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WTB: Fairchild Channel F system - FOUND ONE ! THX


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Hey all,


I lost out on one, someone said they would sell me one with a few games and I just could not meet him today. Well he sold it on me (jerk !)


Anyway, I kind of always wanted to check one out and it's a system I have never had. Not looking to spend ebay prices. I do want a system with a few games if possible.


I also have a good collection of dup consoles that I might be willing trade one for the right deal.


Feel free to PM me with what you have and what your looking for...


Thanks !

Edited by TheCoolDave
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Any leads for one ? I really like the look of the model 2..


Just cant see paying $200+ for one of these... I did find one that I could of grabbed for $75 with 3 games but, I could not get to him that day and he sold it... If I knew what people were trying to get for these, I would of left work and drove an hour and 45 min to get that console for $75....

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well, I sold the group I offered you for 200 for 400, so I think the take away with channel f is not to hesitate, also I have a few nice looking channel f model 1 housings, so if you can find a beaten up model 1, I can sell you a replacement housing and bam, nice looking model 1


I saw that you sold it, and I saw that you broke it up to different auctions... You would make more that way anyway, I think you got $130 for your console with a few games... Someone got a good deal and you sold other games too at good money. Awesome.


I really want a model 2 because the audio is not in the console (can a model 1 be modded ?)... I would of jumped on your model 2 but, it had what looked like burns on the right side of it and the controller was broken. The controller I would of worked thought with but, the burns on the top of it, nothing I could of done about that one.


I need a console that looks very good, a few scratches no big deal but, nothing big in damage wise. I have a case of OCD and it would drive me nuts !


Thanks for the idea on the replacement cases you have... It's somethng I will keep in mind if I go that way...


I need to find one of these...

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one other thing to keep in mind is the channel f controllers are just a bunch of switches, even simpler than the 2600, just 8 switches and no pots or anything. If you end up with a unit with bad/no controllers, you can build/have someone build replacements.


It's something I kind of thought about. We are talking mid late 1970's tech. Very basic stuff comparted to anything in the last 20 years. I modded my 2600 for A/V out and the solder points where so big, it would be even hard for a Noob to screw it up, as an example of the tech from that time frame. The tech was not super advanced back then, so most of these things should be fairly easy to fix if you can find the parts.


It's why the controller thing I don't think is big deal but, the cosmetic thing is a huge deal to me. I still plan in setting up a cabinet with 20 classic consoles all wired it in and this is one I want to include in this.


My thread on what I plan in doing if your interested... Still getting stuff together with life and a family so it's taking longer than expected...





Still looking for leads on a fairly nice Model 2 working or not :)

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