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Anyone interested in an Odyssey 2?

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Odyssey 2 w/ Joystick Modification !!!


Odyssey 2 core system with joystick modification. I have replaced the standard joysticks (Which no-one liked anyway.) with 2 Atari joysticks. In my opinion the are much more responsive, comfortable, and easier to play with. The are hard wired inside, so no removing them.


This unit is very clean, tested, and plays very well.




Odyssey 2 core system w/joystick mod.


Speedway-spin out-crypto logic cartridge (loose).




***Please note***


This unit does not come with a power supply.


I used an Atari 5200 power supply (not included) to use the console and it does a fine job.


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That's a cool idea of using the Atari Joysticks on the O2.


Would it be possible to hardwire a cable in, cut a small hole in the case to pass the cable out, and have the connector on the outside so that you could change joysticks in case of breakage or to use a Wico or another brand joystick on it?



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Well, if you do try it, please post. Even though I have a pretty complete O2 collection, I might be interested in purchasing something like that if you wanted to sell it.


I don't dislike the O2 controllers at all; just would be fun and interesting to play it with Atari style joysticks and be able to quickly change them if breakage occurred.



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