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Not Atari related but a Colecovision question.


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After a few years in a box, I finally pulled out my Coleco to test a bunch of games I am getting ready to sell and all I get is a black screen. I cleaned the cartslot but that didn't help, so before I crack this thing open, I figure I would ask if anyone has any idea of what it might be.


Cheers. :)

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The most common problem for CV's is a dirty and shoddy power switch. Usually you get a lot of static interference so I'm not sure if this can produce a black screen too. Open up the unit and clean the power on/off switch internally with contact cleaner and see if that does anything. I know this has cleaned most of the consoles I've seen :)

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Here is a quick tutorial on opening up the CV I pulled from another forum:


1. Remove the screws from the bottom of the case, there are 8.


2. Place the console in your lap, upright with the cartidge port facing up and the faceplate facing you. Place your left hand near the back of the console with your thumb in the controller well, and your fingertips over the ridge between the two halves of the console. With your right hand, grip the front right corner of the console with your thumb on the reset button.


3. Press down on the reset button while simultaneously pulling upward and slightly forward on the upper half of the console with your left hand. Do this until the reset button pops underneath its little well. At this point, there should be a gap of about an inch between the two halves of the console along the back.


4. Turn the console so that the faceplate is now facing upward. The cartridge port should be facing away from you.


5. While pushing down on the reset button with your right index finger, use your left hand to rotate the faceplate upward and away from you. Be patient, and don't put too much pressure on it. When it gives, you'll hear a metallic/plastic pop. This may not completely seperate the two havles. If parts are still together, simply pull them apart until they give as well.


6. Lift the top half of the console from the bottom half, and you're done


To reassemble, simply reverse the process.

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