOURCE 2! >IN OFF BEGIN BL WORD DUP C@ ( -- addr len) WHILE FIND ?DUP IF ( it's a word) 1+ STATE @ 0= OR IF EXECUTE ELSE COMPILE, THEN ELSE ( it's a number) ?NUMBER IF t[COMPILE] LITERAL ELSE TRUE SWAP COUNT ?ABORT THEN THEN ?STACK REPEAT DROP ; \ ====================================================================== \ T I - 9 9 T E X T M O D E C O N T R O L TARGET-COMPILING : TEXT ( -- ) F0 DUP 83D4 C! ( -- F0) 01 VWTR 20 7 VWTR 28 C/L! VTOP OFF VROW OFF VCOL OFF 2 VMODE ! PAGE ; \ ======================================================================== \ D I C T I O N A R Y C R E A T I O N : HEADER, ( addr len --) ALIGN LATEST @ , 0 C, HERE LATEST ! S, ; : HEADER BL PARSE-WORD HEADER, ; \ ======================================================================== \ T A R G E T S Y S T E M D E F I N I N G W O R D S \ text runtime-action parameter \ ------------------------- --------------- ----------- : CONSTANT ( n --) HEADER COMPILE DOCON COMPILE, ; : USER ( n --) HEADER COMPILE DOUSER COMPILE, ; : CREATE ( -- ) HEADER COMPILE DOVAR ; : VARIABLE ( -- ) CREATE 0 COMPILE, ; \ (:noname) came from studying gforth. It's a nice factor. \ had to use the literal address of ENTR ($839E) to make this work. : (:NONAME) ( -- ) 839E COMPILE, HIDE ] ; \ ======================================================================= \ D O E S S U P P O R T : (;CODE) R> LATEST @ NFA>CFA ! ; : DOES> ( -- ) COMPILE (;CODE) 0460 , T['] DODOES , \ compile machine code: B @DODOES ; XIMMEDIATE \ ======================================================================= \ TI-99 F I L E S Y S T E M I N T E R F A C E [CC] include CC9900\cclib\dsrlink9.hsf [CC] include CC9900\cclib\filesysX.hsf \ ======================================================================= \ LOOPS AND BRANCH COMPILERS FOR THE TI-99 SYSTEM [CC] CR .( TARGET Forth BRANCHING and LOOPING ...) [CC] include cc9900\cclib\targloop.hsf \ ======================================================================= \ INIT: Set Workspace, copy code to scratch pad, set stacks, run BOOT CROSS-ASSEMBLING CODE: INIT WRKSP0 LWPI, R0 HSprims LI, \ source R1 HSstart LI, \ destination BEGIN, *R0+ *R1+ MOV, R1 HSend CMPI, EQ UNTIL, SP SP0 LI, RP RP0 LI, R10 NEXT2 LI, IP BOOT LI, *R10 B, END-CODE [CC] HEX \ ====================================================================== \ B O O T U P C O D E TARGET-COMPILING : COLD ( -- ) 80 83C2 C! \ ISR disable flags: ORGDP @ DP ! ORGLAST @ LATEST ! 26 TPAD ! 2000 H ! \ reset the heap TMR! \ 9901 timer runs continuously 2 KUNIT# C! \ use BASIC keyboard T['] <INTERPRET> 'INTERPRET ! \ set the interpreter vector HEX \ default to hex \ VDP start screen TEXT BEEP TS" CAMEL99 Forth" TYPE VDPTOP ^PAB ! TS" DSK1.START" INCLUDED ABORT ; \ ====================================================================== \ define target comment words TARGET-COMPILING : ( T[CHAR] ) PARSE 2DROP ; XIMMEDIATE : \ 1 PARSE 2DROP ; XIMMEDIATE [CC] TARGET-COMPILING X: : !CSP HEADER (:NONAME) ;X X: :NONAME HERE !CSP (:NONAME) ;X X: ; [ REVEAL COMPILE EXIT ?CSP ;X XIMMEDIATE [CC] \ F O R T H S Y S T E M C O D E E N D S \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ cr .( Forth Kernel compiled completely") END. ( report compile time) \ ====================================================================== \ P A T C H T H E T A R G E T S Y S T E M V A R I A B L E S [CC] XLATEST @ DUP LATEST T! ORGLAST T! THERE DUP DP T! ORGDP T! \ ====================================================================== \ P A T C H T A R G E T I M A G E F I L E H E A D E R FILENAME: CAMEL99 T' INIT >BODY BOOT-ADDRESS T! \ S E T T H E B O O T W O R D T O R U N T' COLD BOOT T! \ ====================================================================== \ S A V E B I N A R Y I M A G E F I L E FILENAME$ $SAVE-EA5. \ FILENAME$ was set by FILENAME: \ ====================================================================== \ C O P Y T O T I - 9 9 V I R T U A L D I S K .( copying binary file to TI-99 Emulator DSK1.) ( // shells out to the DOS shell in HSF2012) // copy CAMEL99 cc9900\clssic99\dsk1\ CROSS-COMPILING CR ." === COMPILE ENDED PROPERLY ===" BYE ( return to DOS) Edit: comment fix Edited April 11, 2019 by TheBF 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 19, 2019 Author Share Posted April 19, 2019 (edited) Re-visiting Direct Threaded Code (DTC) I was working on the DTC version of CAMEL99 Forth because I had not figured out how to make DOES> work. For the non-forther CREATE DOES> gives forth a very simple form of object oriented programming that pre-dates OOP by about 15 years. I took to reading the bible on the matter Brad Rodriguez's papers called "Moving Forth" In Part 3 http://http://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/moving3.htm we can read about how DOES> works with indirect threading, direct threading and sub-routine threading. While reading this over I realized that I had missed something about DTC. DTC works by creating ALC routines just like you would in assembler but you end them with a branch to a 2 instruction routine call "next" that works like "return" but uses the Forth return Stack.(typically this routine's address is kept in a register so it is B *R10 for example which is only 2 bytes for each Forth routine. \ Forth DTC NEXT routine in Forth Assembler \ IP is the instruction pointer register for the Forth virtual machine (R9 in CAMEL99 forth) l: _next *IP+ R5 MOV, \ read contents at IP into R5, auto inct IP *R5 B, \ branch to the address in R5 This is great for code words. Very simple and you get nestable sub-routine calls with only 2 instructions. Not bad! But Forth words are lists of addresses so they need a routine to "interpret" those lists. To enter a Forth word we use DOCOL( called "do colon" because ":" is how we create a new Forth word) In a DTC system we need to start every Forth word with a branch to that DOCOL Routine like below: <wordname> <B @DOCOL > <forth> <forth> <forth> etc... But the list of Forth addresses starts 4 bytes after the branch instruction so when we run DOCOL, I used a temp register to keep track of this and advance it by 4 bytes to get to the correct place with Forth "instructions".My old docol is shown below. Edit: changed to R5 to align with DOCOL example l: _docol IP RPUSH, R5 4 ADDI, \ jump past the code fragment in the Forth word R5 IP MOV, \ move new IP address into Forth IP register NEXT, \ goto next routine Brad mentions using a JSR instruction (jump to subroutine) to make this easier but I always thought we needed a stacked sub-routine address to make this work like in the 6809 CPU example. BUT NO! The reason to use JSR is because it automatically computes the address where we need to return to, which is ... 4 bytes ahead! So the BL instruction takes care of that perfectly by putting that special address in R11 AUTOMATICALLY! So all I needed to do was this: \ Using Branch and Link <wordname> <BL @DOCOL > <forth> <forth> <forth> etc... ^ | \ R11 points to here: ---^ YEAH! So my new DOCOL looks like this: l: _docol IP RPUSH, R11 IP MOV, NEXT, \ EDITed And this benefit extends to the "Executor" routines for variables and constants too: \ Executor that executes a "CONSTANT" l: _docon TOS PUSH, \ make room in TOS *R11 TOS MOV, \ move PFA into Forth IP register 14 NEXT, \ Executor that executes a "VARIABLE" l: _dovar TOS PUSH, \ make room in TOS 28 R11 TOS MOV, \ move PFA into Forth IP register 14 NEXT, I still haven't got DOES> working but the new DTC Forth system runs between 10% and 21% faster than the ITC system. Forth word headers still consume 4 bytes extra however. But CODE words are 2 bytes smaller. DTC also means that I can begin "inlining" small CODE routines seamlessly into Forth definitions so I need to explore making a peep hole optimizer on the Forth compiler. Many Forth primitives are only one 9900 instruction so this will work really well. So much code, so little time Happy Easter and a Blessed Passover Edited April 21, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 20, 2019 Author Share Posted April 20, 2019 DTC Update One cool thing about direct threaded code is that it works better with code that is put in scratch-pad RAM. With in-direct threading you have to put the scratch-pad address in a Forth word in expansion RAM so that it can be called removing some of the advantage. CAMEL99 Forth keeps the Forth virtual machine instructions call BRANCH ( un-conditional jump) and ?BRANCH ( jump if top of stack contains a zero) in scratch-pad RAM. After modifying the compiler to compile the scratch-pad addresses "directly" here is the speed-up of this empty 64K loop: : TEST FFFF BEGIN 1- DUP WHILE REPEAT ; That's a 30% improvement. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 23, 2019 Author Share Posted April 23, 2019 Final word on DTC (for me) So after all that work of creating a better DTC system, I compared how long it took to compile the assembler into each system, ITC Fast version and the DTC version. The same amount of Forth Assembler words are used by both systems. ITC time: 19.06 seconds DTC time: 18.98 seconds Almost no difference. BUT! The DTC code used 300 bytes more space in creating the assembler opcodes and directives. So unless you write your entire project in Forth Assembler, there is really no advantage with DTC on the 9900 that I can see. This was not true on the older '86 CPUs where DTC made a very snappy system. On to native code generation. It's the only thing that will make a material improvement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 23, 2019 Author Share Posted April 23, 2019 (edited) I have uploaded my latest code and included the clean version of CAMEL99 which writes the compiler in Forth. I also included a demo that pulls together some graphics and sound. (no sprites) This one creates a fly in random mazes. The fun part was making a buzzing sound. The fly gets angry when it is trying to find a way out of a corner. I made use of the lower frequency sounds you get from signal generator 4 in NOISE 3 mode. The word HERZ lets me input very low frequencies to create an effective buzzing sound. The video shows you what it does. The code is just to demonstrate a Forth way of coding (games perhaps) with commands that your create yourself. \ alpha intelligence demonstration with a Fly graphic \ INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM INCLUDE DSK1.SOUND VARIABLE SPEED \ ================================== \ sound words DECIMAL : SNDINIT GEN4 3 NOISE MUTE \ MODE 3: osc 3 controls OSC 4 frequency GEN3 1300 HZ MUTE ; DECIMAL : HERZ ( n -- n') 15 * HZ ; \ convert n -> Hz for NOISE 3 mode. \ Osc 3 freq. ctrl Osc 4 volume control \ --------------------- -------------------- : BUZZ GEN3 87 5 RND + HERZ GEN4 12 4 RND + DB ; : ANGRY GEN3 90 10 RND + HERZ GEN4 6 2 RND + DB ; \ ================================== \ character patterns HEX 00FE FEFE FEFE FEFE PATTERN: REDBRICK 3C7E DBFF DBE7 7E3C PATTERN: HAPPYFACE 3C7E DBFF E7DB 7E3C PATTERN: SADFACE \ fly's direction patterns 0044 3838 7CFE EE44 PATTERN: NORTHFLY 0060 F27C 3C7C F260 PATTERN: EASTFLY 0006 4F3E 3C3E 4F06 PATTERN: WESTFLY 0044 EEFE 7C38 3844 PATTERN: SOUTHFLY 0808 7CFF 7C1C 1C08 PATTERN: NORTHEASTFLY 1010 3EFF 3E38 3810 PATTERN: NORTHWESTFLY 1038 383E FF3E 1010 PATTERN: SOUTHWESTFLY 081C 1C7C FF7C 0808 PATTERN: SOUTHEASTFLY \ named chars DECIMAL 160 CONSTANT THE-FLY 168 CONSTANT BRICK \ define chars REDBRICK BRICK CHARDEF BRICK SET# 7 15 COLOR NORTHFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF : CLIP ( n low hi -- n') ROT MIN MAX ; : RNDX ( -- x) 23 RND 2 22 CLIP ; : RNDY ( -- y) 33 RND 2 30 CLIP ; : .BORDER ( -- ) \ col row 0 1 BRICK 32 HCHAR 0 23 BRICK 32 HCHAR 0 1 BRICK 23 VCHAR 31 1 BRICK 23 VCHAR ; : .WALLS RNDY RNDX BRICK 10 VCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 18 HCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 8 HCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 10 VCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 4 VCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 3 VCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 8 HCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 10 VCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 5 HCHAR RNDY RNDX BRICK 3 VCHAR ; \ ================================== \ double variable hold Y and X CREATE VECTOR 0 , 0 , CREATE MY-XY 0 , 0 , \ independant cursor for alpha guy : RNDV ( -- -1 0 1 ) 3 RND 1- ; : NON-0 ( -- n) BEGIN RNDV ?DUP UNTIL ; : NEW-VECTORS ( -- X Y) \ we need to prevent a (0,0) vector condition RNDV DUP 0= \ If 1st # is 0 IF NON-0 \ wait for a non-zero 2nd # ELSE RNDV THEN ; \ direction testers : EAST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0= SWAP 0> AND ; : NTHEAST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0< SWAP 0> AND ; : STHEAST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0> SWAP 0> AND ; : WEST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0= SWAP 0< AND ; : NTHWEST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0< SWAP 0< AND ; : STHWEST? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0> SWAP 0< AND ; : SOUTH? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0> SWAP 0= AND ; : NORTH? ( y x -- y x ? ) 2DUP 0< SWAP 0= AND ; \ change the fly's character to point in the correct direction : ROTATE-FLY ( x y -- ) EAST? IF 2DROP EASTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN WEST? IF 2DROP WESTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN NORTH? IF 2DROP NORTHFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN NTHEAST? IF 2DROP NORTHEASTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN STHEAST? IF 2DROP SOUTHEASTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN SOUTH? IF 2DROP SOUTHFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN NTHWEST? IF 2DROP NORTHWESTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN STHWEST? IF 2DROP SOUTHWESTFLY THE-FLY CHARDEF EXIT THEN 2DROP ; : CHANGE-DIR ( -- ) NEW-VECTORS 2DUP VECTOR 2! ROTATE-FLY ; : VECTOR@ ( -- dx dy) VECTOR 2@ ; : VECT+ ( x y dx dy -- x' y' ) ROT + -ROT + SWAP ; \ direct memory screen control : >VPOS ( Y X -- vaddr) C/L@ * + ; : GETXY ( -- x y) MY-XY 2@ ; : PUT-CHAR ( c -- ) GETXY >VPOS VC! ; : ERASE-FLY ( -- ) BL PUT-CHAR ; : SHOW-FLY ( -- ) THE-FLY PUT-CHAR ; : READ-CHAR ( Y X -- c) >VPOS VC@ ; \ read char without moving cursor : NEXT-POS ( -- Y X ) GETXY VECTOR@ VECT+ ; : MOVE-FLY ( -- ) ERASE-FLY NEXT-POS MY-XY 2! SHOW-FLY ; DECIMAL VARIABLE TRYS \ print right justified n spaces : .R ( n n -- ) >R DUP ABS 0 <# #S ROT SIGN #> R> OVER - SPACES TYPE ; : .VECTOR ." Vector" VECTOR 2@ 2 .R 2 .R ." , "; : .TRYS ." Trys" TRYS @ 2 .R ." , "; : .SPEED ." Speed" SPEED @ 3 .R ; : .BRAIN ( -- ) 0 0 CLRLN .VECTOR SPACE .TRYS SPACE .SPEED ; : SAD THE-FLY SET# 7 1 COLOR ; : HAPPY THE-FLY SET# 2 1 COLOR ; : LOOK-AHEAD ( -- c) NEXT-POS READ-CHAR ; : CLEAR-AHEAD? ( -- ?) LOOK-AHEAD BL = ; : THINK ( -- ) SAD \ change face & color while thinking TRYS OFF \ reset the trys counter BEGIN ANGRY CHANGE-DIR \ get new direction .BRAIN \ report to screen 1 TRYS +! \ count the try ?TERMINAL IF EXIT THEN \ escape if it gets trapped CLEAR-AHEAD? UNTIL HAPPY ; : ?REST ( -- ) 200 RND 7 = IF SILENT 1500 RND MS THEN ; : CHANGE-SPEED ( -- ) 35 30 RND + DUP SPEED ! MS ; : ?HALT ( -- ) ?TERMINAL IF SILENT CLEAR ." Exit program? (Y/N)" KEY [CHAR] Y = IF BYE THEN THEN ; DECIMAL : RUN ( -- ) BEGIN SNDINIT SILENT 16 SCREEN PAGE 4 11 AT-XY ." Fly Intelligence Demo" 1000 MS PAGE .BORDER .WALLS RNDY RNDX MY-XY 2! HAPPY SHOW-FLY CHANGE-DIR BEGIN CLEAR-AHEAD? IF MOVE-FLY ELSE THINK THEN CHANGE-SPEED BUZZ ?REST KEY? UNTIL ?HALT AGAIN ; TheFlyDemo.mp4 Edited April 23, 2019 by TheBF 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 27, 2019 Author Share Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) GDMike showed us a screen full of character definitions he is working on in Turbo Forth in the thread Mystified by the input command. Here is some code that I use that looks like it will work in Turbo Forth with small tweaks. It reads the default character patterns from GROM and puts them back into the pattern table in VDP RAM. Someone will notice that I did not properly search for the pattern table entry GROM but used "dead reckoning" using the actual address. If I ever change my internal GROMS to an updated version I will be sure and fix this. :-) Two things to change for TurboForth that I can see: Replace VC! with V! ( V! in CAMEL99 Forth stores 16 bits) Check the word ]PDT and replace 800 with the TurboForth pattern descriptor table address You will need to define the word SPLIT which is : SPLIT DUP 0FF AND SWAP FF00 AND 8 >> ; *EDIT #2 per Lee's corrections You could use this method to create patterns above ASCII 127 by adding $100 to as shown in the comments (untested) \ CHARSET restores TI-99 default characters from GROM \ GROM Character Sets Address ASCII Codes Bytes/Char \ ---------------------------- ------- ----------- ---------- \ Large caps 04B4h 32 95 8 \ Normal Capitals 06B4h 32 95 7 \ Lowercase 087Bh 96 126 7 HEX \ 9800 CONSTANT GRMRD ( GROM base) \ GROM read byte \ 9802 CONSTANT GRMRA \ GROM set read address \ 9C00 CONSTANT GRMWD \ GROM write byte \ 9C02 CONSTANT GRMWA \ GROM set write address HEX : GROM ( addr -- ) SPLIT 9C02 C! 9C02 C! ; \ set the GROM address) : GC@+ ( -- c) 9800 C@ ; \ read & auto-increment address) : ]PDT ( char# -- 'pdt[n] ) 8* 800 + ; \ VDP pattern Descriptor table : ]GFONT ( ascii -- grom_adr) BL - 7 * 6B4 + ; \ GROM array of TIFont data \ transfer directly from GROM to VDP : GVMOVE ( grom_addr vdp_addr cnt -- ) ROT GROM BOUNDS DO GC@+ I VC! LOOP ; : CHARSET ( -- ) [CHAR] ~ 1+ BL \ all ASCII chars DO I ]GFONT \ get GROM address for char I I ]PDT \ get PDT address for char I \ I 100 + ]PDT \ this will write patterns above ASCII chars 0 OVER VC! \ store 1st zero in VDP 1+ \ inc PDT address 7 GVMOVE \ write 7 bytes GROM->VDP LOOP ; \ BONUS WORD: loads the TITLE screen font from GROM : BIGCAPS ( -- ) 4B4 900 200 GVMOVE ; \ TI title page fonts \ move data from GROM to CPU RAM \ : GCMOVE ( grom addr cnt -- ) ROT GROM BOUNDS DO GC@+ I C! LOOP ; Edited April 27, 2019 by TheBF Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 27, 2019 Author Share Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) Using Classic99's cool Build function I have saved a SNAKE game as two EA5 files. It's not fancy but as it speeds up I can't get past a snake of 30 ft. \ snake a simple game in Forth ported to CAMEL99 Forth \ DERIVED FROM: https://skilldrick.github.io/easyforth/#snake \ Re-written for CAMEL99 Forth HERE NEEDS RND FROM DSK1.RANDOM NEEDS GRAPHICS FROM DSK1.GRAFIX \ INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS \ for debugging only : ENUM ( 0 <text> -- n) DUP CONSTANT 1+ ; \ named colors per Ti BASIC 1 ENUM TRANS ENUM BLACK ENUM MEDGRN ENUM LTGRN ENUM DKBLU ENUM LTBLU ENUM DKRED ENUM CYAN ENUM MEDRED ENUM LTRED ENUM DKYEL ENUM LTYEL ENUM DKGRN ENUM MAGENTA ENUM GRAY ENUM WHT DROP \ ======================================= \ We use direct control of the sound chip \ rather than sound lists and a player. HEX \ noise control words : NOISE ( n -- ) E0 OR SND! ; \ n selects the noise type \ noise envelope control : NOISE-DB ( db --) F MIN F0 OR SND! ; : NOISE-OFF ( -- ) F NOISE-DB ; HEX : NOISE-UP ( speed -- ) 2 F DO I NOISE-DB DUP MS -1 +LOOP DROP ; : NOISE-DOWN ( speed -- ) F 2 DO I NOISE-DB DUP MS LOOP DROP NOISE-OFF ; \ channel 1 sound control words DECIMAL : f(clk) ( -- d) 46324 1 ; \ this is 111,860 as 32 bit int. \ >FCODE re-arranges freq. value nibbles (4bits) for the TMS9919 HEX : >FCODE ( 0abc -- 0cab) \ ASM would make this much faster DUP 0F AND SWAP ( -- 000c 0abc) 4 RSHIFT ( -- 000c 00ab) SWAP >< ( SWPB) ( -- 00ab 0c00) + ; : HZ>CODE ( freq -- fcode ) f(clk) ROT UM/MOD NIP >FCODE 8000 OR ; \ *TRICKY STUFF* \ Calculating the 9919 freq. code takes too long BUT we can convert frequency \ to 9919 chip code at compile time then compile as 16 bit literal number \ using this text MACRO : [HZ] ( freq -- fcode ) S" HZ>CODE ] LITERAL" EVALUATE ; \ sound channel #1 control words : FREQ! ( fcode -- ) SPLIT SND! SND! ; : ]HZ ( freq -- ) [HZ] POSTPONE FREQ! ; \ pre-compiled fcode version : HZ ( freq -- ) HZ>CODE FREQ! ; \ runtime calculation version : DB ( n -- ) 90 OR SND! ; : MUTE ( -- ) 9F SND! ; DECIMAL 500 CONSTANT MAXLENGTH \ x/y coordinate storage for the snake CREATE SNAKE-X-HEAD MAXLENGTH CELLS ALLOT CREATE SNAKE-Y-HEAD MAXLENGTH CELLS ALLOT VARIABLE SPEED VARIABLE PREY-X VARIABLE PREY-Y VARIABLE DIRECTION VARIABLE LENGTH 0 CONSTANT LEFT 1 CONSTANT UP 2 CONSTANT RIGHT 3 CONSTANT DOWN \ characters used 128 CONSTANT PREY 42 CONSTANT SNAKE ( body char) 136 CONSTANT HEAD ( snake's head) 30 CONSTANT BRICK \ shape data for PREY, brick, mouse and snake chars HEX 007E 6A56 6A56 7E00 PATTERN: CLAY 3C5E EBF7 EBDD 7E3C PATTERN: VIPER 183C 5AFF FFFF 7E3C PATTERN: UPHEAD 3C7E FFFF FF5A 3C18 PATTERN: DNHEAD 1C3E 5FFF FF5F 3E1C PATTERN: LHEAD 387C FAFF FFFA 7C38 PATTERN: RHEAD 0004 3E7B 7FFC 8270 PATTERN: MOUSE 0008 3F7B 7EFC 8270 PATTERN: MOUSE2 \ mouse looking up 84BE FB7F 3C42 0000 PATTERN: JUMPMS \ get random x or y position within playable area : RANDOM-X ( -- n ) C/L@ 2- RND 1+ ; : RANDOM-Y ( -- n ) L/SCR 2- RND 1+ ; \ machine Forth macros make it easy to create fast arrays : CELLS, ( n -- 2(n) 0A14 , ; \ TOS 1 SLA, (mult. By 2) : ()@, ( addr -- ) C124 , ( addr) , \ addr(TOS) TOS MOV ; : ()!, ( addr -- ) C936 , ( addr) , \ *SP+ ARRAY (TOS) MOV, C136 , \ TOS pop ; \ snake coordinate arrays CODE ]SNAKE-X@ ( index -- address ) CELLS, SNAKE-X-HEAD ()@, NEXT, ENDCODE CODE ]SNAKE-X! ( index -- address ) CELLS, SNAKE-X-HEAD ()!, NEXT, ENDCODE CODE ]SNAKE-Y@ ( index -- address ) CELLS, SNAKE-Y-HEAD ()@, NEXT, ENDCODE CODE ]SNAKE-Y! ( index -- address ) CELLS, SNAKE-Y-HEAD ()!, NEXT, ENDCODE \ : >VPOS ( x y -- VADR) C/L@ * + ; \ now in V2 kernel : DRAW ( char X Y -- ) >VPOS VC! ; : DRAW-PREY ( -- ) PREY PREY-X @ PREY-Y @ DRAW ; DECIMAL : DRAW-WALLS 0 0 BRICK 31 HCHAR 0 1 BRICK 22 VCHAR 31 0 BRICK 24 VCHAR 0 23 BRICK 31 HCHAR ; : DRAW-SNAKE HEAD SNAKE-X-HEAD @ SNAKE-Y-HEAD @ DRAW LENGTH @ 1 DO SNAKE I ]SNAKE-X@ I ]SNAKE-Y@ DRAW LOOP BL LENGTH @ ]SNAKE-X@ LENGTH @ ]SNAKE-Y@ DRAW ; : PLACE-PREY ( y x -- ) PREY-X ! PREY-Y ! ; : MOVE-UP ( -- ) SNAKE-Y-HEAD 1-! ; : MOVE-LEFT ( -- ) SNAKE-X-HEAD 1-! ; : MOVE-DOWN ( -- ) SNAKE-Y-HEAD 1+! ; : MOVE-RIGHT ( -- ) SNAKE-X-HEAD 1+! ; : LOOKUP UPHEAD HEAD CHARDEF ; : LOOKDN DNHEAD HEAD CHARDEF ; : LOOKLEFT LHEAD HEAD CHARDEF ; : LOOKRIGHT RHEAD HEAD CHARDEF ; : MOVE-SNAKE-HEAD ( direction -- ) DIRECTION @ LEFT OVER = IF LOOKLEFT MOVE-LEFT ELSE UP OVER = IF LOOKUP MOVE-UP ELSE RIGHT OVER = IF LOOKRIGHT MOVE-RIGHT ELSE DOWN OVER = IF LOOKDN MOVE-DOWN THEN THEN THEN THEN DROP ; \ move each segment of the snake forward by one : MOVE-SNAKE-TAIL 0 LENGTH @ DO I ]SNAKE-X@ I 1+ ]SNAKE-X! I ]SNAKE-Y@ I 1+ ]SNAKE-Y! -1 +LOOP ; HEX : MOVE-SNAKE ( -- ) MOUSE2 PREY CHARDEF 04 NOISE 06 NOISE-DB \ soft white noise MOVE-SNAKE-TAIL 0A NOISE-DB MOVE-SNAKE-HEAD 04 NOISE-DB NOISE-OFF MOUSE PREY CHARDEF ; DECIMAL : HORIZONTAL? ( -- ?) DIRECTION @ DUP LEFT = SWAP RIGHT = OR ; : VERTICAL? ( -- ?) DIRECTION @ DUP UP = SWAP DOWN = OR ; : TURN-UP HORIZONTAL? IF UP DIRECTION ! THEN ; : TURN-LEFT VERTICAL? IF LEFT DIRECTION ! THEN ; : TURN-DOWN HORIZONTAL? IF DOWN DIRECTION ! THEN ; : TURN-RIGHT VERTICAL? IF RIGHT DIRECTION ! THEN ; : ADJUST-DIRECTION ( key -- ) [CHAR] S OVER = IF TURN-LEFT ELSE [CHAR] E OVER = IF TURN-UP ELSE [CHAR] D OVER = IF TURN-RIGHT ELSE [CHAR] X OVER = IF TURN-DOWN THEN THEN THEN THEN DROP ; \ : ADJUST-DIRECTION ( joyst-key -- ) \ 2 OVER = IF TURN-LEFT ELSE \ 5 OVER = IF TURN-UP ELSE \ 3 OVER = IF TURN-RIGHT ELSE \ 0 OVER = IF TURN-DOWN \ THEN THEN THEN THEN DROP ; \ read key is also the delay loop since KSCAN takes 1.1 mS \ much more responsive to keys than a delay loop HEX : READ-KEY ( -- char | 0) 0 83C8 ! FALSE KEY? IF DROP 8375 C@ THEN ; \ read GPL key buffer 8375 DECIMAL \ : CHECK-INPUT ( -- ) READ-KEY ADJUST-DIRECTION ; : SWOOSH ( -- ) NOISE-OFF 5 NOISE 8 NOISE-UP 20 NOISE-DOWN ; : NEW-PREY SWOOSH BL PREY-X @ PREY-Y @ DRAW RANDOM-Y RANDOM-X PLACE-PREY DRAW-PREY ; : GROW-SNAKE ( -- ) LENGTH 1+! ; : DEAD-SNAKE ( -- ) NOISE-OFF SNAKE SET# DUP LTYEL 1 COLOR 250 MS DKBLU 1 COLOR ; : HAPPY-SNAKE ( -- ) [ SNAKE SET# ] LITERAL 12 4 DO DUP I 1 COLOR 40 MS LOOP ( -- 5) DKGRN 1 COLOR ; DECIMAL : DECAY ( n -- ) 16 0 DO I DB DUP MS LOOP DROP ; : SQUEAK ( -- ) NOISE-OFF [ 3800 ]HZ 0 DB 45 MS \ pre-computed freq. are faster 6 DB 25 MS [ 3500 ]HZ 75 MS 8 DB 25 MS [ 1300 ]HZ 11 DB 25 MS [ 800 ]HZ MUTE ; DECIMAL : SCARED-PREY ( -- ) JUMPMS PREY CHARDEF [ PREY SET# ] LITERAL DUP DKRED 1 COLOR SQUEAK GRAY 1 COLOR MOUSE PREY CHARDEF ; : FASTER SPEED @ 1- 1 MAX SPEED ! ; : CHECK-PREY SNAKE-X-HEAD @ PREY-X @ = SNAKE-Y-HEAD @ PREY-Y @ = AND IF SCARED-PREY HAPPY-SNAKE GROW-SNAKE FASTER NEW-PREY THEN ; : COLLISION? ( -- ? ) SNAKE-X-HEAD @ SNAKE-Y-HEAD @ >VPOS VC@ BL <> ; \ utility words for menus : WAIT-KEY BEGIN KEY? UNTIL ; : AT" POSTPONE AT-XY POSTPONE ." ; IMMEDIATE : INITIALIZE-SNAKE 4 DUP LENGTH ! 1+ 0 DO 12 I - I ]SNAKE-X! 12 I ]SNAKE-Y! LOOP RIGHT DIRECTION ! ; : INITIALIZE PAGE LTGRN SCREEN MOUSE PREY CHARDEF PREY SET# GRAY TRANS COLOR CLAY BRICK CHARDEF BRICK SET# LTRED TRANS COLOR VIPER SNAKE CHARDEF SNAKE SET# DKGRN TRANS COLOR RHEAD HEAD CHARDEF HEAD SET# DKYEL TRANS COLOR DRAW-WALLS INITIALIZE-SNAKE RANDOM-Y RANDOM-X PLACE-PREY 25 SPEED ! ; : PLAY ( -- ) BEGIN DRAW-SNAKE DRAW-PREY SPEED @ 0 DO READ-KEY ADJUST-DIRECTION LOOP MOVE-SNAKE CHECK-PREY COLLISION? UNTIL HONK 12 10 AT" GAME OVER" HONK DEAD-SNAKE ; DECIMAL : TITLE ( -- ) GRAPHICS 5 5 AT" THE SNAKE" 5 7 AT" Use the E,S,D,X keys" 5 8 AT" to move the snake 5 9 AT" and catch the mouse." 5 12 AT" The more he eats, 5 13 AT" the faster he goes!" 5 20 AT" Press any key to begin..." WAIT-KEY ; : RUN ( -- ) TITLE BEGIN INITIALIZE PLAY 5 11 AT" Your snake was " LENGTH @ . ." Ft. long" 5 11 AT" Press ENTER to play again" KEY 13 <> UNTIL NOISE-OFF 8 20 AT" Ssssssee you later!" 1500 MS BYE ; HERE SWAP - . .( bytes) Edit updated version. Fixed a text bug on exit screen. Edited April 27, 2019 by TheBF Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted April 27, 2019 Share Posted April 27, 2019 GDMike showed us a screen full of character definitions he is working on in Turbo Forth in the thread Mystified by the input command. Here is some code that I use that looks like it will work in Turbo Forth with small tweaks. It reads the default character patterns from GROM and puts them back into the pattern table in VDP RAM. Someone will notice that I did not properly search for the pattern table entry GROM but used "dead reckoning" using the actual address. If I ever change my internal GROMS to an updated version I will be sure and fix this. :-) Two things to change for TurboForth that I can see: Replace VC! with V! ( V! in CAMEL99 Forth stores 16 bits) Check the word ]PDT and replace 800 with the TurboForth pattern descriptor table address You will need to define the word SPLIT which is : SPLIT DUP 0FF AND SWAP FF00 AND 4 RSHIFT ; *EDIT You could use this method to create patterns above ASCII 127 by adding $100 to as shown in the comments (untested) \ CHARSET restores TI-99 default characters from GROM \ GROM Character Sets Address ASCII Codes Bytes/Char \ ---------------------------- ------- ----------- ---------- \ Large caps 04B4h 32 95 8 \ Normal Capitals 06B4h 32 95 7 \ Lowercase 087Bh 96 126 7 HEX \ 9800 CONSTANT GRMRD ( GROM base) \ GROM read byte \ 9802 CONSTANT GRMRA \ GROM set read address \ 9C00 CONSTANT GRMWD \ GROM write byte \ 9C02 CONSTANT GRMWA \ GROM set write address HEX : GROM ( addr -- ) SPLIT 9C02 C! 9C02 C! ; \ set the GROM address) : GC@+ ( -- c) 9800 C@ ; \ read & auto-increment address) : ]PDT ( char# -- 'pdt[n] ) 8* 800 + ; \ VDP pattern Descriptor table : ]GFONT ( ascii -- grom_adr) BL - 7 * 6B4 + ; \ GROM array of TIFont data \ transfer directly from GROM to VDP : GVMOVE ( grom_addr vdp_addr cnt -- ) ROT GROM BOUNDS DO GC@+ I VC! LOOP ; : CHARSET ( -- ) [CHAR] ~ 1+ BL \ all ASCII chars DO I ]GFONT \ get GROM address for char I I ]PDT \ get PDT address for char I \ I 100 + ]PDT \ this will write patterns above ASCII chars 0 OVER VC! \ store 1st zero in VDP 1+ \ inc PDT address 7 GVMOVE \ write 7 bytes GROM->VDP LOOP ; \ BONUS WORD: loads the TITLE screen font from GROM : BIGCAPS ( -- ) 4B4 900 200 GVMOVE ; \ TI title page fonts \ move data from GROM to CPU RAM \ : GCMOVE ( grom addr cnt -- ) ROT GROM BOUNDS DO GC@+ I C! LOOP ; SPLIT for Camel99 Forth should be HEX : SPLIT DUP 0FF AND SWAP FF00 AND 8 RSHIFT ; which for TurboForth would be : SPLIT DUP $0FF AND SWAP $FF00 AND 8 >> ; or perhaps better, using >< (swap bytes), : SPLIT DUP $0FF AND SWAP $FF00 AND >< ; ...lee 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 27, 2019 Author Share Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) Using Classic99's cool Build function I have saved a SNAKE game as two EA5 files. It's not fancy but as it speeds up I can't get past a snake of 30 "ft". Update after Tursi and Mizapf found my bugs for me. This verison is built on CAMEL99X which does not use the 9901 timer and so will run current verisons of Class99. I got it to 35 ft but after that I lose control. TISNAKE2.ZIP Edited April 29, 2019 by TheBF 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tursi Posted April 28, 2019 Share Posted April 28, 2019 I tried this in Classic99 from Editor/Assembler and it worked fine until I got a mouse or bit my own tail, then it just hung on the sound effect. Do I need a different runtime environment? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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