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NES controllers for our TI's.


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I have a few small ideas on some boards I'd like to design for the TI-99/4A. Something simple at first while I learn TMS9900 assembly.


One such idea is to build a board to convert the NES controller to something the TI could read. I know the NES uses a serial shift register and the TI (or something) would have to supply a clock, etc. to get the values out of the NES controller.


I don't see a way for the TI to send an output pulse through the joystick controller. So my initial thought would be to connect a small ATTiny to the NES controller and constantly read the controller at maybe 30-60 times per second.


Then, the micro-controller could send the parallel value to the joystick port. However, I didn't see anything in the pinout that could support this.

I would need 4 signals for the directions and 4 for the buttons (A,B, Select, Start). The TI only supports one fire that I saw.


Then I thought...what if I wrote a serial driver for the TI and just monitored the trigger button? Then serialize the NES controller stream over that.

I would need some clever way to sync the devices, however.


What are your thoughts?


With 32K of RAM, an F18A (and a possible soundcard I want to build), the TI is shaping up to be a killer gaming system that deserves a good controller.


BTW, I love the Genesis controller and perhaps it would be easier...but I'm after the NES controller. :-D

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I have a couple of NES gamepads interfaced for work on the TI99, I would have liked to have created a step-by-step guide and publish but it just remaining on to-do list :P


i should have a handwritten scheme used for this somewhere, anyway your idea seems to be more complete :)



Edited by ti99iuc
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Wow. That looks pretty awesome! How does it work?


Well, if I did anything at all it would be so that any cheapo NES controller could be use on the TI. I've always hated that the Atari 2600 "standard" got carried over to so many platforms simply because it was there. C64, Amiga, etc. had such great graphics/sound that it's a shame they never had better controllers.


So it's time for the TI to get good controllers. :-)

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Oh yes completely agree about it! :D

my NES gamepads just working good but Start and Select buttons are not used. the two red buttons instead have the same fire funcion.

your advanced modify could upgrade and complete this, it would be lovely.

I use them overall for games like pitfall or pacman... not good for Parsec to me :P

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I've been considering doing a custom board that would replace a SNES joystick's (not NES) internal board. The board would not contain any electronics, other than perhaps diodes. It would simply map the directionals and fire buttons to the TI's 9 pin port.


I'm sure you could do the same for an NES style controller.

Edited by chue
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Wow. That looks pretty awesome! How does it work?


Well, if I did anything at all it would be so that any cheapo NES controller could be use on the TI. I've always hated that the Atari 2600 "standard" got carried over to so many platforms simply because it was there. C64, Amiga, etc. had such great graphics/sound that it's a shame they never had better controllers.


So it's time for the TI to get good controllers. :-)



The amiga did have analog signals as well as digital. Not many games used it, But I have an adapter for my Amiga that I bought for Fighter Dual Pro back in the day, that allowed me to use a Thrustmaster Joystick & rudder controls with the Amiga, the company also shipped patches for a bunch of flight sims. I believe it also sent digital signals if you wanted to, I haven't used it in forever.



Edited by LASooner
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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a cheat, but it's a solution for any Atari compatible system, as well as the TI.




this will likely only work if you build a 5v injector for the joystick port.. ti doesn't provide it, all the other systems do.

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