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ngpc or lynx?


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hi ive aquired about £40 and i'm looking for a nice handheld console. i own a game gear which is a great little system but i would like something else. i would like to kno what people have and what they play on the most, as i've always been stuck on which console to get.

the neo geo pocket colour or the atari lynx. i think this is a bit of a stupid post considering this is an atari board :roll:

but oh well give me your views :ponder:

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Get both. They are great Systems.


If you can only afford one:



-Very small

-Lots of fighting games

-Newer and bigger (upto 32 Mbit) games

-Batteries last 40 hrs (but has no backlight)



-Has sprite zooming HW (3-D games)

-Lots of classic games

-Digital sound (samples)


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Get both. They are great Systems.


If you can only afford one:



-Very small

-Lots of fighting games

-Newer and bigger (upto 32 Mbit) games

-Batteries last 40 hrs (but has no backlight)



-Has sprite zooming HW (3-D games)

-Lots of classic games

-Digital sound (samples)


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I have both systems, but so far I only have two games for my NGPC (King of Fighters R-2 and Sonic Pocket Adventure), while I have over 40 for my Lynx.


The Lynx is kind of similar to the Game Gear in features, but it has a bigger screen, better graphics, and the batteries last longer (5 hours on 6 AA's compared to 3 hours on the Game Gear). So if you're looking for something similar to the Game Gear, but with more power, the Lynx is a good choice. There are a lot of games, mostly American, and a lot of them can be acquired very cheap. Your money will probably go further with the Lynx.


The NGPC is closer akin to a Game Boy Color. Its screen is not lit, but it's more powerful than a GBC and the batteries last really long (40 hours on 2 double-A's). It apparently has a lot of great titles, but I've only played the two mentioned above. If you like fighting games, especially, the NGPC is a gold mine.


I think the big issues are portability and software. I don't know what software you like, so that may be a big concern.

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I agree with the previous opinion :

- I don't know very well the NGPC but I agree it is a great system if you like fighting games. Also it has a huge autonomy compared to the Lynx (and the GameGear). And it is a smaller system.


-The Lynx is a good system if you like classic gaming : the title are mainly arcade classics like Roadblasters, Qix, Raiden, ...

Also for me one of the most interesting feature is the Comlynx : many games have multiplayer capabilities and you can play for example with 7 other Lynx systems to Checkered Flag or Slime World. Great fun :)

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Hi Thund3r,


I would suggest to take both of them, but it would cost you much more than 40 pounds ;)


My point of view :



+ Great library (the best fighting games)

+ very solid hardware

+ battery life

- no backlight

- no new releases

- realy expensive games



+ modern and classic games

+ cheap games

+ backlight

+ new releases

- battery life

- bigger

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yea thnx for the info, still unsure though...


i'd luv a lynx coz of the classic atari games, and the cheapness of them,

but i dont want to lug it about everywhere coz of the size, so i think i'll go for a neo geo pocket colour at the moment ;)

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I don't think you can go wrong with either system. Both of them have A+ titles in their lineups, so you'll find some games that will appeal to you. I never carry my Lynx around only play it at home, it's too heavy and requires a lot of batteries. My NGPC I play almost everyday (quick game of baseball :) ) and the batteries only need to be changed every few months or less!

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: after playing crystal mines II all day i've changed my mind and  i'm definatley going for the lynx, just coz the games are cheeper and i dont really carry handhelds around when i'm out anyway..


Good choice! Actually, I would have said that no matter which one you decided on, but I'm sure you made some people here happy by deciding to go with the Lynx. :)


Sadly, there are no FPS games on the Lynx (yet?) but there are some fine (and inexpensive) games that should definitely make it worth your while. If you need any recommendations or would like to know of some good places to look for games and such, feel free to ask here. There are always Lynx fans around willing to help!

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Sadly, there are no FPS games on the Lynx (yet?) but there are some fine (and inexpensive) games that should definitely make it worth your while.  If you need any recommendations or would like to know of some good places to look for games and such, feel free to ask here.  There are always Lynx fans around willing to help!



I think Xybots does a third-person shooter pretty well :D


FPS on handhelds like Faceball 2000 always give me headaches anyways.

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Am I too late to opine? I like the Lynx for playing games around the house better, but I hardly lug it anywhere because it is huge and eats batteries, at least compared to the NGPC. I've been on the road a lot lately and therefore playing the NGPC more.


I think the software for the NGPC is a problem -- I only have about 10 games for it, but the whole library consists overwhelmingly of fighters and RPG-type games. If you like those kind of games it's good, but I like the more arcade style games at which the Lynx accels. The only NGPC games I consistently come back to are Metal Slug and Dark Arms.



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I say get a gamepark, they have a alpha lynx emulator out, and they also are in the making of a ngpc one too. They also have about 10 other ones, and a bunch of their own games. Visit www.gp32x.com to check it out. They even are in the works of making an updated doom!

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Am I too late to opine?  I like the Lynx for playing games around the house better, but I hardly lug it anywhere because it is huge and eats batteries, at least compared to the NGPC.  I've been on the road a lot lately and therefore playing the NGPC more.


I think the software for the NGPC is a problem -- I only have about 10 games for it, but the whole library consists overwhelmingly of fighters and RPG-type games.  If you like those kind of games it's good, but I like the more arcade style games at which the Lynx accels.  The only NGPC games I consistently come back to are Metal Slug and Dark Arms.




They're both good systems, depending on how you look at them and what your preferences are. That's why I have both, plus a GBA SP and a Game Gear. And I don't even travel much...

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I prefer the Lynx because of the simple fact that the games are easy to come by. And Most are relitavely cheap. It's got the only good handheld version of Lemmings (yeah, there are a few other, but they all suck, especially the GameBoy Color one) There are a lot of games only available on lynx, of course, that's true of any system. It's got playable on the system games still coming out for it. And it's Atari, what could be cooler than that?


The NeogeoPocket Color is a great handheld, it's just to bad the batteries that came with it orriginally outlasted the systems lifespan in America. Needless to say the batteries last a long time, like 40 hours or so. Games, they're all great, as long as you like fighters and RPG's. But there aren't that many available here, many have to be imported. The games are also more expensive, probably due to being newer.


They're both great systems with they're ups and downs. Lynx trades battery life for a backlit screen, and is a huge system over all.


I've got them both and love them, but I do have more games for the Lynx over all.

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  • 4 weeks later...
: after playing crystal mines II all day i've changed my mind and  i'm definatley going for the lynx, just coz the games are cheeper and i dont really carry handhelds around when i'm out anyway..


One word: Klax.

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Sadly, there are no FPS games on the Lynx (yet?) but there are some fine (and inexpensive) games that should definitely make it worth your while.  


CyberVirus is perhaps the best example of a FPS game on the Lynx. It is first person perspective, you have multiple weapons and powerups to grab, and go on missions in an outdoor 3D environment. But I would think all of the following could qualify as FPS games for the Lynx:



BattleWheels - includes linked play for up to 6 players, either in a vehicle or on foot!

Battlezone 2000 - hidden game is very impressive and deep

Xybots - OK, this is really behind-the-person perspective, but still a great 3D-ish shooter. :)


RPGs and fighters are the Lynx's weakest genres IMO, as the only RPG-ish games are Dracula, Shadow of the Beast, and Bill & Ted, and the only fighter is Pit Fighter (until I get Ultravore finished and published someday ;) ), although there are a couple of brawler games like Double Dragon and Kung Food.

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the neo geo pocket colour or the atari lynx. i think this is a bit of a stupid post considering this is an atari board


Not a stupid post at all considering the responses all of which are dead on. It is a great question because you are asking what gives the biggest bang for your handheld buck (or Euro). I have both myself and a love them both and find them amazing technical achievements, the Lynx for its great color backlit screen and the Neo Geo for its long battery life and fantastic joystick. If you absolutely love fighters to any other game genre then you definitely want to get the NEO GEO, even though I think the non fighters are fantastic as well- Sonic, Faselei!, Puyo Pop, Metal Slug come to mind. It is just the library is not that big and really slanted to the fighters. Additionally, unless you are willing to buy the NEO GEO games loose, which I did, the cost per game is really expensive. (BTW I reccomend getting NEO GEO games loose and download guides from www. gamefaqs.com , a site which every gamer should bookmark) Expect a minimum of $30.00 a shot for boxed games. FOr that reason alone, get the Lynx for value and if you want an inexpensive system to collect. The great games for the most part are the cheapest. Examples are Klax, Shanghai, Rampart, Crystal Caverns, Xybots, Chips Challenge all of which can be had for $5.00 or less and if you want them loose and download the instructions here on this site, the cost is even a buck or less (!!!). The library is bigger but not by much and you got a good bunch of people on this message board where you can trade and buy from (I got some good games this way). Finally, you can really start your collection through Ebay really fast, which you already found out.

NEO GEO, like the Dreamcast, heck, like the Lynx is a tragic story- quality system that really did not get the support it deserved. I just wish it had a wider distribution outside of Japan.

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NEO GEO, like the Dreamcast, heck, like the Lynx is a tragic story- quality system that really did not get the support it deserved. I just wish it had a wider distribution outside of Japan.


So true. The NEO GEO kicked @$$ from what I remember. My friend had one years ago but, sadly his brother traded it in for a Super nintendo. I think of it as kinda sad that sega has gone out of business, but I can see why the dreamcast failed (not much advertising and a terrible release time) I think the lynx failed because people didn't play it much otherwise it would have really succeeded

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So true.  The NEO GEO kicked @$$ from what I remember.  My friend had one years ago but, sadly his brother traded it in for a Super nintendo.  I think of it as kinda sad that sega has gone out of business, but I can see why the dreamcast failed (not much advertising and a terrible release time)  I think the lynx failed because people didn't play it much otherwise it would have really succeeded


IMO, the Lynx failed because of bad marketing. It had other things going against it (a lack of "killer app" titles like Tetris and Super Mario Land, cost, etc.) but the fact that the mainstream largely didn't even know about the Lynx limited its impact outside of the Atari fanbase. I've told several people about the Lynx, and only one of them had ever heard of it before I said anything about it. I think if more people knew it had existed (even if there had been more display/demo models at Electronics Boutique and other stores), the appeal of a full-color, backlit handheld gaming system would have drawn some crowds, if not in the same degree as people flocked to the much-inferior Game Boy.


This is sort of the same with the Neo Geo Pocket Color. Except it seems even fewer people (in the US, at least) are aware of its existence than were aware of the Lynx.

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