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I know, "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll" (but I hate it)

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Wow. If ever a game was designed to prove the axiom that rare = crap, this is it. Who dreamed up this abomination? Apparently, Xonox and K-Tel. No wonder it stinks, that's like breeding ugly and stupid and hoping to get Lucy Liu back in return. Did this horrid piece of trash work with the ADAM keyboard? It might be slightly less unplayable than having to pick all the options with the Coleco joystick and keypad, but only slightly. Yeesh.

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I haven't played Home Improvement, but it can't be worse if it actually has graphics to look at. This one is just mind numbing text, that occasionally tries to be clever and largely fails. What's really obnoxious is that if you pick an option, the screen confirms it by printing the word "OK" over and over again until it fills up with "OK OK OK OK OK OK" and then wipes it clean. Hell no it's NOT OK to suck this bad.

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Just to set the record straight for the person who sent me this - yes it sucks, and YES I do want it. Quite possibly, since I'm a perverse person who has friends over to drink beer and laugh at bad movies, I want this game BECAUSE it sucks. It's a frothing piece of crap and definitely worth the totally excellent game I'm trading for it just because it is so lousy - that makes it more unique than if it was mediocre or somewhat decent! :D

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Just to set the record straight for the person who sent me this - yes it sucks, and YES I do want it.  Quite possibly, since I'm a perverse person who has friends over to drink beer and laugh at bad movies, I want this game BECAUSE it sucks.  It's a frothing piece of crap and definitely worth the totally excellent game I'm trading for it just because it is so lousy - that makes it more unique than if it was mediocre or somewhat decent! :D


:lol: ;)

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I just tried this game through an emulator, and it's actually kind of fun... the lack of graphics really hurt it though (All I've seen was the night club gig animation). I like how it will actually generate song lyrics.


A better game like this was "Rockstar Ate My Hamster!" for the Amiga.



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I LOVE this game. The lyrics are so stupid it's fun, the animation of the band playing is really funny and it's a pretty unique game for the CV. I wish I had a cart of it. I play it in emulated all of the time.


I know most people wouldn't like this game but I find I like lots of games other people hate and more so hate popular games. For instance I think all of the Sonic games I've played pretty much stink, but it seems like everybody else loves them.


The CV had a few unique titles and I like them all, especially:

It's Only R&R

2010: The Graphic Adventure

Wargames (Worth owning a CV and roller controller for IMHO)



Campaign '84

and a bunch of others

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Well, it's a neat game to play on an emulator... but I can imagine the disappointment of finally playing this game after going great lengths to get it... especially if you traded something really good for it...


joeybastard: Wow, I think you're the first person I've ever known that didn't like the Sonic games... and can you believe that I've had a CV, Wargames, and a Roller Control since the 80's and didn't know you could use the RC with the game until a few months ago? Man, did I ever feel dumb... :dunce:



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I can see how Sonic games might not be for some people, since it's a platformer (no good if you don't like those), borders on cutesy (no good if you don't like that) and the attacking system is odd even if you do like cute platformers (you die if you jump on things, but if you're spinning when you do then you don't) and you're used to SMB style. I was not a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog.. at first. But since at the time I had my first Genesis it was one of the few games I had to play with it that wasn't sports, I gradually got hooked and became as big a fan of this series as I am of Castlevania, Mega Man, and Mario.

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I don't HATE the Sonic games, the problem I have with them is the speed. I feel like when I play them as long as I go full speed, it takes no skill to get thru a level. I like platformers in general but more in the SMB, Kirby and a 500 other types for the Genny and NES vein.


BTW, MMF sorry for hijacking your thread :)

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On some Sonic games, speed backfires horribly. You get running at full steam without looking where you're going and you'll slam into a spike or an enemy and lose all your rings, which is incredibly frustrating when you were saving up 50 for a bonus stage or had 99 and were just one short of an extra life. You can beat levels by blazing through without looking in no time but if you do so you'll probably only have 1 or 2 rings when you finish.


As for hijacking the thread, no need to apologize, I'd much rather talk about Sonic than this game. :D

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