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No 2600's to be found!


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So much for my wonderment / hope of Atari ever getting back to making games for the 2600. I was sort of hoping that they would see how many people hold that system dear and would like new games. But if they can't even have a search engine on their site work....

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So much for my wonderment / hope of Atari ever getting back to making games for the 2600. I was sort of hoping that they would see how many people hold that system dear and would like new games. But if they can't even have a search engine on their site work....


Ah, we all know that will never happen....there's no money in it for Info-Atari to do it....there's too few of us nostalgic gamers around to make it worth their while....I'm not trying to defend them of course, it's just the way it is. :( :x


With any luck I'll be proved wrong! :wink:

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I know. One can wish though. LOL. Don't you think there would be some small market though ? Look at all of us hanging out at this site. Not a one of us would be unhappy if they got back into the game, if even just a little bit. Maybe another company could start up and release some stuff. I miss the glory days of going into a game store and not being able to decide which game to bring home for the 2600.


I myself am thinking of trying to hire a programmer and release a "homebrew" of a KISS game. I want to see how much it would cost, and if Gene would sue me or not. LOL.


Another piece of history slapped me in the face this morning. My oldest son (age 6 ) wanted to go to EB Games to pick up some Sega Genesis stuff this morning. We drove the 30 miles (one way) to be told that the stores are no longer selling the Genesis games. It's strictly an online thing now.

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Yeah, there is quite a few classic gamers on AA, but despite that, I doubt there's sufficient interest in the general populace....I mean, when I dug out my old 2600 Jr. a while back, my friends were enthusiastic to play, but after about a half hour they're bored and not that interested. The novelty of nostalgia wears off quickly for those who don't have the fire in the belly!! I doubt that any of my friends would actually shell out cash for new 2600 stuff, even though they all once played Atari in grade school like me.....they just ain't hardcore!! ;) :D


I feel the same way about the glory days....I just keep thinkin to myself, man, WHY didn't I buy more games, WHY didn't I keep the boxes and manuals :dunce: ?! You just don't have the benefit of retrospect as a 9 year old kid to realize the importance of the 2600 as a pop-culture classic, I mean, how could you? Shoulda, coulda, woulda!! :sad: :)


But I'm glad we have so many dedicated programmers who are making new games for the 2600, carrying the torch, so to speak! Hats off to you guys! :thumbsup:

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Yeah, there is quite a few classic gamers on AA, but despite that, I doubt there's sufficient interest in the general populace....I mean, when I dug out my old 2600 Jr. a while back, my friends were enthusiastic to play, but after about a half hour they're bored and not that interested. The novelty of nostalgia wears off quickly for those who don't have the fire in the belly!! I doubt that any of my friends would actually shell out cash for new 2600 stuff, even though they all once played Atari in grade school like me.....they just ain't hardcore!! ;)  :D  


I feel the same way about the glory days....I just keep thinkin to myself, man, WHY didn't I buy more games, WHY didn't I keep the boxes and manuals :dunce: ?! You just don't have the benefit of retrospect as a 9 year old kid to realize the importance of the 2600 as a pop-culture classic, I mean, how could you? Shoulda, coulda, woulda!!  :sad:  :)


But I'm glad we have so many dedicated programmers who are making new games for the 2600, carrying the torch, so to speak! Hats off to you guys!  :thumbsup:


You are probably right. I wish I had disposable income to do it just because I wanted to. I would love to see what the public reaction / response would be. In the end, I would just be catering to the diehards like us.


I know exactly what you mean. I didn't want to get rid of my original system and games. When I got married and moved out my parents house, I left it in storage and thought it was safe until I could get it. Nope. My Dad decided to clean the basement and threw the damn thing out. I could have killed him. I have two sons, ages 6 and 3, and I have the presence of mind to keep things around as opposed to throwing them out.


Hear, hear. I raise my glass to the programmers as well.

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wow, the EB around here hasnt sold gen. games ever to my knowladge. they barely sell regular game boy games anymore. funcoland is the only place left. man i wish there was a strictly 2600 store  :(


I am going to have to check out Funcoland. I forgot all about that place. I know what you mean. I remember this one store by me that had the consoles going all around the store. Each one had a different cart in it. You could stay there all day and play without buying a thing and the guy could have care less. Ah, the good old days....

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I know exactly what you mean. I didn't want to get rid of my original system and games. When I got married and moved out my parents house, I left it in storage and thought it was safe until I could get it. Nope. My Dad decided to clean the basement and threw the damn thing out. I could have killed him. I have two sons, ages 6 and 3, and I have the presence of mind to keep things around as opposed to throwing them out.


Hear, hear. I raise my glass to the programmers as well.


Man! That sucks about your Atari! The same thing almost happened to me...my parents basement flooded after their basement sink backed up, and everything was soaked in a foot of water. A large metal trunk withstood the water, and when Dad was cleaning it out, he found my old 6-switch 2600 which survived! I was lucky, because had it been in any other container it would have been soaked beyond repair....to think my first 1979 Atari came that close to buying it! :sad: :)


It's safely stored on my bookshelf in my apartment now....four feet above the floor! ;) :D

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Man! That sucks about your Atari! The same thing almost happened to me...my parents basement flooded after their basement sink backed up' date=' and everything was soaked in a foot of water. A large metal trunk withstood the water, and when Dad was cleaning it out, he found my old 6-switch 2600 which survived! I was lucky, because had it been in any other container it would have been soaked beyond repair....to think my first 1979 Atari came that close to buying it! :sad: :)


It's safely stored on my bookshelf in my apartment now....four feet above the floor! ;) :D[/quote']


Tell me about it. Now I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to recapture what was lost. LOL. You are so lucky your unit didn't drown. I had a Sega Genesis that had that fate. :(

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wow iv had many things happen to many systems. il start with the intellivison. i had found one at a garage sale when i was like 8 so i broke open the piggy bank and payed for the system, 2 controllers and the only game that came with it. i dont remeber what it was called right now. but anyways i had if for about 3 months and i loved the game dearly. one day i got a NES so i boxed up the int. then my mom threw it out. the NES was a growing collection over about a 4 year period. i got a SNES and the NES went into a trash bag, cheap storage. that got thrown out by someone, when we were cleaning the house, they thought it was trash. my SNES and about 20 games just disapeared one day. my genesis i sold to funcoland for some strange reason. plus random things happend to my previous atari consoles. i have all of my consoles sence then and i am NOT going to get rid of them EVER. =P

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I know. One can wish though. LOL. Don't you think there would be some small market though ? Look at all of us hanging out at this site. Not a one of us would be unhappy if they got back into the game, if even just a little bit. Maybe another company could start up and release some stuff. I miss the glory days of going into a game store and not being able to decide which game to bring home for the 2600.


*cough cough* Atari Age Store *cough cough*


I recommend Marble Craze, Gunfight, Thrust+, QB, SCCIcide, Euchre. . .


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wow iv had many things happen to many systems. il start with the intellivison. i had found one at a garage sale when i was like 8 so i broke open the piggy bank and payed for the system, 2 controllers and the only game that came with it. i dont remeber what it was called right now. but anyways i had if for about 3 months and i loved the game dearly. one day i got a NES so i boxed up the int. then my mom threw it out. the NES was a growing collection over about a 4 year period. i got a SNES and the NES went into a trash bag, cheap storage. that got thrown out by someone, when we were cleaning the house, they thought it was trash. my SNES and about 20 games just disapeared one day. my genesis i sold to funcoland for some strange reason. plus random things happend to my previous atari consoles. i have all of my consoles sence then and i am NOT going to get rid of them EVER. =P


I have been treating my Genesis like it was made of gold. And now that I have a 2600 again, that too will be pampered. It's funny because my PSX with the mod-chip in it is now treated like the wicked step-mother. LOL.

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wow iv had many things happen to many systems. il start with the intellivison. i had found one at a garage sale when i was like 8 so i broke open the piggy bank and payed for the system, 2 controllers and the only game that came with it. i dont remeber what it was called right now. but anyways i had if for about 3 months and i loved the game dearly. one day i got a NES so i boxed up the int. then my mom threw it out. the NES was a growing collection over about a 4 year period. i got a SNES and the NES went into a trash bag, cheap storage. that got thrown out by someone, when we were cleaning the house, they thought it was trash. my SNES and about 20 games just disapeared one day. my genesis i sold to funcoland for some strange reason. plus random things happend to my previous atari consoles. i have all of my consoles sence then and i am NOT going to get rid of them EVER. =P


I have been treating my Genesis like it was made of gold. And now that I have a 2600 again, that too will be pampered. It's funny because my PSX with the mod-chip in it is now treated like the wicked step-mother. LOL.


And my well-worn Vectrex is now being treated like platinum. Of course, when I was a kid it was treated like everything else, which means it fell off of a table once. Still worked afterwards, fortunately.


My VCSes and 5200s are treated with similar care and dignity.


I baby just about all my stuff, actually. VCS to DreamCast.




Except my GameBoy. It gets treated pretty poorly. Not harsh enough to break it, though.

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My 2600 recently blew its original power supply... easy fix, but I'm still a little sad(?). My 2600 is also the same 2600 that served for years upon years of tireless service in the field of keeping grandkids occupied before and after holiday meals. If it ever fully dies, I'll bronze it or something, or sneak into Arlington and give it a hero's burial.

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And my well-worn Vectrex is now being treated like platinum. Of course, when I was a kid it was treated like everything else, which means it fell off of a table once. Still worked afterwards, fortunately.


My VCSes and 5200s are treated with similar care and dignity.


I baby just about all my stuff, actually. VCS to DreamCast.




Except my GameBoy. It gets treated pretty poorly. Not harsh enough to break it, though.


Ah, Vectrex. I remember that well. I am really starting to miss my Odyssey2 now.

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