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I'm on a Transmission mission!


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Wanted: Any and ALL promotional items for the new Mega Man Network Transmission game for GameCube. I've seen a lifesize standee at Software Etc., but they can't sell it to me and unless I'm there the day the trash man comes, I can't get it. It occurs to me if they are making a standee that big to publicize the game, there most be other promotional items too: store display boxes, demo discs, stickers, t-shirts, who knows? I'll take anything you have and everything I can get. This is the return of Mega Man of olde to Nintendo of new, so I want to get in on the ground floor and get as much of this stuff as I can now before people start hawking it on ePay. If you have a hook-up, please help and I'll reward you generously. Thanks! :D

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When I got my huge Pac-Man World store display for the first game, I went to Funcoland and gave the store manager my bizcard, he taped it to the standee and they called me when they were about to take it out of the showroom floor.


You could try that. :)

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When I got my huge Pac-Man World store display for the first game, I went to Funcoland and gave the store manager my bizcard, he taped it to the standee and they called me when they were about to take it out of the showroom floor.


You could try that.  :)


Trust me, I would have given him cash on the spot just to hold it for me, and a business card, and my phone number; whatever. No way I could get it, said he, unless I was here on trash day when it was being thrown away. Will it be thrown out the day the game is out and you don't need to promote it? No, says he, they'll keep it for a few weeks after to make sure everyone knows the game is out. So I asked him if he could give me a day they'd throw it out, and he said no. He was polite, I'll say that much. Probably just following store policy. Still, it's struss-frating. :(


Sku_U, thank you. If he does give it to you, I'll owes ya. :D

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Very odd, those things actually cost upwards of $100.00 each and often stores have to pay some money for them, why wouldn't they try to recoup some of it ? :?


Instead of asking the manager, try one of the drones. :D

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Instead of asking the manager, try one of the drones.  :D


If I was there often enough, I'd probably know them all by name - but the manager is the only guy I recognize because he's there any time I go to the store (which since it's in Iowa averages about once a month). Besides which, it seems like any time I get to know the guys who work at a game store I +do+ frequent, they all get fired. :(

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