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Atari Lynx Programmer Pi Hat Orders


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You best bet is to get the programmer board from Igor, the assembled PCB's from me, buy a 3D printer plus some nice colour ABS plastic and print the cart shells by yourself. It takes an hour to print one shell. The plastics cost €0.50 for it. But as time is precious you have to provide that part ;)


Edited by karri
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Sorry Necrocia, I would like a programmer pihat from you. I would also like a case from Kerri. Thank you both!



Cool, added to the list. Don't think Karri offered to make cases, but I'm also interested in what he'll come up with. I may offer a 3D printed case as an option, depends if my printer can do them well enough and how long it takes to print each one.

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The parts are starting to arrive and the first lot of the pre-production boards have been mailed out now. I've had some people tell me they've received the early boards too. The software is not complete but I'm working on it. The preliminary documentation for the board is available here: https://atarigamer.com/pages/lynx-cart-programmer-pi-hat


Let me know what else you'd expect for documentation and I'll try to make it happen.

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The parts are starting to arrive and the first lot of the pre-production boards have been mailed out now. I've had some people tell me they've received the early boards too. The software is not complete but I'm working on it. The preliminary documentation for the board is available here: https://atarigamer.com/pages/lynx-cart-programmer-pi-hat


Let me know what else you'd expect for documentation and I'll try to make it happen.


The directions were easy to follow, One thing i would like is to compare the roms I read with the programer to the common ones to see if i have any alt rom versions.

Is there any software to remove the headers or to ignore them to compare?

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Not that I know (Karri might) but all you need to do is remove the first 64 bytes of a LNX file and that gives you a LYX file (no header). I will see about putting md5sum data for ROMs into the Atari Gamer game database, that could be useful.


I've also had suggestions to add a tool to dump LNX header information, and I think Karri's code already covers this but I'll add a feature to readcart that will dump header info for a cart (instead of reading the whole cart)

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I've also had suggestions to add a tool to dump LNX header information, and I think Karri's code already covers this but I'll add a feature to readcart that will dump header info for a cart (instead of reading the whole cart)


I don't think carts have the header. Lnx roms do, as you said in the previous post.


What you can do is read a whole cart, calculate the md5sum and search for an header in a db (local or online) using the md5sum as key.

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I should clarify what I meant by header info for a cart. It's possible to read data such as flash manufacturer code, and it's also possible to determine the block size by reading the first 2048 bytes of the cart data, that's the bit that I meant as cart header info.

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Excellent! Have you got the STL to share yet? I've got my 3D printer working nicely now, just printing some things to make it easier to print more things later, then I'll try to print some shells and the enclosure.



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I managed to short something on one of the blank carts you sent to me Karri and now it's a read only cart :P


Chip manufacturer ID is fb, flash ID is 73

Expected manufacturer ID bf, flash ID b7
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I checked that, it happened when I plugged the programmer board incorrectly into the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi, instead of all pins being lined up, I misaligned it by 1 row of pins and after that the cart stopped working. The board works fine still.

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Great to see it being used! Software is based on Karri's original code, in fact all the brains of the software is Karri's work, I'm just consolidating code and putting an interface and options in front of it

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Shipping to Italy is about 15 (untracked) or 20 (tracked), not sure if I will use the untracked option, will decide on shipping details once the boards are assembled. I also hope to include a cart shell with each board if I can get my 3D printer making them properly.

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May I be moved up to spot #8 now that someone got crossed off? :)



Everyone will be moved up a spot as a result, I've added people in order that they requested so it would be unfair to let you skip so many people ;)

Once the boards are built and payments are ready to be received, if people don't pay within a certain time, completed boards will be offered to others further down the list.


I'm still waiting for PCBs to arrive, was hoping that would happen this week but it didn't, next week maybe and then I can test the PCBs and if all is well start assembling boards.

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