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Wow...150 2600 carts!


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I know that it's probably small potatoes compared to what other collectors have, but I am recieving two more games in the mail so far that will make it 150 2600 games for me.


Why is this a big deal to me? Well, I started out with less than 20 carts. I'm more into buying individual carts now-vs- big lots because I can get specific titles for cheap and not have to worry about commons and spares.


I'm proud to have so many carts. I consider it the best hobby I've ever had.


Can't wait until work is done later today. I'm hitting a video store in this area that I hear has classic Atari carts.


BTW, cart no.149 will be a blue label Moonsweeper that I BIN'ed and paid for earlier..and no.150 will hopefully be Jr.Pac Man that I'm supposed to get in return from Atari_Troll. Possibly more games will be rolling in next week. :D

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I have over 100 different carts and was doing good until I found this website. The funny part is. The last section of carts I picked up. Majority was pretty rare. Funny, to goto different thrift stores in different areas and see the different games people purchased as well as the amount of games. For instance you run into a 2600 with like 30 games, all the accessories, game holder, and stuff like that. Then all the 30 carts are common. Then you go to another area and find one game system with 5 games. Another area produces all rare games. I'm talking several number 5 listings. Perhaps another area had tons of activision games. I find the same thing with computers. One place has tons of pc, another apples, another commadores, etc, etc. Normally their is an explination. Oh, the local computer dealer was Apple/Macintosh only.





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I'm right with you! I've just recently hit the 150 mark (different games... excluding extra copies).


I think my 150th game was Nexar. And I've been playing it constantly.


I'm thinking of buying games in bulk from a couple of local stores. I know of at least 4 locations with over 200 Atari Games each. I know the owner of the stores... so I think I can get a bulk deal on these.


Plus I am still trying to work a deal at a local flea market. He has 6 bins of Atari games. I'm guessing about 100-150 games in each one. The only problem we have is a language barrier. He has a hard time with English. :(


But I'm going to go in there soon and just give him about $100 or somewhere near that amount to see if he will let me take them home.


True... with all of those deals... I will get a lot of commons... but I can get rid of them on ebay or something at cheaper prices then the ungodly amounts they are asking for nowadays.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed! But for now... I love my 150 games! :)

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My first cart (this decade) was the 32 in 1, Then i was really lucky to snag close to 200. I was pretty lucky but it was a bit of an overkill, i only get single carts now. I agree that carts are the best things to colect, it helps if you are a video game nut. Id love to share a photo of my stuff, i only have one room so my carts are all over the place. I found alot of rare carts/machines last year but the luck seems to have stopped. Anyways Kepone, good stuff mate!

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I'm still a gamer...though I just collect more than I play nowadays. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.


I noticed that the guy who I got Moonsweeper from also has several other cheap games. His shipping is only $1.25..which is welcome as the last item I won, I got ripped off on shipping..that was a boxed INTV game..shipping is $6..eek.


I dunno what he'll send me. I don't agree with all those fancy graphics he uses or patriotic themes in general. I just want Atari games.


I could have more games soon...checking out a video store that's supposed to have them.



I have 398 games total so far...2 more to 400.

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I started collecting about 2 months ago and have reached about 64 2600 titles. 150 sounds like a nice round number. My collection growth has slowed lately due to budget constraints, but maybe later I will acquire more stuff.

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Instead of hunting for a lot of games at once, buy them one by one or in lots of 3. I take the cheap route and only BIN things on EBay and the Marketplace that are cheap and will only set me back a few bucks. No more spending 40-50 bucks on games for a while.

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you people anger me, there are no thrifts or flea markets around here at all or video stores that still have 2600. if i lived near any of you then i would pick up all the carts with all the money i had availible, then make people im with pay for more =P oh well hopfully il hit the mother load some day. all i have for now is ebay which sucks bigtime. i saw a regular DK loose cart goin for 3 bucks and i bet there are hundreds of thrifts that have it for a quarter. oh well =(

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i saw a regular DK loose cart goin for 3 bucks and i bet there are hundreds of thrifts that have it for a quarter. oh well =(


No...not really. I just saw a Pac-Man on eBay for $4, though. :roll: Thrifts seem to be catching on. If/when I see a game at a thrift it's $2 or $3 (I paid $2 for Pele's Soccer).


Admittedly, I've done quite a bit of eBaying and have spent some money (possibly foolishly). I just patiently make a single (usually low) bid and if I'm lucky I get a game for cheap (and if not, I try to get the game later). I also try to get many carts from a single person to save on shipping.


The only time I've found Atari carts in the wild is from two different Goodwill stores (one cart once and a lucky 20-cart find at another store, but a bit steep at $2 each) and the Toys That Time Forgot store in Canal Fulton, OH (where you'll pay a few bucks but they're great for specific fill-ins). I've also hit a flea market in my area where games are pretty reasonably priced ($1-$3).


My official tally now is 195 Atari 2600 games plus 1 "in the mail" (my purchase of Oink!).



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I dunno what he'll send me. I don't agree with all those fancy graphics he uses or patriotic themes in general. I just want Atari games.


He seems like a nice enough fellow and you can't argue with his shipping costs--$1.25. It makes picking up single carts feasible.


I just counted my 2600 collection and I'm at 297 carts. That figure includes label variants (Blues, Texts, Sears, etc.), so my actual game count is probably closer to 200.

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I now have 160 loose carts...and 14 boxed carts. :D


I picked up 10 games at a used game store earlier today.


I posted another topic..."I Got Lucky!" in which I describe what I got.


Check it out and let me know! :D

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Cool, guys! I just got three new homebrews in today, Skeleton+, Miniature Golf and Adventure+!! I haven't had that kind of feeling when you open up a brand new Atari game in about 15 years, you got to love being 9 years old all over again! :D

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im be proud when i get 50, and that shouldnt be to far off. i have like 9 carts coming in the mail right now and i have around 40, i need to count them babys up. i walked all around my town today, and i didnt see a SINGLE garage sale. last week there were like 20 and i didnt go to any of them =( my luck

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As you can tell i am new to the fourms. I just wanted to tell you guys about the great deal that i got at my local flea market a couple weeks ago. A lady had 57 carts for sale @$2 i talked here down to 1 dollar a peice then asked how much for the whole bin she gave them to me for $30. This included some pretty rare games, Including 2 or three 5's i was really geeked and it has started me collecting again :)

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