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Ninja Odyssey will be released very soon for Intellivision


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I am Oscar Kenneth, from Kai Magazine Software.


A few months back I presented you a Project we were working on: Thio’s odyssey.

Turns out I received some offers and the game will be published by Elektronite, with a different name (Ninja Odyssey) and lots of changes and improvements.

The premise is very different now and the playability has evolved a lot, including different shurikens, a red suit for double jump, an intro, final bosses, smooth moving multi-colored enemies and many more things.

I am attaching a video link and some snapshots:



The video is recorded at 30 Fps but the game runs perfectly smooth at 60 Fps, so it will look much better on your console. This game does not require any additional hardware and it works on any Intellivision console.


We are working on other Intellivision games, so if you like this one, stay tunned ;)

That’s all for now. I hope you like the game.









Edited by Kai_Magazine
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Welcome aboard,always great to see more people making cool games for the Intellivision!

Thanks for the demo. The sound effects,graphics and music are all really good.Elektronite has a super track record producing games for us too.

Looking forward to your other future projects as well! ?

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Yes, as a matter of fact, in my previous post of a few months back I posted a demo rom for anyone to try. The post/game was named Thio's odyssey back then. Many people tested an early version of the game.


Ahhh, just tried it out. Very nice, though on my system (RF only) doesn't look close to what it should. :(

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That is a good idea, thank you!

But I will use it on another game since Ninja odyssey is already finished, betatested and will go on sale in 1 to 7 days.


I have some more information from the publisher regarding the formats and prices:

-Cartridges will be available LOOSE for $40 US each.

-ROMS for LTO Flash! will sell for $20 and $10 with purchase of loose cartridge.

-COMPLETE IN BOX' copies will be coming in June. If you wish to play the game now, you can purchase the ROM for $20 and get a $10 discount on the CIB version in June.


Keep an eye on www.naberhood.com for information on ordering.


Thank you everyone for your feedback and your comments!

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Any possibility to buy the cart now and the rest of the cib components when they are ready in June?

Thanks, game looks cool and different from any other intellivision stuff :)

Hi Stupus,

Thank you for your interest :)

yes, this is the information the publisher authorized me to make public:


-Cartridges will be available LOOSE for $40 US each.

-ROMS for LTO Flash! will sell for $20 and $10 with purchase of loose cartridge.

-COMPLETE IN BOX' copies will be coming in June. If you wish to play the game now, you can purchase the ROM for $20 and get a $10 discount on the CIB version in June.

Edited by Kai_Magazine
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