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Jim Huether [...] has an unreleased Atari 8-bit computer game called Micro Movie.

Does anyone have more info? Never ever heard of that one before... Tempest?






We'll be chatting about this with Mr. Huether, it's news here as well but came directly from the source!

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There are ALWAYS last minute additions and surprises with this Expo, so it should come as no surprise that we'll be announcing several guests even as the Expo is less than a week away! You can see the complete summary of these "alumni" guests at the Classic Gaming Expo site where you can view details on all of the confirmed legends who will be speaking, meeting, greeting, and signing autographs at this year's show.


Take note of games and items that you might want to bring along for signatures!


John Sohl


John Sohl worked at Mattel for two years, from October 1980 to October 1982. During that time, he designed Mattels' enormously successful Astrosmash and (with some assistance) the IntelliVoice powered game B-17 Bomber. After Mattel, John was recruited by Activision where he spent most of his time working on a game called Termite for the Intellivision and C-64, a game that was never completed or released.

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Jim Huether [...] has an unreleased Atari 8-bit computer game called Micro Movie.


Does anyone have more info? Never ever heard of that one before... Tempest?


No can't say that I have, but I swear another programmer I was talking to mentioned something like this (it was a movie title of some sort anyway). I've wanted to talk to Jim for awhile now (mostly about Xevious), but you can bet I'll try and get all the information I can out of him about this.



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  • 2 weeks later...
if it woulda been publically stated pre-show, im sure alot more people would have shown up, i mean A LOT more.
Nolan's prescence was confirmed a mere 3-4 days before CGE. An announcement at that late hour wouldn't have made a bit a difference in attendnce. A month or few weeks in advance? Of course. No question it would've. But since this was not the case, I assume it was decided to spring him on those attending as a grand surprise for making the trip out.


I daresay, due to the overwhelming response he recieved (and a point-blank question from yours truly) he'll attend next year's CGE. No question about it.

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I can't believe that no one here seems to care that NOLAN BUSHNELL was there!  Hardly anyone has said a word about it.


How did the cart give-away go?

Holy crap, was THAT a success! The DP booth had a "retro-80's living room" set-up, complete with ugly retro-endtables and ugly-retro-red/brown velvet couches. The tables were piled high with Gamepro and NIntendo Power magazines for perusal and a 48-hour long Warlords tourney was playing on the 80's TV nearby. Well, every 5 minutes, someone would come over, pop out the WL cart, and pop in their freebee cart. (Since I was right there, I go to watch.) It was quite cool the reactions of some folks when they booted up Pac-Man and instead discovered they just won a stand-up machine or Gamecube. Priceless. (And one or two folks, who had a non-winning cart, still remarked that they needed the "ordinary" cart for their collections anyway!)


Very cool idea and I think all but one Gamecube was claimed by show's end.

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I can't believe that no one here seems to care that NOLAN BUSHNELL was there! Hardly anyone has said a word about it.  


Well what do you want to hear? Yes it was very cool Nolan was there and I'll charish the autograph he gave me for years to come, but he's just a man, not a god. I was very happy to meet him, but quite frankly I had alot more fun talking to some of the other programmers (Keithen, Steve Woita, Dan Kramer, Franz, etc.) as they were much more "chatty" and didn't have a mob of people around them. Plus IIRC the CGE staff had him cordoned off in the museum for a long time and no one could go talk to him, so it was either wait outside and catch a glimpse of him (and the security guard didn't want you to do that) or go do other stuff (which is what I did). Luckly I was able to catch him during the brief time he was wandering the floor.


I also felt that it was very hard to talk to Nolan, probably because he was such a famous person. Not his fault obviously, but it made me a bit uncomfortable.




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Holy crap, was THAT a success! The DP booth had a "retro-80's living room" set-up, complete with ugly retro-endtables and ugly-retro-red/brown velvet couches. The tables were piled high with Gamepro and NIntendo Power magazines for perusal and a 48-hour long Warlords tourney was playing on the 80's TV nearby. Well, every 5 minutes, someone would come over, pop out the WL cart, and pop in their freebee cart. (Since I was right there, I go to watch.) It was quite cool the reactions of some folks when they booted up Pac-Man and instead discovered they just won a stand-up machine or Gamecube. Priceless. (And one or two folks, who had a non-winning cart, still remarked that they needed the "ordinary" cart for their collections anyway!)


Yeah I thought this idea was cool too. Too bad I didn't win anything (damn you Championship Soccer!)



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I daresay, due to the overwhelming response he recieved (and a point-blank question from yours truly) he'll attend next year's CGE.


I hope so. Ralph Baer hopes to attend next year also, assuming he's up to it. He was sorry he missed this year's show but he now feels up to making the trip.


I'd love to see Ralph and Nolan going heading to head in Pong!

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I can't believe that no one here seems to care that NOLAN BUSHNELL was there!  Hardly anyone has said a word about it.


How did the cart give-away go?


DOH! Ha! I completely forgot to mention that..

It was a really huge success, at least to the people that got carts. Sadly, we didn't have anywhere NEAR enough to give one out to everyone. HOWEVER.. Last I was told, four of the ten prizes went unclaimed! It can't have been due to any mechanical failure, because all of the winning carts were tested beforehand. So, all I can think is that there are four people out there who dropped their carts in a pocket or a bag and forgot to check them out!

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All but one prize was claimed by the end of the show (one of the two GameCube w/Game Boy Player combos). Don't forget also that there were tons of prizes given away at various sub-events including the Jeopardy games, the JagFest and Twin Galaxies tourneys, and Tim Arnold's raffles.


I still haven't come down from the high of the show. I'm taking my time with the recap but if you missed CGE you'll see just how cool it was.


Game ON!

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