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Renderific, an SVG renderer


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Thank goodness for warp mode on Altirra :)


Thanks Kevin, a man of many talents..


I presume the noise is just to let you know something is happening during the maths calcs?


Those of you with a Rapidus will see the power of that...

Edited by Mclaneinc
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I presume the noise is just to let you know something is happening during the maths calcs?



When it makes noise, it's telling you it is trying to draw offscreen. (Which is bad.) Increasing the resolution may solve the issue — or it may be an SVG file that draws in negative quadrants, which it doesn't know how to deal with.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I read in the article at Github that there are issues trying to get the 1020 plotter to plot these? Maybe 'Super 3D Plotter II' might hold some clues, it included a basic program for printing to the plotter. There are also several 1020 plotter utility disks with printing programs. I own S3DP and will look into it more there, I also have several 1020 utility disks I downloaded from various places. I can post some disk images if need be...


No software at the Atarimania link here, just linking it so you can see what I'm talking about and there's a bit of info there:




Although I own the original, I do believe I found the disk image and have it on file...

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  • 1 year later...
6 hours ago, DrVenkman said:

I have a VBXE en route ... it would be fun to modify this to use the enhanced color-depth graphics modes and avoid artifacting ...

We have a native 640 mode - using Rybag's bad ass interlace mode, we can even do 640*480!!!

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Just now, Stephen said:

We have a native 640 mode - using Rybag's bad ass interlace mode, we can even do 640*480!!!

Well, I think you just volunteered to lead the effort to modify Kay's code to use Rybag's technique. ? 

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1 minute ago, DrVenkman said:

Well, I think you just volunteered to lead the effort to modify Kay's code to use Rybag's technique. ? 

Is his code published?  I remember watching the vids on it but it's been a long time.  I'm certainly in an Atari coding mode at the moment.

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