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Trac-Ball question:


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CX80. The buttons on the CX22 are unreliable. Trouble is some CX80s are really CX22s in disguise and, thus, you need a CX22 version of "Missile Command TB" to use it. I don't know if there's any way to differentiate the two just by eyeballing 'em.

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Trouble is some CX80s are really CX22s in disguise and, thus, you need a CX22 version of "Missile Command TB" to use it.  I don't know if there's any way to differentiate the two just by eyeballing 'em.

Yes, that really is a problem. Scott Stilphen had posted inside pictures of both Trak-Balls here, but they are no longer up. Maybe he can email them to you.


The real CX-80 is compatible with an Atari ST mouse (if that helps you).


And if you should really buy the wrong version, I am sure you and Al will find a way to replace it.

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