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6-switcher PAL 2600: Sound constantly detuning


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Hi "techies",


I have a problem with my six-switcher PAL 2600: The circuit that produces the 6 MHz sound subcarrier is constantly detuning itself. I already drilled a hole into the bottom of the case so that I can adjust the tunable inductivity (L2, I think, in the AtriAge provided schematic) with a match or so, without opening the case.


However, it's getting worse and worse and sometimes I can't tune it at all. This means the "real sound" will be soft to nonexistent and there will be lots of humming and noise. If I let the console run for a few hours then I can normally tune it after that, but when it's still cold it is very problematic.


Do you know of a fix for this problem? I can handle soldering and I can read schematics, but I'm not enough of a "buff" to know an answer myself.


Thanks a lot in advance,

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Somehow, someway, bending the capacitors in that part of the circuit back and forth a bit did it for me. Suddenly the noise disappeared. A hair-width tear in one of the capacitor's maybe? Well, whatever it was it has worked flawlessly for some days now, even some good knocks didn't start the problem again.


I also fixated that darn coil with some glue once and for all after careful fine-tuning as the core was already getting quite loose from so much "tuning" attempts.


And I also learned a new fact, the subcarrier is actually 5.5MHz here in continental Europe, not 6Mhz as it is in the UK.


So... NTSC = Never Twice the Same Color, PAL = never twice the same norm, it seems.



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