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Pro-Lines or joypads?


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I think I'm the island of the 7800 community...


ProLine all the way. Because of that corny round design of the Joypads directional control, it's almost impossible to play games like Asteroids because when you press left, right, up, or down, you almost invariably hit diagonally. What a rip!!!


Perhaps my fingers are too fat!





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I've had to use those "Pro Line" types for years. For me they're worse than the INTV or Colecovision controllers by a ways in how much they make my hands hurt. Not exactly the type of controllers I'd recomend for extended use.

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there are some games that really do hurt with the prolines... but then I've found some games that are no problem either. for example xevious hurts like hell to play! but games like super huey and one on one are no problem at all, I can play for hours with no cramps in my hand.


what I like about the prolines is the joystick handle itself, with the knob on top of the shaft the way it is it's much like a real arcade control with their ball tops. also they are extremely precise! I recently completed the first two levels of barnstorming *perfectly* which is something I've never been able to do before ;)


what I don't like about it is the left button, when your thumb hovers over the top of it ready to press, moving the joystick about can make it 'pop' out of your hand, I think the cramps would be non-existant if it was designed in such a way that your thumb could wrap over the top of it, holding it more securely in the palmof your hand.


I've never liked gamepads, period... when I first saw the NES with it's tiny little box of a controller I thought it was the cheesiest thing I'd ever seen or used. so for me it's joysticks all the way.


best thing, like cpuwiz says, hack a wico :) best joystick ever made!

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I had the prolines first and I'm actually somewhat ok with them, although I like the WICO joysticks better. I got a couple of joypads from Best Electronics just to try them out. I like the joypads, but have trouble with the accuracy of them, especially in games like Ms. Pacman. The joypad is great for left/right only directional games like Galaga.



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Pads all the way, those sticks are a menace! I agree that games like asteroids can be a bit harsh with the pads, but remember they are old now. Out of the dozen or so pads i have, about half are asteroidable.

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I have never used the joypads, but I can't imagine them being worse than the ProLine joystick. The latter is awkward to hold, poorly constructed, and just "feels" wrong. They got the stick itself right but the buttons are terrible! I hate the "clicky" way they respond... they feel very cheap.

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I'm actually gonna vote for the prolines too. When it comes to games that require precision (ie. SCRAPYARD DOG), there isn't a comparison.


I don't mind the prolines, though you have to master the art of "holding them" as opposed to "gripping" them. :)

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