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Limbo game

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1 hour ago, popmilo said:

Almost a year has passed, we've all been busy with different things, so while I was coding Tony for example, Yaron decided to experiment with vbxe :)
So he did a small tribute for Limbo using vbxe strengths and produced this demo concept that you can view in attached video.


Unfortunately we did not manage to get any kind of approval from Limbo authors so this project in it's current form is just that. A demo of what could be.


Best thing about this experiment is that it shows how cool vbxe is. It's still old atari retro feel, but coding a game with big sprites with many animation frames, overlays, masks etc is just a bliss compared to standard a8.

I would recommend to all Atari coders to take a look at vbxe and give it a chance.

Soooo cooooool!! Thanks

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12 hours ago, popmilo said:

... I would recommend to all Atari coders to take a look at vbxe and give it a chance.

Nice work done here. I always know how much appreciation is required for anyone producing anything on the A8.


Regarding the VBXE comment, of giving it more love. This is a difficult one. Yes, it opens up more opportunities for those who develop, but the problem is that there is such a limited audience on real hardware. I don't even have it myself, and the only reason that I don't is that I didn't want to risk the insides of my A8 with my soldering several years ago, and now the VBXE is no longer made (though I am not on here that often of late, so if that has changed, let me know).


It just feels like that coding for it would be like coding for one of those imaginary systems, where someone has artificially created limitations in a PC based emulator. While I say this, I don't want to discourage anyone else, but this is why I wouldn't. If I could only appreciate it through an emulator, I wouldn't do anything.


I'd really love to see some graphics enhancing cartridge that I could stick into the Atari and would have an HDMI out. Now that would be great.

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6 minutes ago, snicklin said:

It just feels like that coding for it would be like coding for one of those imaginary systems, where someone has artificially created limitations in a PC based emulator. While I say this, I don't want to discourage anyone else, but this is why I wouldn't. If I could only appreciate it through an emulator, I wouldn't do anything.


I'd really love to see some graphics enhancing cartridge that I could stick into the Atari and would have an HDMI out. Now that would be great.

Well, those imaginary systems like Pico8, tic-80 etc are hugely popular. Probably there are more people supporting, coding, buying games for those virtual consoles than for a8...

I consider Altirra+vbxe a legit platform to release a nice atari game. It's an old cat+mouse, chicken+egg problem. If there would be more new games maybe there would be new hw to buy...

My point would be - it's easy to code vbxe games. basically it removes all the worry about performance, colors, sprites... If anyone has a chance to choose his/hers next project - consider doing it in vbxe. Just for fun if nothing else.

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Hello Steve


16 hours ago, snicklin said:

... and now the VBXE is no longer made (though I am not on here that often of late, so if that has changed, let me know).



Lotharek is still making and selling them.  ("Atari 8 bit upgrades")








Edited by Mathy
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