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System trade: Intellivision for NES

Room 34

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I'd like to propose a trade to anyone interested:


You get a clean, working Intellivision system. Some of the gold color on the plate on the top of the console is worn off, but both controllers function perfectly and everything works 100%. Power cord is intact, and I'll even throw in an RCA cable to hook it to your switchbox.


I get a clean, working NES with two working controllers. No "blinkers," no blowing in the cart slot. Also the power and connector cords.


Basically, we each get a clean, fully-functional system with all of the "hook-ups."


No games need be included, but if you throw in Super Mario Bros. I will throw in a boxed Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack with instructions and overlays. :)


I will post photos of the Intellivision system I will be trading here over the weekend.

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I can probably do this trade, I also need an original Intv. I need to dig up my NES deck from my moving boxes and check to see everything is still in good shape. I have all the hookups and I installed a new 72 pin connector before I put it away last year in favor of a top loader :)


I'll get back to you tonight.

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Well, oesii...


If you've got everything and it all works well, then we've got a deal!


I'll post some pics of the Inty here either tonight or tomorrow. If you can post pics of the NES before we "seal the deal," I'd appreciate it.



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BTW... The only reason I'm getting rid of the Inty is that I have just gotten a CIB Sears Super Video Arcade.


Actually -- before I commit 100% to this deal, I need to test the SVA and make sure it works!


But anyway... I just mention this so you know I'm not trying to pull a fast one. The Inty I am trading works great and I would not give it up if I didn't have a second!

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Sure I'll post pics but there's not much to see, just a standard NES toaster with a couple controllers, etc. I also have a couple of spares so I can send you the best one I have :) I'll send you a message later on tonight.

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Sorry for the webcam pic, cheap camera with no flash (in between digital cameras :) ) I'll throw in SMB and I think I have a one or two other extra games, house plant not included! Now I need to find and unpack some games to test the console out. Give me a few more hours :)


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