RSS Bot Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 Looking forward to seeing what's under the tree, so until then…….. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring has been in the archives for quite some time. I don't believe there is anyway to track down the origins of this MIDI MUSIC SYSTEM file. Who ever is responsible, I would like to express my gratitude. Although, I didn't use the file as is. The music seemed to be duplicated and the midi controls were changed for different MIDI equipment. These extra voices were deleted. The music repeated twice so a repeat loop was set up and the duplicated music deleted. There were some timing changes that made the music flow a little smoother. And because I was recording multiple tracks a Voice was created to contain the Tempo changes. The file size was reduced from 61 sectors to 19 sectors. The MMS file used 5 voices. Voice 1 and 5 (highest and lowest notes) were played on the Atari. Voices 2, 3, and 4 were assigned the organ sound on the MIDIPLUS miniEngine. Music File origin: JOYOFMAN.MUS MMS - origin unknown TRACK06.MUS - Edited and recordedControl Computer: 130XE Sequencer Software: MIDI Music System by Lee Actor MIDI out: MIDIMAXSound Source: Atari 130XE MIDI in: Arduino Software: MonoSyn_1voice. ino Monitor output to mixer Software: ATARI01A.OBJ - MMG compiled Atari BASIC programMixer: Behringer Xenyx 1202 FX Mic One input - Atari 800 monitor port FX : 88 - Delay + Reverb 1 Mic Two input - MIDIplus miniEngine Internal settings: vol = 120 Program = 19 Church Organ Reverb = 46 Recorder: PC - Audacity 2.1.2 File: Jeus Joy of mans desiring.aup Sound Edit - Cut and sync - Fade in and fade out - Some volume and Pan settings Attached File(s) Jesu Joy of mans desiring.mp3 (3.45MB)Number of downloads: 0 (7.62KB)Number of downloads: 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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