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Entombed Question

Atarius Maximus

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I'm really stumped on this one. I plugged this cart in for the first time last night, I always played it via emulation. I must have tried at least 10 times in a row, and single time I play, every passage in the maze is a dead end! It's obvious, because you can see the end of every tunnel on the screen at the same time, and none of them are navigable. Do I have a defective cart or what? :? :ponder: I can provide pictures of my TV with a digital camera later tonight to show this. Weird!

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you have the power to destroy or create blocks in the maze using your fire button. avoid bad guys, get more blocks by getting the moving container of bricks. thats all there is to it really. that and the insane reflex melting speed of later levels. best played in 2 player co-op. tho fun to kill each other as well. (one of my favorite 2 player games of all time.)

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